Server Technologies and Management Services Associated With Hosting

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Server Technologies And Management

 A website is a collection of publicly accessible, interlinked Web pages
that share a single domain name. Websites can be created and
maintained by an individual, group, business or organization to serve a
variety of purposes.
Website Development
 FrontEnd
 Back End
 Front-End Roadmap
SQL communication with database
What is HTTP?
HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
WWW is about communication between web clients and servers
Communication between client computers and web servers is done
by sending HTTP Requests and receiving HTTP Responses

World Wide Web Communication

The World Wide Web is about communication between web clients and web servers.
Clients are often browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari), but they can be any type of
program or device.
Servers are most often computers in the cloud.
HTTP Request / Response
Communication between clients and servers is done by requests and responses:
1. A client (a browser) sends an HTTP request to the web
2. A web server receives the request
3. The server runs an application to process the request
4. The server returns an HTTP response (output) to the browser
5. The client (the browser) receives the response

The HTTP Request Circle

A typical HTTP request / response circle:
1. The browser requests an HTML page. The server returns an HTML file.
2. The browser requests a style sheet. The server returns a CSS file.
3. The browser requests an JPG image. The server returns a JPG file.
4. The browser requests JavaScript code. The server returns a JS file
5. The browser requests data. The server returns data (in XML or JSON).
XHR - XML Http Request
 All browsers have a built-in XML HttpRequest Object (XHR).
 XHR is a JavaScript object that is used to transfer data between a web browser and a web server.
 XHR is often used to request and receive data for the purpose of modifying a web page.
 Despite the XML and Http in the name, XHR is used with other protocols than HTTP, and the data can be of
many different types like HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, and plain text.
 The XHR Object is a Web Developers Dream, because you can:
 Update a web page without reloading the page
 Request data from a server - after the page has loaded
 Receive data from a server - after the page has loaded
 Send data to a server - in the background
The XHR Object is the underlying concept of AJAX and JSON:
DNS(Domain Name System)
 The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Internet. Humans
access information online through domain names, like or
Web browsers interact through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates
domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources.
 Each device connected to the Internet has a unique IP address which other
machines use to find the device. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to
memorize IP addresses such as (in IPv4), or more complex newer
alphanumeric IP addresses such as 2400:cb00:2048:1::c629:d7a2 (in IPv6).
How does DNS work?
 The process of DNS resolution involves converting a hostname (such as into a
computer-friendly IP address (such as An IP address is given to each device on the
Internet, and that address is necessary to find the appropriate Internet device - like a street address is
used to find a particular home. When a user wants to load a webpage, a translation must occur between
what a user types into their web browser ( and the machine-friendly address necessary to
locate the webpage.
 In order to understand the process behind the DNS resolution, it’s important to learn about the different
hardware components a DNS query must pass between. For the web browser, the DNS lookup occurs
"behind the scenes" and requires no interaction from the user’s computer apart from the initial request.
Types of DNS
 There are three main kinds of DNS Servers —
 primary servers,
 secondary servers, and
 caching servers.
 Primary Server
The primary server is the authoritative server for the zone. All administrative tasks associated with the
zone (such as creating subdomains within the zone, or other similar administrative tasks) must be performed
on the primary server. In addition, any changes associated with the zone or any modifications or additions to
RRs in the zone files must be made on the primary server. For any given zone, there is one primary server,
except when you integrate Active Directory services and Microsoft DNS Server.
 Secondary Servers
Secondary servers are backup DNS Servers. Secondary servers receive all of their zone files from the
primary server zone files in a zone transfer. Multiple secondary servers can exist for any given zone — as
many as necessary to provide load balancing, fault tolerance, and traffic reduction. Additionally, any given
DNS Server can be a secondary server for multiple zones.
In addition to primary and secondary DNS Servers, additional DNS Server roles can be used when such
servers are appropriate for a DNS infrastructure. These additional servers are caching servers and forwarders.
 Caching Servers
Caching Servers, also known as caching-only servers, perform as their name suggests; they provide only
cached-query service for DNS responses. Rather than maintaining zone files like other secondary servers do,
caching DNS Servers perform queries, cache the answers, and return the results to the querying client. The
primary difference between caching servers and other secondary servers is that other secondary servers
maintain zone files (and do zone transfers when appropriate, thereby generating network traffic associated
with the transfer), caching servers do not.
Domain Name Registration Process
 In order to reserve a domain name in a gTLD(Generic top-level domain), a domain name registrant must register it with
an ICANN-accredited registrar. The registrar will check if the domain name is available for registration and create a
WHOIS record with the domain name registrant's information. It is also possible to register domain names through a
registrar's resellers.
 The diagram below illustrates the main functions of the parties that are usually involved in the process.
 A domain name registrant is the person or organization who has registered the domain name. In order to
do so, the domain name registrant will usually apply online to a domain registrar or one of their resellers.
The domain name registrant is bound by the terms and conditions of the registrar with which it registers its
domain name, for instance adhering to a certain code of conduct or indemnifying the registrar and registry
against any legal or civil action taken as a result of use of the domain name. Domain name registrants have
certain responsibilities that are incorporated into these terms and conditions like payment of registration
fees and submission and timely update of accurate data.
 In addition to registering the domain name, domain name registrants also need to have their domain names
listed on name servers in order for that domain name to be reachable on the Internet. A domain name
registrant is responsible for procuring or hosting his or her own name server if the registrar does not offer
this service or he or she has opted out of the registrar's service.
 In some cases, a person or organization who does not wish to have their information listed in WHOIS may
contract with a proxy service provider to register domain names on their behalf. In this case, the service
provider is the domain name registrant, not the end customer.
 Registrars are organizations accredited by ICANN and certified by the registries to sell domain names. They are bound by
the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) with ICANN, and by their agreements with the registries. The RAA sets out
responsibilities for the registrar including maintenance of WHOIS data, submission of data to registries, facilitating public
WHOIS queries, ensuring domain name registrants details are escrowed, and complying with RAA conditions relating to the
conclusion of the domain name registration period.
 Some domain name registrants may opt to register through a reseller. These organizations are affiliated or under contract
with registrars, and usually offer other services such as web hosting, email mailboxes etc. Resellers are bound by their
agreements with the registrar(s) whose services they sell; they are not accredited by ICANN. However, the registrar for whom
they are re-selling will still be the sponsor for the domain name registration and accountable for the domain names sold by
the reseller.
 While registrars are contracted to conduct the day-to-day business of selling domain name registrations, registries are
responsible for maintaining the registry for each TLD. The responsibilities of the registries include accepting registration
requests (whether from registrars or directly from domain name registrants), maintaining a database of the necessary domain
name registration data and providing name servers to publish the zone file data (i.e. information about the location of a
domain name) throughout the Internet.
 The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the non-profit organization that oversees the
assignment of both IP addresses and domain names. It has responsibility for managing root server and TLD name system
management and has contractual agreements with both registries and registrars that provide the foundation for the WHOIS
Registering to

