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The Rise of New

Media and
Technology aids
At the end of the lesson, you are
expected to achieve the folllowing:

1. Identify the proper strategiesin

communication using social media
and other advancements in

Objectives technology.
2. Evaluate language in new media and
adopt an awareness of proper use of
language in these media platforms.
3. Develop and appreciation on the
importance of proper communication
Social Media Use
Social Media has undoubtedly altered the
world operates. The rapid and vast
adoption of new media platforms have
changed the way people relate and
communicate with each other in the social,
economic and political arenas.

Social Media Use
Though there are minor social
media platforms available since
the 90s, the social media that we
know today- the one with millions
of active and interactive users—
started with MySpace in 2004.

Some Media Platforms
have been so popular
that the number of users
rise at such an
exponential rate.
TikTok, for example,
became such a craze in
2020 during the COVID
19 pandemic, when
people were mostly at
home and thus have
“nothing to do” because
of the worldwide call to
“Stay at Home”.
It was launched
in 2016, and had
a billion users in
2018. This
number even got
higher in mid-
2020, with over
800 million active
users within that
time span.
Not all Social Media
Platforms last. In
2008, Hi5,
Friendster and
MySpace were close
competitors of the
Social Media Giant,
Facebook. In 2012,
all three had
disappeared as
shown in the very
poor performance
Not all Social Media
Platforms last. In
2008, Hi5,
Friendster and
MySpace were close
competitors of the
Social Media Giant,
Facebook. In 2012,
all three had
disappeared as
shown in the very
poor performance
The exponential rise of
Social Media use can be
partly attributed to the
emergence of
technologies that enable
modern communication.
That is, FAST,

Global Digital Population
Active Internet users - 4.57B
Unique Mobile Internet Users - 4.17B
Some Active Social Media User - 3.96 B
Active Mobile Social Media Users – 3.91B
Most Popular Social Networks
Statistics on Facebook (2.6 Billion)
Social Media YouTube (2.0 Billion)
WhatsApp (2.0 Billion)

Use Facebook Messenger (1.3 Billion)

Weixin/Wechat (1.2 Billion)
Instagram (1 Billion)
TikTok (800 million)
Countries with most number
of FaceBook Users

Some 1.
India (290 Million)
United States (190 Million)
Interesting 3.
Indonesia (140 million)
Brazil (130 Million)
Statistics on 5.
Mexico (89 Million)
Philippines (76 Million)

Social Media 7.
Vietnam (64 Million)
Thailand (50 Million)
9. Egypt (42 Million)
Use 10. Bangladesh (38 Million)
In 2017 report by the Global Web Index,
around 42% of people use social media
platforms to stay in touch with what
their friends are doing, while 39% said
they want to stay up-to-date with news
and current events.

1. Filling Up Spare Time
2. General Networking with People
3. Looking for Entertaining Content
4. Sharing Photos or Videos
5. Sharing One’s Opinion
6. Meeting New People
7. Researching or Finding out What Products to Buy
Use of Social

1. You may not agree with everything or
everyone you encounter on social media
networks, but treat each person with
dignity and respect. The Golden Rule of
treating others how you want to be
treated is a good practice.

2. Do not turn to social media as a way to
harass, demean, or bully someone else.
Sitting in front of a computer screen
does not give you license to embarrass,
intimidate, or spread hurtful rumors
about others.

3. Regardless of your privacy settings,
keep in mind that anything can possibly
be seen by anyone at anytime, even by
that person that you did not want to see
it. Pause before you post, “Think Before
You Click”

4. Whether you’re concerned with
maintaining good friendships or future
job prospects, be responsible in what you
post and how it could affect your
reputation. Many employers now check
up on job candidates’ social media
accounts for evidence of bad behavior.

Thank you!
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