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Syed Ahamed ISBR Chennai

What is Advertising?
Any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, televisions or radio by an identified sponsor. ( Kotler ) Advertising is mass, paid for communication which is used to transmit information, develop attitudes and induce some form of response from the audience.

Characteristics of Advertising
Non personal form of communication aimed at a target audience. Used by commercial and by not for profit organizations. Most advertising is concerned ultimately with selling. It is a major element in the promotional mix.

An advertising objective is a specific communication task to be achieved with a specific target audience during specified period of time. Like all objectives they should be SMART. In essence the main advertising objectives are: - To Inform: to provide information about a product - To Persuade: to persuade people to buy - To Remind: to remind people about a mature product

Summary of Objectives
To create awareness To inform To remind customers To reassure customers To support the sales force To persuade To promote Ideas/ Attitudes/ Causes To increase market share To differentiate from rivals To build brand loyalty To change attitudes To support activities in the distribution chain

Types of Advertising
InformativeInformative- Provides information PersuasivePersuasive- To encourage brand switching ReminderReminder- To remind about a mature product ReinforcementReinforcement- To reassure PioneeringPioneering- To introduce new product CompetitiveCompetitive- To point out differential advantages DefensiveDefensive- To reduce damage caused by campaign of a direct competitor.

Process of advertising
1. Identify target audience 2. Determine the advertising objective 3. Design the message
1. Message content appeal, theme, idea or

4. 5. 6. 7.

Select the communication channel Establish the total advertising budget Decide the communication mix Measure the advertising result

Decision on advertising budget

Five factor influences the advertising budget 1. Product life cycle stage 2. Market share and consumer base 3. Competition 4. Advertising frequency 5. Product substitutability product like cool drinks requires huge ads because its customer base and competitions are very high so as to make difference. Role of advertising in marketing mix and positioning 1. Communication with customer 2. Persuasion advertising attempts to persuade prospective buyers to buy a product. 3. Contribution to economic growth expand the market particularly new product and dev. New market segment. 4. Catalyst to change - creativity inherent in advertising leads do the discovery of new relationship that can change the perception of a prospect

STP strategies for advertising

Segmentation, targeting and positioning advertising.

Basis for market segmentation

On the basis of consumers personal characteristics (nonbehavioral correlates)

On the basis of consumer responses (behavioral correlates)





Usage based


Loyal status

Targeting Strategies

Single segment concentration strategy

Multi segment strategy or differentiated marketing strategy

Undifferentiated marketing strategy

Positioning strategies
Sl. no. 1. Positioning strategies Customer benefits Price and quality Definition Advertising claims

Associate a brand or product with customer benefits A product is highlighted in terms of service features or performance. Manufacturer charges high price Associating a product or service with a use or application Associating a product or service with a user or class of users.



Value for money



Use or application of a product or services. Cine stars or sports heroes using the product


Product user

Positioning strategies
Sl. no. 5 Positioning strategy Product class Definition Associating a product or service in a particular product class Associating cultural symbols with a product or service to differentiate from competitors product Associating with competitor s product or service by comparison Advertising claims World class products

Cultural symbols



Compares with competitors brand

Identify the strategic group

Strategic Groups I Hero Honda CD 100 Kawasaki Bajaj Yamaha & Bullet II Hero Honda TVS Suzuki III TVS EXL Champ Hero Puch High style High economy Medium price Middle and lower middle income classes Marketing Mix Target Consumer Groups Upper middle and middle income classes

High Tech High styling High power High price

Low styling High economy Low price Low Tech

Lower income classes

Customer and competition analysis

Competitor analysis in marketing and strategic management is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. steps include: Define your industry - scope and nature of the industry Determine who your competitors are Determine who your customers are and what benefits they expect Determine what the key success factors are in your industry Rank the key success factors by giving each one a weighting - The sum of all the weightings must add up to one. Rate each competitor on each of the key success factors Customer analytics is playing a very important role in the prediction of customer behavior these days and takes place among social sciences (Kioumarsi et al., 2009). Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral

Unit 2

Elements in creation of an Advertisement

Message Headlines Copy or body copy Illustrations Message Appeal Layout

Objective of the message To communicate main points in a best way To overcome opposing views of audience To create a persuasive message

Message ..
How to structure a persuasive message for effectiveness 1. Order of presentation 2. Conclusion drawing 3. Message sidedness 4. Verbal Vs Visual

1. Order of presentation
Where to place the strong arguments in the message? Beginning ----Primacy Effect End ----Recency Effect Recall ability is the basis for deciding

2. Conclusion Drawing
Advertiser's own conclusion Audience s own conclusion Depends upon education/ awareness and complexity of the topic

3. Message Sidedness
One sided: only benefits Two sided: Good & Bad points More effective when opposite views are also presented

One-Sided Examples

Arbor Mist
Ad Copy: Introducing Arbor Mist: Great tasting wine with a splash of fruit. Just what you've been looking for.

4. Refutation
Special kind of two-sided message Tell both sides and refute negative

5. Verbal Vs Visual
Effective use of visuals e.g. FAT to FIT ads of Personal Point etc.

Message Appeals
An approach used to attract the attention of consumers to influence their feelings toward the product/ service Anything that create interest

Appeals ..
1. Informational / Rational appeal: Consumer utilitarian needs 2. Emotional appeal: Socio/psycho needs 3. Humor appeal: Fun 4. Reminder ads: Show presence 5. Teaser ads: Curiosity

Feature: focus on dominant traits of product and highly informative Product Popularity News appeal: All announcements Favorable price appeal: Value for money

(Product popularity appeal)

Part of informational appeal showing the popularity of the product.

Focus on consumer s social/ psychological needs for purchasing a product 1. Personal feelings:Safety,security, love, joy,fear, pleasure etc. AXE 2. Social feelings: Recognition, status, acceptance etc. K Bajaj Endeavor

Social feeling

Humor Appeals
Best known Best remembered Set positive mood More used with low involvement products But Distracts from brand and attribute

Reminder ads
Just to show presence in the market
Archies cards Usual Pepsi ads

Teaser ads
Designed to build curiosity, interest,excitement about a product Mainly used while introducing new product or name change etc.
New Hero Honda ad or UBI logo change

Advertising Execution
How appeal is presented to consumer Factual message: Industrial products Technical evidence: Colgate Demonstration: HARPIC Comparison: VIM BAR Challenge Testimonial: Own experience BP Animation: Kellog s, All Out, Pillsbury Personality symbol: Dr. Fixit

The Creative Team


Art Director

Creative Team

Creative Concept
PPT 12-238

Copywriting and the Creative Plan

Copywriting is the process of expressing the value and benefits a brand has to offer.

A creative plan is the guideline that specifies the message elements of advertising copy.

PPT 12-39


Copywriting for Print Ads: The Headline


 Gives news about the brand  Emphasizes brand claims  Gives advice to the reader  Selects targeted prospects  Stimulates curiosity  Establishes tone & emotion  Identifies the brand
PPT 12-40

Mass Media
Radio Cable TV Consumer Magazines Trade Magazines
Niche by industry Niche by special practice within industry

Internet Newsletters and blogs

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