 YouTube link for free web hosting :
Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
 In today’s world, we turn to Google to find
the answers to pretty much all of our
questions. So it’s no wonder that business
and website owners everywhere do what
they can to make their information findable
on Google. Which is exactly what SEO is
—the practice of optimizing your content
to appear higher within search results.

 The first step in accomplishing great SEO

is creating a website on a platform that
facilitates easy customization and content
updates, and provides the tools you need to
optimize your site elements.
What is SEO?
 SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing websites so that
they rank well on search engines through organic (non paid) searches. This is one
of the most crucial marketing strategies for any business.
 Because Google aims to provide a positive user experience for its searchers, it
wants to present the best possible information available. Therefore the focus of
SEO efforts should be the process of making sure search engines recognize your
content as the leading information on the web for a particular search query.
How does SEO work?
 Search engines use robots that crawl webpages across the internet in order to determine what content
they contain and, in turn, what the pages are about. These bots scan the code, picking up the written text,
images, videos and more that appear on webpages to gather all information possible. Once they’ve
gathered enough intel about the type of information available on each page and determined that this
content will be useful to their searchers, they add these pages to their index. The index is essentially all
possible web results that a search engine stores to provide to a potential searcher.
 Search engines assess what the best result is based on what searchers are looking for, as well as what
other information already exists online. When someone searches, their algorithm matches the user’s
search query to the relevant information in their index, providing searchers with an accurate answer to
their query. The platforms then use hundreds of signals to determine the order in which the content will
appear for each searcher. These signals are what SEO experts try to master.
 It’s important to note that Google does not release specifics about their algorithm or process, so it’s
impossible to know exactly what factors impact indexing and rankings. SEO, therefore, isn’t a perfect
science and even when it seems that all optimizations have been implemented, it often requires patience
and continual tweaking to see results.
On-page vs. off-page SEO
 Since there’s no way to know exactly what influences search engine rankings the most, experts
recommend that your SEO strategy contain a variety of tactics. Those tactics can largely be broken
down into two categories: on-page and off-page SEO.
 On-page SEO refers to the strategies that you implement on your webpages themselves, including
everything from the design and written content, to your metadata, alt text and more. Off-page SEO
refers to the steps you take outside of your pages. This includes elements like external links, social
posts and other website promotion methods.
 Both on-page and off-page SEO are essential in driving traffic to your site and in ultimately signaling
to Google that your site is a significant player on the internet. By letting Google know that your pages
are important and that people are interested in learning about what you have to offer, you can help
your pages rank higher and gain more traffic.
How to implement SEO
 The first step in implementing SEO best practices is creating an outstanding website. Make sure that your
website is easily navigable, provides a great user experience and clearly presents the information you want to
convey. This ensures that you’re on the right track to providing an excellent answer to searchers’ queries.
 However, SEO is much more than just a great website. Here are some practical steps you can take to get
started with SEO:
1. Make an SEO plan
2. Do keyword research
3. Optimize page speed
4. Write your title tags and meta descriptions
5. Implement alt text
6. Create internal links
7. Work on external links
8. Check that your site is mobile friendly
9. Analyze results
01. Make an SEO plan
 Search engine optimization requires work and consistency, making it essential that you have a
plan in mind before diving into the specifics. Be sure to think about your SEO strategy in line
with your larger goals, so that you can understand whether your efforts were successful. For
example, if you’re an online store looking to utilize SEO in order to bring more traffic and
make more sales, your SEO plan might look different than if you want to raise brand
awareness or get more foot traffic to your brick and mortar store. Be sure to have these goals
in mind ahead of time and to optimize your site accordingly.
 Specifically, think about details like your site’s URL, as well as larger aspects like if you'll
have a dedicated employee for SEO, or if you plan to optimize your site alone. Also, be sure
to plan from the get-go how and when you'll take stock of your pages’ SEO performance and
optimize. Consider how you will check your rankings and what you consider a success.
 If you’re unsure what the best route is for various optimizations, consider trying one option
and storing the others in a list for potential future use. Take note that SEO success takes time,
so be sure to be patient.
02. Do keyword research
 Arguably one of the most important parts of understanding and implementing SEO is
doing keyword research. Keyword research is the process of finding the most relevant words to use on
your webpages. By doing some investigating, and using professional keyword research tools, you can
understand how people around the world tend to search for things related to your product or service.
 Keyword research helps you understand what phrases are most searched for and therefore guides you in
the creation of pages that can be optimized for those queries. Choosing to use the right words on your
webpages can make a huge difference when it comes to how much traffic your site gets.
 We suggest thinking of a number of topics that are related to your brand and using these as driving
forces in your keyword research and content creation. In recent years, Google has gotten better at
understanding that beyond the specific words that pages can be optimized for, there are overarching
topics that pages can provide an answer for. Instead of searching for just one keyword upon which to
base your SEO strategy, consider the general group of keywords that your page could rank for based on
the given topic. You can still choose a top keyword to use in your page title or URL, but think about
your pages as providing complete answers to the topic, rather than focusing solely on that one keyword.
02. Do keyword research
 So, let’s say your name is Jenny and you sell flowers. You may think the best route is to optimize your
homepage for the keyword “flower shop.” While this may be a fruitful choice, it shouldn’t be the only
word that you focus on. Instead, think of the various topics that you specialize in and that someone
searching to buy flowers will want to know. Consider subjects like flower delivery, flower freshness or
types of flowers. Including information about these topics will ultimately make your site a better
resource for someone who wants to buy flowers. By providing a better user experience, you are also
signaling to Google that your pages are strong contenders for anyone searching for a complete flower
 But keyword research does not end there. Continuing with the flower shop example, you may notice
that the search results page for “flower shop” is dominated by big name brands that your small store
can’t compete with. In this case, you might want to focus on your geographical location (local SEO) or
a niche that you specialize in. Including this information on your webpages will let Google know that
you are a strong option when people are searching for something that you specifically provide.
03. Optimize page speed
 One of the factors that Google takes into consideration is page speed or loading times. How fast your website
loads is an important element of user experience. A slow website will turn users away from your site before they
