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Drive-thru medicine: A hybrid approach

Elizabeth Sutliff, RN, BSN—Dr. Patricia Hoyson, PhD., DNP, APRN-CNP, CDCES

Introduction and PICOT Goals Conclusion

 Patients generally prefer to be seen via drive-
1 Evaluate the age range and reasons for
Drive-thru appointments keep potentially infectious thru when ill.
seeking treatment
people isolated from others and allows providers to  Drive-thru care is perceived as the same or
complete a physical examination while the patient 2 Determine the effectiveness of treatment better than traditional visits.
remains in their vehicle.  Patients appreciate the quick, safe, convenient
Discover preference of visits drive-thru care that drive-thru offers.
In patients that present to primary care with 3  Cold/Flu/Covid symptoms are the most likely
vs traditional
minor illness, how do drive-thru visits compare reasons to seek care.
to in person traditional visits with respect to 4 Identify variables contributing to preference  Drive-thru care is utilized by a vast age range
patient satisfaction?
Perception of Care via drive-thru vs
16 traditional
Current evidence indicates that drive-thru medicine 12 Better 12
is an under-utilized, consumer-approved alternative
8 Same 34
for safe and quality care. This method of care
boasts time and cost savings to providers as well 4 Worse 0
as convenience to consumers. 0 Total 46
10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89


Project Description 20
Prefer drive-thru vs 15
traditional 10
A four-week study was conducted at Naples
Yes 37 5
Family medicine with patients willing to conduct
No 1 0
their sick visit via drive-thru. A post-appointment vid o a t he sh o t
o r k
N/A 8 o hr A c Ra Sh w
survey was provided. Analysis of data was /C T r d
lF u re Ea l o o
completed via Microsoft Excel. Total 46 So B

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• Lobiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2020). Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice (7th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier.
• Stuart, S., Mandichak, S., Davison, J., Ansell, S., & Parker, T. (2021). Patient perceptions of drive-through medical treatment facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 22(5), 1032–1036.
Bitonte College of Health and Human Services Centofanti School of Nursing

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