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Copyright &
Fair Use
1.Define copyright.
2. Explain how authorised use of copyright
material can be obtained.

Kenolla Kerr
What is Copyright?

Copyright is a federal law that gives creators of media

the exclusive rights to copy, distribute, and mash up the
things they create for a limited time. However, since
society needs to benefit from new ideas and information,
copyright protection is limited. Copyright protects only
the form in which ideas and information are expressed.
Copyrights expire after a certain time period. And the
law allows certain limited uses of copyrighted material
by others, without the creator's permission. The most
important such use is "fair use," which is explained in the
next slide.
Authorised Use of
Copyrighted Material.

Fair use is the right to use a copyrighted work under certain conditions without
permission of the copyright owner. It allows one to use and build upon prior works in a
manner that does not unfairly deprive prior copyright owners of the right to control and
benefit from their works. To determine whether a given use is fair use, one must
consider the following four factors:

 Purpose and character of your use

 Nature of the copyrighted work
 amount and substantiality of the portion taken
 effect of the use upon the potential market
2.Digital Rights
1.Explain in detail what DRM is.
2. State whether a given scenario is wrong/
What is Digital Rights
Digital rights management
(DRM) is the use of technology
to control and manage access
to copyrighted material. DRM
is the reason why so you can
only buy your apps from
Apple. . DRM is the reason
why that eBook you bought on
a Kindle won’t play on a
different e-reader. And the list
goes on.
Consider this scenario.
Stripping DRM restrictions from downloaded media to make an
unprotected copy.
DRM removal is perfectly legal only if done for personal usage. But if you are going to
share the media on social platforms or even slightly thinking of using it commercially
after DRM removal, then that is definitely prohibited and you might invite trouble
doing so.
This is the end
of my

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