even see what it has to offer. It’s therefore essential that you pay close attention to this and make sure to
optimize your website speed.
 Page speed can be broken down into three main categories that are often referred to as core web vitals. These are:
 Largest Content ful Paint (LCP): The time from a click on a URL until a user can view the most prominent content on a
 First Input Delay (FID): The time between a URL click and when someone can interact with your site elements. In other
words, when a user can click on something on your page.
 Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): How stable your site elements are while your page loads. This number is ideal when it
is low—indicating that as your page loads, the elements are more or less in the place they will be once your page is fully
 Together, these elements make up what Google considers important when it comes to loading times. Some of the
easiest ways to ensure that your site loads quickly include not overloading it with media or features, optimizing
image sizes and sticking to one or two fonts throughout. These will make your site look cleaner and feel more
professional, as well as keep your loading time down
04. Write Your Title Tags And Meta
 Metadata refers to the information that you provide Google to describe what your webpage contains. Important aspects
of metadata include title tags and meta descriptions. When you conduct a search on a search engine, each result is
presented with a headline and description letting you know what kind of content you’ll find on the page. Providing
Google with that information will help both searchers and Google understand the most important parts of your pages.
 Many SEO experts consider your meta titles, or title tags, and meta descriptions to be some of the strongest SEO signals
that you can send Google. It is therefore critical that you try to include your most important keywords in your title tag.
 Title tags and meta descriptions also have an underlying SEO advantage. They give you control over the text that
searchers see when they first encounter your website. Including enticing text that clearly answers the searcher’s query
can lead to more clicks to your website. The more people that click on your site, the more Google notices that it is a
good match for their searches and the higher they might rank you.
 It is essential to note, however, that Google does not commit to using the metadata that you provide. They can choose to
change your headlines or descriptions as they see fit. In fact, in recent months it seems as though Google is moving
increasingly towards a model of not using provided title tags and meta descriptions. That said, the titles and descriptions
that you write for your page still have the potential of being used on SERPs (search engine result pages) and are
worthwhile to optimize.
05. Implement Alt Text
 Alt text, or alternative text, is the small description that you give to the images on your site. It is embedded into your
site’s HTML and is an important SEO asset. Bots that crawl webpages can quickly read alt text to understand what an
image contains.
 Alt text is also an important accessibility feature, helping blind web browsers get the full picture of your pages, even
without seeing them. Tools that read webpages aloud can read alt text to help explain what images contain to those
who cannot see them.
 This alternative text also makes your images more likely to appear on Google searches, both in the Google images
section, but also increasingly at the top of regular search result pages. Images are becoming more and more standard
across Google searches, and the better your alt text, the more likely that your image will rank. Of course, if your site is
getting exposure both from ranking for images as well as content, you are likely to gain more traffic. Google also
perceives webpages that utilize alt text to be more optimized in general. This can help your site appear better in the
eyes of search engines.
 An important thing to consider is exactly how to write alt text. When you look at an image you can likely think of
various ways to describe what you see. For SEO purposes, it’s recommended to think strategically about your alt text
and try to include some keywords to give your site an extra push. However, alt text cannot be only keyword focused; it
should still accurately explain what the image depicts.
06. Create internal links
 Links are an important factor for SEO. When one page links to another it helps Google navigate
your site and build a network of connections between pages and their content. This can help with
the categorization of pages, and perhaps more importantly enables Google to index your pages (or
add them to the list of sites Google considers when displaying search results) more efficiently.
 One of the best linking strategies is internal linking, or linking between pages within your own
website. This is simple as you have control over all your pages and can easily add links from one
to another. Internal linking also helps boost site authority. By linking lesser visited pages to
stronger pages within your own site, you are sending Google a signal that both pages are
 Internal linking is also important for user experience. By connecting relevant pages to one
another, you’ll make your site more navigable and ensure that your users can easily find what
they are looking for. Internal linking can therefore drive traffic between your website pages,
bringing attention to all of your assets.
07. Work on external links
 External links, or backlinks, are when other sites link to your site. This is an important SEO tactic as
it drives up the authority of your site. When an important webpage references your content, it sends a
signal to Google that your pages are a good source of information. External links also help your
pages gain exposure, allowing more potential users to reach them and learn about your product or
 External links work best when they are genuine and natural. This happens when another platform has
noticed you and has decided that your site can add value to their content. They therefore link to your
page as a way to help their own readers or users. The more authoritative or important the other site,
the more valuable their link is. While there’s no short-cut for gaining genuine external links, the best
way is to strive to consistently create good quality content.
08. Check That Your Site Is Mobile
 Another essential element of SEO is ensuring that all searchers can reach your site and have a positive
user experience. In today’s world, over 50% of all traffic comes from mobile devices. That means that
it’s well worth your while to ensure that your site is mobile friendly.
 Not only will this boost your business and ensure that people searching from their phones can use your
site, but it is also important to Google. The search engine often employs mobile first indexing, which
essentially means that it crawls the mobile version of your site in order to determine how it should rank
amongst its results. That’s why the mobile version of your site deserves your undivided attention.
 When you create a site with Wix, a mobile version of your site will automatically be created for you. You
can find this version by toggling to the mobile icon in the editor. We recommend reviewing this mobile
version to ensure that it looks the way you envisioned and that all site elements are easily findable.
Specifically, look out for navigation on mobile and ensure that your site menu and buttons are clear.
09. Analyze results
 Since SEO is a living and breathing task, you have to be sure to consistently assess your pages’
performance and tweak accordingly. You can check your page rankings and performance with
SEO tools like Ahrefs and Google Search Console in order to get a sense of the direct impact of
your optimization. These tools can help you understand if your site has improved in the rankings
and note which keywords your site is ranking well for. If you’re unhappy with your rankings or
traffic, you can consider all of the previous items on this list and tweak your content accordingly.
 Other important analytics tools include Google Analytics and Wix Analytics. These can help you
gain insights into your traffic and build a deeper understanding of where it is coming from. You can
also assess how users interact with your pages, which can help you understand and optimize your
content accordingly.
What are Web Frameworks?

