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Types of listening



Critical Listening
Discriminative Listening
First develop at a very early age (even before

This is the most basic form of listening

This type of listening is not about

understanding the meaning of words or phrases.
Here, in this case, the different sounds that
are produced are recognized by the child. 
For Example, a Canadian person named Jon sits in Kualalumpur
international airport in Malaysia. At the same time, two
Malaysian people are speaking in the Malay language beside
him. Actually, Jon does not understand what they are talking
about, but he distinguishes that who is male and who is female
based on the tone of voice. Based on the sound, he also
identifies their age. Thus, discriminative listening helps to
identify the age, gender, anger, happiness based on the
Comprehensive Listening

It is the interpretation of the words and


It involves understanding the message that

is being communicated.

In order to use comprehensive listening and

gain understanding, the listener must possess
appropriate vocabulary and language skills.

What brand name comes to your mind when talking

about soft drinks? Most of them answer Coca-Cola and
Pepsi based on cognitive skills. It is also an example
the comprehensive listening that is more than
understanding the meaning of the message.
Informational Listening

IL is less active than many

other types of listening.

Focuss on keypoints

Does not involve criticizing

or judging, only learning.

 Classroom Settings
 Work Training sessions
 Receiving Directions
 Traveling
 Interviews
Critical Listening
It usually involves some sort of
problem-solving or decision making

It involves the analysis of the

information being received and
alignment with what we already know

Informational Listening in case of

work setting or in education is often
accompanied by note-taking.

 if there is an upcoming election and you need

to decide who to vote for, you probably use
some form of critical listening when you watch
a televised debate. You listen, AND you

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