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A recent report showed that two thirds of people say they feel happier when they walk into bright office
environments with yellow, blue and green colors.

“Biophilia” is a fancy word with a simple meaning. It’s all about the connection we feel with the natural world and helps
explain why being around plants and trees and natural light can help us feel a bit better in our daily lives.

Plants can fill and frame a space, making them feel wide and generous. Studies show that bringing in a
plant to work can boost your productivity by 15%.
Maggie’s Centers were set up to give people who were going through cancer a place to come to get help with the challenges that cancer
brings to their lives. People there have windows of nature, they can see trees moving, there’s grapes growing, there’s a pot outside where
people can go and pick mint to make their own tea. They focused strongly on biophilia.

Two commercial offices in the UK and in the Netherlands found that plants significantly increased
workplace satisfaction and self-reported levels of focus.

Francis Crick Institute in London mixed up teams from different disciplines throughout the building. The
reason for this was to bring together people with different specialties, and to make amazing things happen.
depleted: feeling exhausted or having no energy at all

groundbreaking: innovative or introducing new ideas or methods

worth doing something: If something is worth doing, there is a good enough reason for doing it, since it will provide some kind
of benefits
harmonious: good connection or agreement in feelings or attitude; working well together

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