Web Development Framework or simply “web framework” is a software framework that offers a set of tools to support
developing web applications including web services, web resources, and web APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).
Web development framework offers a wide range of prewritten components, code snippets, and entire application templates
to ease the work of web developers. Frameworks provide standardized development and design conventions that can be
applied and modified to fit the needs of your website. The purpose of a web development framework is to automate the
common tasks performed during the development phase. Frameworks give us a place to start so that we can focus on features
rather than configuration details.
Frameworks are necessary, but why?
 Improves Code Efficiency & Reusability: For developers, web frameworks offer a fast, efficient, and responsive
coding environment. Frameworks also provide advanced features like hot reloading and live reload, resulting in
shorter development cycles. 

 Reduce Complexity and Eliminate Error: The framework streamlines the development process and avoids errors
and bugs. The framework takes care of all the background details such as data binding and configuration, so you
can fully focus on your application. 

 Bootstrap Development: A variety of tools and packages are available to help developers jumpstart their
development processes. The use of frameworks prevents programmers from writing all scripts from scratch. Even if
you don’t have extensive experience in web development, frameworks can help you explore specific features as
eagerly as a more experienced developer. 

 Reduce Code Length: Frameworks eliminate the need to write lengthy code lines for adding standard functionality
to a website. By providing code generation features, frameworks simplify and condense the development process
for developers. The predefined codebase allows developers to carry out easy modifications and bootstrapping.
Frameworks are necessary, but why?
 Reduce Work-Labor: Additionally, frameworks offer tools and functions that enable developers to
automate traditional tasks like URL mapping, authentication, caching, etc., which in turn reduces work-

 Better Security: Frameworks have built-in security mechanisms and features that help developers
safeguard websites against present and future security threats. Frameworks can be used to protect
websites against cyberattacks such as data tampering, SQL injection, DDoS (Distributed denial of
service), etc. You can also build custom security specifications for websites using open-source web

 Easy Debugging and Maintenance: Most frameworks include built-in testing and debugging
capabilities. As a result of code reusability and standard practices, your application is already easier to
maintain and understand. You can easily maintain and update your app with features like code
completion, unit testing, simultaneous code editing, and more. 
Types of Web Development Frameworks
Web frameworks are generally classified into two categories: front-end (client side) and back-end (server
side) frameworks. Some frameworks allow development on both ends, called full-stack frameworks..
 Front-end Frameworks (client side): A client-side framework is used for dealing with user interfaces.
The frontend of a web application is the part you see and interact with. A website’s user experience is of
paramount importance to any business. Although complex operations and functions may occur in the
background, what users experience and see must be seamless. In order to do this, frontend frameworks
are used that facilitate the development of interactive, user-centric websites. 

