Democracy and Educatin in 21st Century

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Democracy and

in 21 century
Meaning of 2

Power of the People

Democracy concept is it must has undergone considerable

changes through the ages


Meaning of
Democracy and

✖ Abraham Lincoln: Democracy is the government of the people,
by the people, and for the people

✖ John Dewey: Democracy has to born anew every generation,

and education is its midwife

✖ Dr. Ambedkar: Democracy is essential an attitude of respect and

reverence towards our fellow men and Democracy is not a form
of government, but a form of social organization

✖ Education means Act of Training  The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction,
especially at a school or university
✖ Education is the delivery of knowledge, skills, and information from teacher to student.
✖ Kifi Annam: Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation
rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy, and sustainable human development.
✖ Nelson Mandela: An educated, enlightened, and informed population is one of the surest ways
of promoting the health of democracy
✖ Radhakrishnan Commission (1948-49): Education is the great instrument of social
emancipation, by which democracy establishes, maintains, and protects the spirit of equality
among its members.
John Dewey said about Democracy 6

and Education
 John Dewey: Historically, the discussion of education and
democracy was first addressed from the great educator and

 Education and democracy are intimately reciprocally related. He

suggested that without an education that conditions us to
understand both our freedom and responsibilities toward other,
democracy can neither develop nor endure.

Paul Wellstone:

✖ Education and Democracy

have the same goal

✖ The fullest possible

development of human

Relation Between Democracy and Education

The education for Education for democratic values like
democracy defined as: democracy us citizen liberty, equality,
Training in the moral education, taking care fraternity justice, dignity
qualities necessary, the of the rights and duties of individuals, co-
encouragement of clear of a good citizen in a operation, sharing of
thinking in everyday democratic society. responsibility, etc are
affairs and the applied by education to
acquisition of a make it more effective,
knowledge of the modern meaningful, relevant,
world and useful
Democracy in Society

 The importance of education is implicit in the history of democracy

 Higher education person are likely to be active citizen and participate politically, hence
there is a positive relations between introduced compulsory schooling and voter turnout
 Democracy allows citizen to choose the leaders who offer the best governing. It also
enables them to hold the politicians accountable and punish those who are governing
 Providing education for their children is the best way for poor parents to improve the
chances of a better future for their children. Education raises the probability that supports
democratic ideas.

Democracy in School
 Schools should be viewed not only as institutions that impart certain knowledge and
skills to students, but also an environment that socialize them
 Socializing students achieve their goal by current debates among educator, great
businessman and politicians alike
 The John Dewey Project on Progressive Education grounds its work in Dewey's
assumption that the aims of education should be oriented towards preparing young people
to be full and active participants in all aspects of democratic life include: the ability to
think critically, a sense of efficiency and a desire to actively participate in political life

Democracy In Curriculum
 The development of democracy depend upon the level of knowledge and awareness that societies have
 For educational institutions to be able o communicative this knowledge and awareness the demand of the
government that represents the state are requires since curricula cannot be designed independent of this
 We are living in dangerous time. To prepare them to preserve their heritage of freedom in this dangerous
world, we must place education aimed at cultivating democratic citizenship at the heart of the school
 This could spread awareness about the electoral process and help us in choosing the right candidates. As
students study these documents, they should know their efforts so they can debate and discuss the
fundamental ideas.
 .> Teachers should promote students that how democracy work and what important of democracy in our
life is.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

A subject about the basic knowledge of constitutions, federation, the great speeches
of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Liaquat Ali Khan and other great leaders,
democratic values should be made part of curriculum.

Education is important for democracy because without education we don't understand the
value, principles of democracy. It is clear that democracy can function properly only if all
citizens are educated.



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