LDC Presentation: Taking Great Notes &amp Building Great Outlines by Patson W. Arinaitwe

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UCU-LDC Preparation Workshop 6th August 2011 in Nkoyoyo Hall- Uganda Christian University.

My Outline

Great Notes

When do we take notes. Importance of preparing Notes Preparing to take Notes Building Notes. What to do after the taking of notes.

My outline Contd

a great Outline

What is an outline (Generally) Importance of outlining. Building an outline Checklist for the outline Taking the exam.


When Do we take Notes


Law School Lectures Listening to public speakers etc When reading literature, text books, cases, etc During firm Meetings During guest speakers at LDC Interviewing a client, witness etc Taking evidence in Court

Importance Contd

Notes are needed for reference; during exams,




Refreshing your memory etc. If something is sparked in your brain to say "PAY ATTENTION!" you should be writing it down now and finding its true purpose later. Firm Associates tend to give hints during session.

Importance of taking down notes

Some people have trouble taking effective notes bse theyre not sure what notes are for. Students attempt to capture a complete record of a lecture, book or meeting in their notes- this is a recipe for failure Inspiration can strike anywhere and you need to be prepared! LDC is action packed. You need future reference.


Preparing to take Great Notes

Before the lecture/ session

Prepare for the lecture.

Check course outline; key ideas Read the assigned materials, cases, statutes. Review the assignments-previous work. skim through hand outs given-quickly-highlight the topic. Before class, Did you eat breakfast or lunch?

Preparing Contd.

Go to class - this sounds obvious. Sit as near to front as possible to eliminate distractions. Listen well for emphasis points Have a proper attitude  Listening well is a matter of paying attention
Be open minded- even if you may


Building Notes- From Literature

Know exactly what information youve to find Mark the passages containing useful information. Remember: Highlighting is not note-taking! Use your own words Keep facts to the minimum Notes should not be narrative


Contd: Building notes from lecture

It is important to build your Notes in Themes, topics, sub topics etc Great notes will be necessary in preparing for your examination, whether oral or written, preparing for Submissions in Moots and later in Court.

Now that youve built Great Notes Are you ready for the Bar exams?

Building Great outlines

Whats an outline?

A general plan of the material that is to be presented in a speech or a paper. Shows the order of the various topics, the relative importance of each, and the relationship between the various parts. Formal system used to think about and organize your paper. Eg
 you can use it to see whether your ideas connect to each

other, what order of ideas works best, or

 whether you have sufficient evidence to support each of

your points. Outlines can be useful for any paper to help you see the overall picture.

Outline Generally

An outline will not help you on a bar course exam. A good outline will, but it must be your own work. A decent outline made on your own is better than a perfect outline done by someone else You are the best interpreter of your notes. Use your notes to make your outline

Outline Contd

Making your own outline is gaining your own understanding of the notes/materials If you use another outline, use it to compare and reinforce your own understanding

Building an Outline

Work on your outline throughout the semester/term Use the great notes built to develop an outline or After you gather all your final materials, make a detailed and organized outline of your class.

Building Contd

Use topics, sub topics to develop an outline Eg Revision-the-Law-General-principles- procedural element- documents involved. DO NOT try to memorize EVERYTHING that is in your detailed outline. You will go crazy. Understand
y All your notes i.e. substantive law, and


procedural elements y Cases law-facts, holding, reasoning. y Forum; Jurisdiction, procedure and documents involved

Building an Outline Contd

One must deduce what law is applicable. Substantive, principal (Acts of Parliament applicable) and procedural (Civil or criminal procedures) laws. Boil down the law thats in your outline to something manageable understand the big picture of your course to effectively use all the material in your outline Make an issue checklist to study from. Looking at the issues on your checklist should trigger your memory about that issue Outline will help you discuss and analyze on the exam rather than regurgitate memorized materials.

Make your checklist

Go through your course outline or weeks work and look at the topics. Go through your outline highlight what you think are the big issues. Make a one-page checklist of the big issues. As you study the checklist, fill in the details that are important under each big issue, but dont make another detailed outline. Your final checklist together with the outline will be the study tool that takes you into the exam.


Taking the Exam that appeals


First, Look over the entire exam. See what it's all about. length, type of questions, number of questions. suggested time Figure out how much time you're going to spend on each portion of the exam Devote some few minutes for reading/outlining and the rest for writing your answer. Read the call of the question First

Taking Exam Contd

READ THE FACTS. Put your pen down and

read the fact pattern . Read it fast the first time.

Don't pick up your pen. read the facts AGAIN, but a little slower. Now, pick up your
highlighter or pen and flag possible issues.

Taking Exams Contd.


OUTLINE,OUTLINE. You MUST outline your answer/Thoughts briefly. Well thought answer a hurried answer is much better than



Management is key.

Taking Exam contd

Legible handwriting is key. Maintain precision and coherence.

Highlight (or use a different color pen) sections & authorities quoted. Endeavour to draw the necessary documents needed.

The above are simple but crucial for your life at bar course as well as a litigation advocate in Uganda. They can be summed up into: Prepare, prepare, prepare at all times.

Contd conclusion

The fear of failure is fatal to success


Prepared by: Patson W. Arinaitwe Attorney-at-Law

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