 Back-end Frameworks (server side): Frameworks for backend web development are nothing more than
libraries of modules and tools that assist developers in creating website structures. The backend consists
of the server, the database, and the code that interacts with them. A server-side framework ensures that the
website functions smoothly in the background. They simplify the common web development tasks such
as  URL routing, database interaction, user authentication, enhanced security, push notifications, etc.
Top Frameworks for Web Development
With today’s technology market
bursting with web development
frameworks, picking the right one
can be difficult, especially when
there are so many options. Here goes
the list of the top web development
frameworks you should know about,
along with the features that make
them stand out from the rest. 
Front-End Frameworks
 Front-end frameworks are among the most innovative and pioneering aspects of web
design and development. These frameworks determine the aesthetics, the user
experience, and the visual appeal of web applications. It works to improve the look
and feel of websites and mobile applications, in addition to increasing traffic.  Let’s
take a look at a few of them.

1. React 

Meta (formerly Facebook) introduced React (or React JS) in 2013, and since then, it has gained tremendous
popularity in the web development industry. In reality, React is an open-source JavaScript library that can be used to
build interactive user interfaces that would entice any developer or business to use it for their frontend development.
If you are building dynamic web applications or single-page applications, React would be a better choice. React can
even be used to build mobile applications. It’s easy to learn, SEO-friendly, and flexible. React offers the best server-
side rendering and excellent SEO support when compared to other frontend frameworks. A few of the most popular
web applications that use React JS include Netflix, Instacart, Salesforce, Flipboard, Dropbox, Asana, etc.
Key Features
 Virtual Document Object Model (DOM) is a strong feature of React that enhances its functionality. With its virtual DOM,
even heavy-load applications will perform smoothly and render quickly. 

 Bundles frontend code into components.

 Organizes code and data to make code more reusable.

 In addition to its dominant position on the web, it has now captured a significant share of the mobile market with React
Native, a cross-platform mobile development framework.

 In React applications, the information flow is unidirectional. One-way data bindings make React less prone to errors and
easier to debug, making it an efficient framework.

 The flexibility of React allows developers to create applications that dynamically adapt to any user interface. Software
engineers have used React to build applications for all kinds of user interfaces, including web, mobile, desktop, smart TVs,
2. Angular 
In 2010, Google introduced AngularJS, an open-source JavaScript framework. With the release of the rewrite version “Angular 2.0”, which enables
the development of high-performance and large-scale JavaScript based web applications, Angular stepped into the spotlight and snatched the attention of
many big technological players. With its robust set of features and ability to work with cross-platform and client-side frameworks, Angular applications
run smoothly on both the web and mobile platforms. Angular promotes code consistency by using HTML, CSS, and TypeScript (a superset of
JavaScript), in addition to web development tools. The use of TypeScript makes this the ideal framework for building enterprise-level applications. A few
of the most popular web applications that use Angular JS include PayPal, Forbes, UpWork, Microsoft Xbox, etc.
Key Features:
 Angular reduces development time by using boilerplate coding (code sections that appear repeatedly with little or without any changes). 

 It reduces the build time by allowing developers to reuse components and even the architecture to simplify the development process. Additionally, it
simplifies the testing process. 

 Encourages reusability and improves application scalability.

 Using open source libraries such as Angular Material and AgGrid, it’s possible to create a responsive and dynamic user interface with many features.

 Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is regarded as one of the best command line interfaces for building, scaffolding, and maintaining web

 To debug web applications, Angular supports or provides  Chrome and Firefox Dev tools and extensions. The framework is also home to a wide
range of third-party libraries.
3. Vue JS
Vue JS is another cutting-edge open-source JavaScript framework capable of creating stunning and
interactive user interfaces. Created by Google in 2014, it was designed to be the viable alternative to React
and Angular for developing SPAs (Single Page Applications), high performance progressive web apps,
and visually appealing user interfaces. It is a progressive JavaScript framework that combines the best
features of React.js (Virtual DOM) and Angular.js (View Layer). Vue JS has cemented its position as one
of the best web development frameworks for building responsive web applications due to its simplicity
and versatility. Its flexible design structure and TypeScript support have drawn the attention of several
web development companies and enterprises. A few of the most popular web applications that use Vue JS
include Gitlab, Netlify, 9GAG, Behance, Chess, etc.
 Key Features:
• The virtual DOM improves the performance of the application and the efficiency of DOM updates. Vue uses it to determine what parts of the DOM need
to be re-rendered and which ones should be left intact.

• By making scaffolding and prototyping easier, Vice CLI serves as an easy-to-use framework for web development. In addition, it reduces the amount of
time used to develop the project.

• There is reactive two-way data binding in Vue JS, which means any change made to the UI (user interface) will affect the data and vice versa. 

• You can integrate this framework as a library or module into an existing application or build the entire application using it. This enhances the flexibility
of the web application development process.

