Principles of Stewardship

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Principle # 1 –
Everything Belongs to GOD 

    1) Psalm 24:1 
    2) Haggai 2:8 
    3) Exodus19:5                                
Principle # 2 –
Stewardship is the management
of the affairs of another. 
Genesis 39:1- 6 
Joseph and Potiphar, an officer of
Pharaoh, captain of the guard.
According to verse 4, what was Joseph
made? - Overseer 
Principle # 3 –
Every Christian is a steward.  -
Matthew 25: 14 – 15 

The LORD entrusted His wealth to

Principle # 4
It is required of stewards that
they be found faithful.-
1 Corinthians 4:1 – 2 
 Strictor thorough in the
performance of duty; true to
one's word, promises, vows, etc.;
steady in allegiance or affection;
loyal constant; reliable, trusted,
or believed.) 
Are you
a good
of God?

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