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 Concept paper is the summary of what the project is all
about, the reason for conducting the project and how it will
be carried out.
A concept paper provides an overview of the project and
helps funding agencies eliminate proposals that are likely to
be disapproved.

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Concept Paper
​ concept paper is a preliminary document for a proposal, it shows a
preview of the improvements that the proponent would like to have
implemented. Concept papers can be helpful in addressing social issues
especially since they aim to show solutions to tangible issues which
plague society.

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1. It serves as a foundation of the full proposal.

2. It helps determine whether a certain project is
feasible or not,
3. It is used to pique the internet of the potential
funding agencies.
4. It is used to obtain informal feedback on the ideas
prior to preparing the full proposals.

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Three Ways In Explaining a
Concept Paper

 Definition
The method of identifying a given term and making its meaning clearer. It’s
main purpose is to clarify and explain concepts, ideas and issues by answering
the question “what does it mean?”
A Definition can be represented in three ways: INFORMAL, FORMAL AND EXTENDED

• An INFORMAL definition is done through parenthetical or brief explanations.

Example of informal:
 Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is naturally found in vegetable oil, fish and nuts.
• An FORMAL definition explains a term by incorporating the term to be defined
(species) the general category of the term (genus), and the quality that makes the
term different from other terms in the same category (differentia).
Example of Formal:
 Vitamin E is a light-yellow fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an anti-oxidant.

• An EXTENDED definition is a detailed way of defining a term and is usually

composed of at least one paragraph. It incorporates various pattern of development
to explain a given concept.
Example of Extended Definition:
Friendship is a state of acquaintance between or among people characterized by a
strong bond of shared concern and caring. In true friendship the bond is mutually
• The following signal words will also help you in writing this kind of text.
As defined For instance Means To define
For example Is defined as Such as To illustrate

 Explication
A method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes, or phrases are taken from
literary or academic work and then interpreted and explained in a detailed way. You
may BEGIN the body of explication by analyzing and explaining how the text was
constructed. The explication should END with a concise conclusion by restating your
thesis and major arguments.

Method of explanation in which the points are organized from general abstract idea to
specific and concrete examples.

• The following signals words will help in writing this kind of text.
After all For instance Namely That is
As an example In other words Put another way To be specific
Consider the In particular Specifically To clarify
following In short Stated differently To illustrate
For example

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Parts of a Concept Paper
A concept paper usually ranges from 500 to 2000 words and is usually
divided into several parts. The part of a concept paper may also vary
depending on the nature project activity. Below are two outlines of a
concept paper based on the context.

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Concept Paper for a Project
Use the following structure when you want to propose a certain tangible project in your discipline.

1. Cover Page
• State the name of the proponents and their affiliations.
• State the addresses, contact numbers, and email addresses of the proponents.
• State the head of the agency and his/her information.
• State the date of submission.
2. Introduction
• State the information about the funding agency to show that you understand its mission.
• State the mission of the agency that the proponents represents and align it to the funding agency's
mission. Also, state the year the proponents' agency was established, its major accomplishments
and other details that demonstrate its capability to undertake the proposed project.
• Present and describe other partner agencies and why they are qualified as such.
• Provide reasons why the funding agency should support the project.
3. Rationale or Background
• State gap in knowledge to be addressed by the project.
• State the problem to be solved.
• State the project's significance.

4. Project Description
• State the goals and objectives of the project.
• Present the methodology (sometimes termed as Action Plan, Project
Activities or Approach.)
• Present the timeline expressed in months and year.

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5. Project Needs and Cost
• Outline the maid budget include the item description and
• Explain or justify how the budget will be used.
• List the personnel or equipment needed for the project.

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Concept Paper for Academic Research
Use the following structure when you intend to present an idea or concept for a
research you would like to pursue.
A. Title Page
•State your research title
• State your name and school
• State the date of submission.
B. Background of the Study
• Provide the current state of the field you are researching on
• State the gap in knowledge and problems to be addressed by the research. Provide statistics
and previous studies to prove your claims.
• State the reasons why you want to investigate on the chosen topic.
• State the theoretical and practical implications of your proposed research.
C. Preliminary Literature Review
• Provide a theoretical framework, the theoretical framework includes the
theory that will guide you in the conduct of your research.
• Provide related literature that supports your topic.
• Provide related students that will help you in conducting the research or
analyzing and discussing the data.
• Provide a brief synthesis of the reviewed literature and studies.
D. Statement of the Problem/ Objectives
• State your general problem in one sentence
• State your specific research questions or objectives
E. Abridged Methodology
• Provide the context and participants of the study
• Provide the instruments to be used
• Provide the date collection procedure
• Provide the data analysis scheme to be used
F. Timeline
• Provide a timeline (e.g. Grant chart) set in month and year.
G. References
• Provide a list of books, journals and other resources cited in your paper.
Guidelines in Writing a Concept