• By default, Vue.js is lightweight, which means it can be easily downloaded and installed. Moreover, Vue JS applications are very fast to launch, resulting
in a seamless user experience. By integrating Vue JS elements into your existing code or app, you can easily customize an app according to your needs.
4. Ember JS
 Ember JS launched in late 2011 and is considered one of the most productive open-source JavaScript frameworks utilizing the MVVM paradigm.
It contains HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) at the core of the development model. After the release of
Ember 2.0 in 2015, which included excellent stability, it became well-known for its ability to create maintainable and reusable JavaScript web
applications. Ember is designed to maximize developer productivity either by eliminating time-wasting features or implementing JS best
practices in the core design. It’s one of the top frameworks used to build single-page applications and dynamic client-side applications that can be
extended by using general idioms and advanced practices. Mobile and desktop applications can also be developed using it. A few of the most
popular web applications that use Ember JS include LinkedIn, Apple, DigitalOcean, Intercom, etc.
 Key Features:
 Similar to Angular, it provides two-way data binding. It aims to satisfy the growing demand for contemporary technologies flawlessly.

 Because it is backwards compatible, old versions of applications will still function flawlessly even with new updates.

 All tools associated with it are packaged well

 Takes parts from Angular and React and optimizes them.

 A complete front end stack is provided by Ember JS, including a router, services, and asset pipeline. The router is a core feature of Ember.js,
which is used to manage URLs.

 In Ember.js, there is a tool called Ember Inspector, which helps debug Ember applications.

 Using templates, embed.js automatically updates the model whenever the content of the application changes.
5. JQuery
 As one of the oldest players, JQuery is still thriving and enjoying the opportunity to be loved by developers. In 2006, it was released as an  open-
source, lightweight JavaScript library to help developers build robust web applications, and since then, it has gained a lot of popularity as a result of its
rich features. It’s a small, fast JavaScript library that simplifies the interaction between HTML elements and JavaScript code. JQuery  simplifies CSS
animations, event handling, and Ajax calls, which makes web pages more interactive. A great benefit of using jQuery is that it adheres to SEO-friendly
practices. There is no need to write extensive javascript code with JQuery since it’s simple and easy to use. A few of the most popular web applications
that use JQuery include WordPress, GeeksforGeeks, Bitbucket, Trello, Codepen, etc.
 Key Features:
 It is easy to select DOM elements, traverse them, and modify their content with jQuery. The methods available in JQuery such as .attr(), .html(), etc.,
simplify DOM manipulation.

 With jQuery, you can perform a series of actions on your website with a single click, such as starting an animation, sending data to servers, adding a
class, etc. Thus, it shortens the process of binding and unbinding event handlers.

 Plugins are an essential part of JQuery, allowing developers to extend the functionality of a web application. You can find a large number of useful
plugins on the web to enhance jQuery with functions such as Ajax helpers, data grids, XML and XSTL tools, dynamic lists, etc. These make
developing web apps easy and quick.

 It combines markup technologies such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and AJAX to produce animations like Flash. Additionally, it comes with several
built-in animation effects that help developers build feature-rich and responsive websites with AJAX. 

 It is possible to achieve seamless integration between JavaScript and JQuery by using JQuery’s utility functions. 
Back-End Frameworks
 Web development is no longer possible without backend frameworks. For developers,
finding the right framework is essential to attain optimal performance and scalability.
Choosing a backend framework for your web development project will ensure that you get
the highest performance, the fastest development, and the greatest flexibility possible. Let’s
take a look at a few of them.

6. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails or Rails is a most popular open-source backend web development framework based on MVC (Model-
view-controller) that emphasizes using some worthwhile and well-known software engineering patterns and paradigms
like CoC (Convention Over Configuration), DRY (Don’t repeat yourself), and the active record pattern. Since being
introduced in 2005, Ruby on Rails has grown into the leading backend framework that competes fiercely with all other
web technologies. The framework is ideal for developing high-speed applications, and includes everything that is
needed to build a database-driven application. With Ruby on Rails, an application can be developed ten times faster
than other Java frameworks. A few of the most popular web applications that use JQuery include Github, Airbnb,
Fiverr, Shopify, Slideshare, Basecamp, Hulu, etc.
Key Features:
 It facilitates and promotes using web standards (such as  XML, JSON) for data transfer, as well as JavaScript, HTML,
and CSS and for user interaction.

 Ruby on Rails has a powerful and robust library called the active record, which simplifies designing database queries.

 RSpec is a unit test setup included with Ruby on Rails that is easy to learn and use. It can be used to test the functions
present in the application by calling them separately. In this way, you can ensure you have tested your application

 There are numerous libraries included in Ruby on Rails that simplify the coding of common programming tasks like
form validation, session management, and so on.

 It equips developers with all essential tools to build a high-quality database access library, product AJAX library, and
common tasks library.

 The Ruby on Rail syntax is simple, concise, more like the English language, and even flexible. Object-oriented
programming languages like Ruby let you create virtual objects within your code. 
7. Django
‘Django’ is a popular, open source Python-based back-end web development framework that is gaining popularity among developers
and enterprises by making it easier to develop complex, highly scalable, and data-driven web applications. Programmers write readable,
clean, and maintainable code with Python syntax rules, allowing them to build highly functional web applications. The framework is
designed by experienced engineers, making it ideal for building API features like naive GraphQL integration. You can use this
framework in any format, such as HTML, JSON, and XML. A few of the most popular web applications that use Django include
YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, The Washington Post, BitBucket, etc.
 Key Features:
 By default, Django preempts various security risks and issues such as cross-site request forgery (CSRF), cross-site scripting (XSS),
and SQL injections.

