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Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Introduction
• cPanel is a Linux-based web hosting control panel.
• cPanel has been written in Perl
• It was first released in March 21, 1996
• It can only be installed in Linux servers,
• It supports CentOS, RHEL and CloudLinux operating

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
What is cPanel?
 cPanel is an online Linux-based graphical interface (GUI)
used as a control panel to simplify website and server
 Backend administration of web-based content
 User friendly interface web site management
 cPanel allows you to publish websites, manage domains,
organize web files, create email accounts, and more.

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Why cPanel
• cPanel is packed with many features that is not provided
by other web hosting management panels.
• It is graphical, hence, non–technical users can also use it
• cPanel is very easy to use and configure. It automatically
adjusts all the advanced setting for web hosting.
• A user hardly needs to go to the command line to
configure any settings, as it already has all the features

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Advantages of cPanel
• It is very easy to host a website using cPanel.
• It is multiannual and available in many languages.
• It is responsive and adapts to any screen size, it can be
used efficiently in mobile and Tablet too.
• cPanel has in–built File Manager, which helps in
managing your files without the hassles of an FTP.
• cPanel has integrated webmail software, which helps in
sending and receiving emails through online webmail

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Advantages of cPanel (Contd)
• You can easily create a backup of your website in a few
steps. This will help you to restore your backup, if your
website encounters any error.
• You can easily manage your website databases, as
cPanel has integrated phpMyAdmin, which helps to
directly manage databases.

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Last Modified November 2011
Disadvantages of cPanel

• cPanel is a commercial software and you

need to pay to get this.
• cPanel is meant for small and medium
websites only. Creating a large website using
cPanel is not recommended.

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Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Pricing

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Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Licenses

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Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Users
cPanel hosting has three types of user levels.

• Server Administrator
• Reseller Accounts
• User Account

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Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Users (Contd)

Server Administrator:
• This user is the root user of a cPanel Linux Server and
has all the permission over the server.
• Server Admin can create, modify or delete any account
from the cPanel Server.
• The Server Admin has access to cPanel WHM (Web Host
Manger), which can be understood as the backend of

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Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Users (Contd)
Reseller Accounts:
• This user is created by the server administrator and server
administrator can choose which type of permissions should be given
to reseller accounts.
• A Reseller account can further create user accounts and has access
to all those accounts, which they have created.
• One reseller account does not have access to the user accounts that
were created by another reseller accounts.
• They also have access to WHM with limited permissions.

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Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Users (Contd)

User Account:
• These are normal user accounts, each user who
subscribes for a web hosting from a company, is given
this type of account.
• They do not have access to Web Host Manager.
• User account can host single or multiple websites
according to their plans they have purchased from web
hosting provider.

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Last Modified November 2011
Live Session
•Installing cPanel on your server
•Accessing WHM and cPanel

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Last Modified November 2011
Installing cPanel

• Check System Requirements first

• Valid Hostname
• Disable SELinux
• Disable Network Manager

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Last Modified November 2011
Installing cPanel (Contd)

To install cPanel, run the following command:

cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
How to access WHM?
To access WHM, enter one of the following URLs:

• — Access WHM over an encrypted connection

with your IP address.

• — Access over an encrypted connection with

your domain name.

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Access WHM:

To log in with your WHM account, perform the following steps:

• Enter your WHM username in the Username text box.

• Enter your password in the Password text box.
• Click Log in.

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
How to access cPanel?

To access cPanel, enter one of the following URLs:

• — Access cPanel over an encrypted

connection with your IP address.
• — Access cPanel over an encrypted
connection with your domain name.

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Access cPanel
To log in with your cPanel account, perform the following steps:

• Enter your cPanel username in the Username text box.

• Enter your password in the Password text box.
• Click Log in.

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Important Tools
• Files
• Domains
• Software
• Databases
• Emails
• Security
• Preferences

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Last Modified November 2011
• File Manager:
cPanel organizes all the files in your account into folders. Use the File Manager interface to
manage and edit your files.

• Disk Usage:
This interface displays information about your files, your directories, and how you use your
account's disk space.

• Backup:
This interface allows you to download and store your site in a backup file.

• File and Directory Restoration:

The File and Directory Restoration interface allows you to restore items from local backup

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Files (Contd)
• FTP Accounts:
You can use this interface to create and manage your website's File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) accounts.

• Directory Privacy
This interface allows you to protect specific directories in your cPanel account’s files. After
you enable this feature for a directory, when users attempt to view that directory via a
website, the system prompts them to log in.

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Last Modified November 2011
• Addon Domains:
Addon domains allow you to control multiple domains from a single account.

