Lecture3-Ch2basiceng Principlespart2

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October, 2021
 Temperature and pressure are critical process variables that affect process
performance. E.g. how fast a chemical reaction will proceed to completion
or how pure the products obtained from a separation device will be.
 Temperature is a base dimension.
 Kelvin (K) and Rankine (oR) scales are both absolute scales
 Celcius (oC) and Fahrenheit (oF) are displaced from Kelvin and Rankine by a constant number.
T(K) = T(OC) + 273.15
T(OR) = T(OF) + 459.67
T(OR) = 1.8T(K)
T(OF) = 1.8T(OC) + 32
T(OC) = 5/9 [T(OF) – 32]
25OC = 77OF = 298.15K = 536.67OR

 Pressure is the ratio of force to the area over which that force acts.
1 pascal (Pa) = 1 N = kg
m2 ms2
Pressure =

Units of Pressure

1 pascal (Pa) = 1 N/m2

1 atm = 760 mmHg = 760 torr
1 atm = 101,325 Pa

Ideal Gas
 Gas is a phase where atoms of a
substance are in motion and fill their
 Assumptions about gases that:

1) Particles are points in random motion.

2) The particles don’t interact apart from
elastic collisions, bouncing each one
4 Variables for Ideal Gas

1) Pressure (P) : is the force the gas is exerting on its

2) Temperature (T) : Amount of heat energy available
to be transferred into kinetic energy motion. [higher
T, the faster the partcles move].
3) Volume (V) : how big is the container.
4) Moles (n) : how many particles are there in the
 At same moles and If the volume is compressed, the

Pmust go up.
temperature, the same The particles hitting the sides more

number of particles often because there is less distance

to travel to hit a side
moving at the same
Pressure and volume are
speed. inversely proportional
Boyle's law is an experimental gas
law that describes how the pressure of
a gas tends to increase as the volume
of the container decreases.

A modern statement of Boyle's law is

The absolute pressure exerted by a given
mass of an ideal gas is inversely proportional
to the volume it occupies if the temperature
and amount of gas remain unchanged within
a closed system.

Constant temperature
Constant amount of gas
 The equation states that the product of pressure and
volume is a constant for a given mass (constant) of
confined gas and this holds as long as the temperature is

 For comparing the same substance under two different

sets of conditions, the law can be usefully expressed as:

P1 x V1 = P2 x V2

 The equation shows that, as volume increases, the

pressure of the gas decreases in proportion. Similarly, as
volume decreases, the pressure of the gas increases.
As T increases V increases
Relation of V & T

 Volume & temperature

are directly

 When heat is applied, the particles will move

more quickly. Therefore, to keep the P
constant, or particles hit the sides with the
same frequency, the volume will have to
Charles’ & Gay-Lussac’s Law

Variation of gas volume with

at constant pressure.

Temperature must be
V = constant x T in Kelvin

V1/T1 = V2/T2 T (K) = t (0C) + 273.15

Ideal Gas Equation

PV = nRT

 Volume has dimension m3, L3.

 Volume per mass = specific volume [L3/M]  m3/g
 Volume per mole = molar volume [L3/N]  m3/mol

 Density = the mass (or moles) of a solution per volume of solution.

 Specific density = inverse of specific volume [M/L3]
 Molar density = inverse of molar volume [N/L3]
 Specific gravity = the ratio of the specific density of a substance to the
specific density of water at 4oC (which is the temperature at which water
reaches its maximum density)

 Concentration = the mass (or moles) of a solute per volume of solution.

Dimension [N/L3] or [M/L3]
 A solute is defined as the substance that is dissolved in a
 For solutions of fluids, the solvent is present in greater
amount than the solute.
 Concentration is a measurement of the amount of solute
present in a chemical solution, with respect to the amount of

Examples of Solutes
 Usually, a solute is a solid that is dissolved into a liquid. An

everyday example of a solute is salt in water. Salt is the solute

that dissolves in water as the solvent to form a saline solution.
 When two liquids are mixed to form a solution, the
solute is the species present in the smaller ratio. For
example, in a 1 M sulfuric acid solution, sulfuric
acid is the solute while water is the solvent.
 A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more
substances. A solution may exist in any phase.
 A solution consists of a solute and a solvent. The solute is
the substance that is dissolved in the solvent.
 The amount of solute that can be dissolved in solvent is
called its solubility. For example, in a saline solution, salt is
the solute dissolved in water as the solvent.
 For solutions with components in the same phase, the
substances present in lower concentration are solutes, while
the substance present in highest abundance is the solvent.
 Using air as an example, oxygen and carbon dioxide gases
are solutes, while nitrogen gas is the solvent.
Characteristics of a Solution

A chemical solution exhibits several properties:

 A solution consists of a homogeneous mixture.

 A solution is composed of one phase (e.g., solid, liquid, gas).

Particles in a solution are not visible to the naked eye.

 A solution does not scatter a light beam.

 Components of a solution cannot be separated using simple

mechanical filtration.
Solution Examples

 Any two substances which can be evenly mixed

may form a solution. Even though materials of
different phases may combine to form a solution,
the end result always exists of a single phase.
 An example of a liquid solution is aqueous
 hydrochloric acid (HCl in water). An example of a 
gaseous solution is air.
Solution examples
MOLARITY = No. of moles of solute per liter of solution.
M = no of moles of solute
volume of solution (L)

Definition: Normality is a measure of concentration equal to the gram equivalent weight per
liter of solution. Gram equivalent weight is the measure of the reactive capacity of a molecule.

The solution's role in the reaction determines the solution's normality.

H2SO4 dissociates into H+ and SO4- ions in water. For every mole of H2SO4 that dissociates in
solution, 2 moles of H+ and 1 mole of SO4- ions are formed. This is where normality is
generally used.

For acid reactions, a 1 M H2SO4 solution will have a normality (N) of 2 N because 2 moles of
H+ions are present per liter of solution.

For sulfide precipitation reactions, where the SO4- ion is the important part, the same 1 M
H2SO4 solution will have a normality of 1 N.

 Example 1:
Calculate the concentration of H2SO4 solution when
98 g of H2SO4 is dissolved in 1.0 liter of water

Concentration, g/L = weight (g) = 98 g = 98.0 g/L

volume (L) 1.0 L

Example 2 :
The concentration of solution B is 12.1 g/L. calculate
the weight of solute present in 2.23 L of its solution.

Weight of solute = concentration x volume

= 12.1 g x 2.23 L = 26.98 g
 Flowrates = the ratio of flow per time unit

 Volumetric flowrate = [V/t] = m3/s

 Mass flowrate = [M/t] = kg/s
 Molar flowrate = [N/t] = kg/s

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