 Due to its code reusability and caching options, Django is highly scalable, making the application capable of handling any traffic

 It is built on top of Python and uses Model-View-Template architecture, which allows for robust handling of asynchronous and
reactive programming.

 With Django, you can easily build any type of website, from news sites and social networks to content management systems (CMS). 

 Django applications are SEO-friendly and easy to optimize because they are maintained through URLs rather than IP addresses.
8. Laravel
Laravel is the most popular open-source backend framework written in PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) and was created by Taylor Otwell in
2011. Laravel has built-in API support, and it has a reasonable number of packages that could allow it to extend its capabilities. Whether it’s
building web applications for small and medium-sized companies or large multi-million dollar corporations, this top-notch framework caters to
every segment. Unlike other frameworks, Laravel offers expressive, elegant syntax that enables developers to be creative and flexible while still
handling backend details. The primary purpose of Laravel is to make updating websites fun and simple. This is a popular choice among developers
because of its great versatility, features, and execution. A few of the most popular web applications that use Laravel include Watchseries, Deltanet
Travel, MyRank, Laracasts, Neighbourhood Lender, etc. 
Key Features:
 Laravel conforms to the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, which makes developing and deploying web applications easy and quick.
 The MVC provides several functions, boosts security and scalability, and aids better performance.
This framework includes a built-in object-relational mapper (ORM) with PHP Active Record implementation. With an ORM, users can query
databases using PHP syntax, without having to write any SQL code.
 Laravel’s applications are highly secure with its hashed and salted password methods. Salted passwords are generated by using the Bcrypt
Hashing Algorithm, which means that the passwords are stored as encrypted passwords in a database, not as plaintext. 
 There are lightweight templates in Laravel that can be used to create layouts and produce content. It also includes widgets with CSS and JS
code that can be easily customized. Laravel templates are ideal for creating complex and simple sectioned designs.
 The Laravel framework comes with a built-in tool called Artisan that allows PHP developers to automate several repetitive programming tasks
that they cannot accomplish manually.
ASP.NET is a popular open-source web development framework that can be used to create dynamic web applications for PCs and mobile
devices. It was created by Microsoft to keep up with the latest trends in web development, so that programmers could create dynamic websites,
applications, and services. In 2016, ASP.NET Core was introduced; this new version of ASP.NET is enticing developers and businesses around the
world with its scalability, flexibility, and high performance features. It has gained immense popularity since then for creating high-performing,
secure, and modern web applications. Furthermore, it is compatible with JavaScript-based front-end frameworks. A few of the most popular web
applications that use ASP.NET include TacoBell, Visual Studio, DELL, Stack Overflow, MarketWatch, GoDaddy, etc. 
Key Features:
 A .NET Core application works seamlessly with any client-side framework, and it can be deployed throughout a range of platforms, including
MacOS, Windows, and Linux.

 Asynchronous development is supported in ASP.NET Core (async/await), making this framework fast and improving app performance.

 ASP.NET Core combines Web API and MVC to simplify the process of creating APIs and make client-side implementation more feasible.

 One more important aspect of ASP.NET Core that makes it less complex is Razor Pages. This feature allows developers to build server-side
rendered apps more quickly and efficiently.

 With JetBrains Rider, .NET Code Profiler, Visual Studio Code, and other excellent developer tools, it provides a seamless and fast application
development experience.
10. Express
Express.js is an open-source, lightweight back-end framework for Node.js (JavaScript runtime environment), and is
designed to build web applications, mobile applications, and APIs. Its robust features and minimalistic capabilities have made
it very popular since its initial release. It provides the core features of a web application to an already feature-rich Node.js
platform, making it a flexible framework. Express is one of the best backend frameworks with features such as debugging,
routing, and fast back-end programming. It allows rapid development of Web applications based on Node.js. A few of the
most popular web applications that use Express include PayPal, Freecodecamp, Coursera, Myntra, MuleSoft, Accenture, etc.

Key Features:
 Through its caching potential, it can dramatically reduce a site’s loading time by eliminating the need to execute code
 Express boasts an advanced routing system that allows preserving a webpage’s state using URLs.
 Express makes debugging more convenient by offering a debugging technique to figure out the precise parts of a web app
containing bugs.
 Express comes with several template engines such as EJS, Jade, Pug, etc., to help you design HTML pages easily.
 It provides a middleware system and several HTTP methods that can be used to build Node.JS apps and APIs quickly.
 The framework can be used for creating multi-page, single-page, and hybrid web applications.
Database Integration
The process of combining information from diverse sources, including databases,
cloud, data warehouse, virtual databases, files, and more, to distribute a clean and
consolidated version enterprise-wide is known as database integration. The main
benefit of database integration is that it makes data accessible to multiple
stakeholders and client applications without the need to duplicate or move data.