• Aliases:
Domain aliases are domains that you own, but which do not contain any content. Instead,
they point to the contents of another domain or subdomain on your account.

• Subdomains:
This interface allows you to create and manage subdomains for your cPanel account.

• Redirects:
This interface allows you to send all of the visitors of a domain or particular page to a
different URL.

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
• Application Manager
This interface allows you to deploy applications with the Phusion Passenger®
application server.

• MultiPHP INI Editor for cPanel

This interface allows you to configure your PHP settings.

• MultiPHP Manager for cPanel

cPanel's MultiPHP Manager interface allows you to easily manage your account's PHP

• Optimize Website
This interface allows you to configure your server to automatically compress specified
types of content when visitors access that content.

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Last Modified November 2011
• MySQL Database Wizard
This wizard guides you through the setup of a MySQL® database, user accounts, and user privileges.

• MySQL® Databases
Use this interface to create, manage, and delete MySQL databases and database users.

• phpMyAdmin
Use this interface to manipulate MySQL® databases.

• Remote MySQL
This feature allows remote hosts (servers) to access MySQL® databases on your account.

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Last Modified November 2011
• Email Accounts
This interface lets you to add, manage, and delete email accounts.

• Forwarders:
This interface allows you configure an email address to forward copies of incoming emails to another

• Email Routing:
This interface allows you to configure how the system routes a domain's incoming mail.

• Autoresponders:
This feature allows you to configure automatic email response messages.

• Mailing Lists
Mailing lists allow you to use a single address to send mail to multiple email addresses.
Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only
Last Modified November 2011
Email (Contd)
• Track Delivery:
This interface displays reports about email message delivery attempts from your account.

• Email Filters:
This interface allows you to filter the email for each email account in your domain.

• Email Deliverability in cPanel:

Use this interface to identify problems with your mail-related DNS records for one or more of your domains.

• Spam Filters:
This interface allows you to configure the spam filter settings (powered by Apache SpamAssassin™) for your

• Email Disk Usage:

This interface allows you to view all of your mailboxes and remove old or large messages.

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
• Hotlink Protection:
A hotlink occurs when someone embeds content from your site in another site and uses
your bandwidth to serve the files. You can use this interface to prevent this issue.

• IP Blocker:
The IP Blocker interface allows you to block access to your site for one or more IP
addresses or fully qualified domain names (FQDNs).

• Leech Protection:
The Leech Protection interface allows you to detect unusual levels of activity in password-
restricted directories.

• ModSecurity:
This interface allows you to enable or disable ModSecurity for your domains.

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Security (Contd)
• SSH Access:
This interface provides information about how to connect to another web server via the SSH (secure
shell) network protocol.

The features in this interface allow you to generate and manage SSL certificates, signing requests, and
keys, which enhance your website's security.

• SSL/TLS Status:
This interface lets you view, upgrade, or renew your domains' Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates.

• SSL/TLS Wizard:
This interface allows you to easily purchase and install SSL certificates for domains on your account.

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
• Password & Security:
This interface allows you to update your account's password.

• Account Preferences:
Use this interface to change your account settings.

• Change Language:
You can choose to view the cPanel interface in many different languages.

• Change Style:
Use this interface to choose a style in order to customize the cPanel interface's appearance.

• Contact Information:
Use this interface to store contact information for your cPanel account and to set your contact
Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only
Last Modified November 2011
cPanel & WHM Log Files

This file contains the domain access logs

This file contains the error logs for Apache.


Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
cPanel & WHM Log Files (Contd)

This file contains information about the cPanel account’s MySQL databases and errors
in MySQL 5.7 and later and MariaDB 10.3 and later.
• /var/log/mysqld.log

This file contains information about the cPanel account’s MySQL databases and errors
in MySQL 5.6 and earlier and MariaDB 10.2 and earlier.

• /var/lib/mysql/HOSTNAME.err

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
cPanel & WHM Log Files (Contd)

Memory/CPU usage:
This file contains information about the processes that consume the most CPU and memory.
• /var/log/dcpumon/YYYY/MMM/DD

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
cPanel & WHM Log Files (Contd)

Mail Logs:
This file contains Exim’s mail receipt and delivery logs for the cPanel account’s domains.
• /var/log/exim_mainlog

This file contains IMAP and POP3 login attempts and other mail logs
• /var/log/maillog

This file contains a log of messages that the system rejected due to ACLs.
• /var/log/exim_rejectlog

This file contains Exim’s severe error logs.

• /var/log/exim_paniclog

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Last Modified November 2011
cPanel & WHM Log Files (Contd)
This directory contains the cPanel backup log files.
• /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup

This directory contains the cPanel Backup Transporter’s log files.