Let’s understand database integration using an example. For instance, a company

stores its accounting data in the Oracle database and customer data in Salesforce.
By utilizing the DB integration processes, employees can access the combined
data of both systems in one place such as a data warehouse or a database, and use
the information to draw actionable insights in lesser time. Similarly, some
businesses utilize website database integration to manage and unify data from
various web pages. It basically perceives the web as multiple disparate databases.
Benefits of Database Integration for Business
 With big data being the driving source behind business intelligence and analytics, the importance of DB
integration in ensuring the effective use of enterprise data cannot be ignored. Thus, using an effective
database integration software is vital for the proper management of database processes that can convert
the challenges associated with digital interactions into operational efficiency. Some key benefits of
database integration are:
Gain More Control Over Information
 It enables you to manage enterprise-wide data or information from a centralized location, making it easier
to identify bottlenecks, improve user experience, and reduce delivery time.
Ensure Compliance with Regulations
 Compliance with national and international operating standards, such as PCI, HIPAA, and GDPR is fast
becoming a necessity for businesses dealing with digital information. Database integration enables
centralized management, which makes it easier to ensure organization-wide compliance.
Benefits of Database Integration for Business
Create a Single Source of Truth
 In the case of mergers or acquisitions, companies need to integrate their data stored in heterogeneous
databases and other information management systems to create a unified view of reliable business data.
Database integration tools help consolidate data from a wide variety of sources, which is then cleansed,
transformed, and loaded into the desired target system(s).
Integrate Data from Disparate Sources
 Database integration is not possible without consolidating data from disparate sources – where these
sources involve legacy systems, cloud-based databases, and on-premise systems. Every enterprise uses a
variety of software. Most of the data these database integration software capture is placed in siloed
systems. It is essential for an enterprise’s Business Intelligence (BI) and forecasting purposes to connect
different data sources and consolidate all data on a data warehouse.
Database Integration in a Modern IT Environment
 The old days of running organizations ‘from the server room’ aren’t quite over, but cloud technology is
poised to power the next wave of database integration.
 They deployment style that an organization chooses is primarily dependent upon existing operations. For
example, a company with a legacy, on-premises data center will probably choose a local database
integration solution to impact operations with minimal retooling. Newer businesses, though, are taking
advantage of cloud-native environments, which offer efficient pricing structures, infinite scalability, and no
upfront hardware capital. For companies somewhere in the middle, hybrid approaches bridge the gap
between local legacy architectures and the cloud.
 On-Premises Database Integration
 Cloud Database Integration
 Hybrid Database Integration
On-Premises Database Integration
 On-premises database integration supports traditional, on-site network infrastructures. Often sold as
stand-alone products, on-premises solutions install locally and interact with existing hardware and
databases to cleanse, monitor, and transform data for business intelligence.
 Since on-prem solutions handle all data operations locally, they reduce network overhead.
Additionally, they aim to operate out of the box, with pre-built connectors for interfacing with
common data sources. On-premises solutions generally require working agreements with
developers from common product lines to frequently upgrade and secure connections.
Cloud Database Integration

 Cloud database integration solutions are cloud-native, and run as part of an

infrastructure—interacting in the background with all data transactions occurring
across the enterprise.
 This approach brings the standard advantages of cloud architecture, which include
autoscaling and pay-per-usage pricing. A key advantage of cloud database
integration is the near-seamlessness with which the SaaS solution interacts not just
with other databases in the environment, but also with virtual infrastructure and
security, providing real-time looks at the entire operation.
Hybrid Database Integration

 Combining elements of on-premises and cloud, a hybrid database integration

approach leverages a cloud-based SaaS that synchronizes and manages data
between local and remotely hosted resources.
 Good database integration solutions correlate and cleanse cloud-based and on-
premises data, providing a uniform working information set across the mixed
environment. The best ones interact seamlessly with other SaaS solutions and
provide simple GUI interfaces, providing decision-makers with a 360-degree view
of all operations and interactions.
 Whichever approach companies choose, careful planning, strong partnerships, and
the right tools make the difference between bogged networks and real-time
business intelligence.
Database Integration Tools
 The cloud itself was born from collaborative, open source data technologies that make distributed storage,
processing, and data management accessible and affordable. Many of the core components most utilized
in cloud or hybrid computing are based on open source technologies.
 Perhaps no organization has done more to promote and secure the growth of the cloud than the 
Apache Software Project. Many of its community-developed projects are the foundations of the world’s
largest big data operations, including Netflix, GitHub, and the European Organization for Nuclear
Research (CERN).
 Three Apache tools in particular power much of the database integration:
 Apache Hadoop - Hadoop is a framework for distributing processing, allowing up to petabytes of information to
be divvied among a limitless number of physical or virtual servers, bulk processed, then returned as clean,
reliable data. Hadoop is based on the Java language but is open-sourced, with libraries of extensions and mods to
accommodate any business need. Hadoop provides a native file management system, as well as linear scalability
and failover protection so failures in one data stream are compensated for by parallel nodes.
Database Integration Tools
 Apache Spark - Spark is sometimes thought of as a newer replacement for Hadoop, but in reality it’s a
companion tool. Spark improves upon the distributed processing framework in Hadoop—known as
MapReduce—by processing data up to 100 times faster. Spark achieves this by processing most data
tasks in memory, rather than relying on transfer to a physical or virtual location for conversion. But
what Spark offers in speed is somewhat limited by its functionality, as Spark does not include a file
management system of its own. Spark can integrate with other file management systems, or works
seamlessly with its Hadoop sibling.
 Apache Cassandra - Perhaps the root of big data is the NoSql database, an information processing
evolution that removed the constraints of columnar and relational databases by allowing for
heterogeneous storage types—making database integration between file formats like text, image,
multimedia and more possible. Open-source and flexible for unlimited scalability, Cassandra serves the
needs of even giant corporations like Apple, which relies on Cassandra as a distributed framework for
integrating more than 10 petabytes of data.
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