• /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup_transporter

This directory contains the EasyApache build log files.

• /usr/local/cpanel/logs/easy/apache

This directory contains each account’s bandwidth usage logs.

• /var/cpanel/bandwidth/username

This directory contains account transfer log files and other, miscellaneous log files.
• /var/cpanel/logs

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
cPanel & WHM Log Files (Contd)
This directory contains the system’s update log files.
• /var/cpanel/updatelogs

This directory contains the account’s MySQL upgrade logs.

• /var/cpanel/logs/mysql_upgrade.log

This directory contains records of errors within a user’s task queue.

• /home/username/.cpanel/logs

This file contains records of when a cPanel & WHM user accesses their account.
• /usr/local/cpanel/logs/access_log

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
cPanel & WHM Log Files (Contd)
This file contains general cPanel & WHM errors
• /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log

This file contains the server’s license update logs and license errors.
• /usr/local/cpanel/logs/license_log

This file contains the login attempts to the cpsrvd daemon.

• /usr/local/cpanel/logs/login_log

This file contains PHP-FPM implementation errors.

• /usr/local/cpanel/logs/php-fpm/error.log

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
cPanel & WHM Log Files (Contd)
This file contains the user’s error logs.
• /var/cpanel/php-fpm/USER/logs/error.log

This file contains records of cPanel account actions, such as creation and deletion.
• /var/cpanel/accounting.log

This file contains the login attempts and general error messages for the services like FTP,
named, SSH etc
• /var/log/messages

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Last Modified November 2011
Common configuration files

Config file location Description

/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf Apache configuration file
/etc/exim.conf Exim Mail Server configuration file
/etc/named.conf Name server (named) configuration file
/etc/proftpd.conf proftpd server configuration file
/etc/pure-ftpd.conf pure-ftpd server configuration file
/var/cpanel/cpanel.config cpanel configuration file (Tweak Settings)
/etc/resolv.conf Networking Setup, Resolver Configuration
/etc/wwwacct.conf account creation defaults file in WHM (Basic
cPanel/WHM Setup)
/etc/cpupdate.conf cPanel Update Config (upcp)
/etc/cpbackup.conf Backup Configuration

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Common configuration files (Contd)
Config file location Description
/usr/local/lib/php.ini php configuration file
/etc/my.cnf mysql configuration file
/etc/dovecot.conf dovecot configuration file
/etc/valiases/domainname catchall and forwarders are set here

/etc/vfilters/domainname email filters are set here

/etc/userdomains all domains are listed here - addons, parked,subdomains along with their

/etc/trueuserdomains Lists all the primary domain.

/etc/localdomains exim related file - all domains should be listed here to be able to send

/var/cpanel/users/username cpanel user file

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Common configuration files (Contd)
Config file location Description
/etc/ssh/sshd_config ssh configuration file
/etc/sysconfig/network Networking Setup

/etc/ips ip addresses on the server (except the shared ip) (IP Functions--
>Show IP Address Usage )

/etc/ipaddrpool ip addresses which are free

/var/cpanel/resellers resellers are listed here
/var/cpanel/packages hosting packages are listed here

/var/cpanel/root.accts root owned domains are listed here

/var/cpanel/suspended suspended accounts are listed here

/var/cpanel/users/ cpanel user file – theme, bwlimit, addon, parked, sub-domains all
are listed in this files

/var/cpanel/zonetemplates/ dns zone template files are taken from here

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Scripts
Command Description
/scripts/upcp To upgrade cPanel version

/scripts/killacct username To terminate a cPanel account.

/scripts/suspendacct username To suspend an account.

/scripts/unsuspendacct To unsuspend an account.


/scripts/restartsrv_httpd To restart Apache service

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Scripts (Contd)

Command Description
/scripts/restartsrv_mysql To restart Mysql service
/scripts/restartsrv_$servicename restart script for services

/scripts/updateuserdomains updates /etc/userdomains entries from /var/cpanel/users

To rebuild Apache’s main configuration file
/scripts/mailperm fixes permission problems with mail directories

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Backup Scripts

/scripts/pkgacct username
This will create a cpmove archive for an cPanel account. After you create the
archive, you can then restore the account on any cPanel & WHM servers.

To run the backup process manually from the command line.

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Restore Scripts

•/scripts/restorepkg username
This script will restore a cPanel account from a backup file.

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Last Modified November 2011
cPanel Account Migration

• /scripts/pkgacct username
• Migrate the backup file to new server
• Login new server
• Restore the cPanel account using the
• /scripts/restorepkg username

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011
Thank You!

Armia Systems, Inc Internal Use Only

Last Modified November 2011

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