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Guidelines in Writing a Concept Paper
Follow the guidelines below to come up with a well-written concept
1. Cost and methodology should be reasonable.
2. The budget, methodology, and timeline should be clearly aligned.
3. Use statistics and figures when discussing the rationale for the
4. Use no more than five pages (single-spaced excluding the cover
page. Do nit overwhelm the readers with details.
5. Never request funding for planning the proposal.
6. Adjust your language to the intended readers. You may use technical
terms if readers are scholars and scientist. However, refrain from using
jargons when your target readers are lay persons.

7. Include the overview of the budget if it is required. If nit, then skip the
budget section. In place of thus, you nay simply include the type of support
you may need such as personnel, travel and communication, and

8. Be sure that basic format details, such as page numbers, are incorporated.

9. Cite your references.

•Project Overview
L2 Pedagogy and research have considerably experienced shifts that continue to bring about
new and perennial concerns, the first of which is the divergence between PR actioners and
theorizers. This problem resulted in the struggles of teachers in accommodating and integrating
technical knowledge to their own embedded teaching framework; hence, they employ various
methods and approaches which they feel are more practical and effective based on their own
teaching experiences and classroom realities. Also, teachers employ eclectic which seemed to be
unsystematic, uncritical and unprincipled as it reaches classroom level (eclectic, 1994) because
"it offers no criteria according to which we can determine which is the best theory, nor does it
provide any principles by which to include or exclude features which form part of existing theories
or practices" (Stern, 1992, p.1).

Another issue directly linked to the divergence between the theorizers and PR actioner is the lack
of models consolidating the recent theoretical and empirical research findings which will guide the
teachers in employing sound teaching practices (Brandi, 2002). The lack of such model may be
the factor that prompted language teachers to practice teaching without due regard for current
beliefs in language teaching and learning for reason that they teach the way they were taught
(Borg, 2003).
Teachers' skills are also an issue though teaches are capable of crafting curriculum, learning
experiences and assessment to diagnose the needs, weaknesses and strengths of the students
(Wiggins & McTighe, 2005), their skills are sometimes questioned particularly the nonnative English
teachers. As what Dat (2008) has pointed out, many teachers from Southeast Asia are known to be
incompetent language and pedagogically unskilled.

The overwhelmingly cognitive orientation in contemporary L2 pedagogy has been coitized by putting
much emphasis on the language itself and not L2 in use (Matsouka & Evans, 2004) in short developing
language pruriency is treated as the ultimate goals of any language course this leads to the next issue
which is the lack of emphasis on along with the difficulty in developing the learners' pragmatic and
sociocultural competence in the context oft.2 classrooms (Rosburg, 1995)

With the introduction of new pedagogical concepts, learning processes and information and
communication technology. It is imperative to develop a teaching framework that would reflect the most
current and generally accepted second language learning principles and integrate them with practical
knowledge. Since current trends in language teaching and materials design are evolutionary rather than
revolutionary (Nunan, 1999), this paper does not intend to reject previously held tried and tested
practices but to add value to what is already existing by consolidating the most recent and established
principles and communicate them clearly from practical use, particularly in materials preparations As
Omahgio-Hadley (1993) has pointed out, the mere proliferation of L2 research which is sometimes
contradictory would just lead to confusion unless the results are integrated and well communicated.
And since the study will be conducted in the context of a developing country, the findings of this
study will potentially contribute to the field of language teaching in the Southeast Asian region by
offering a framework that integrates both the socio-cognitive and transformative aspects of
language teaching and learning. This paper, through the developed framework will help teachers
expands their repertoire of techniques and best practices to effectively deal with the learners'
individual differences; consequently, re-skilling them. This study will primarily use qualitative
research combined with sone quantitative measure ( Tashakkori& Teddue, 2002 ). Such method
will provide the best opportunities for generating new and creative ideas (Jaccard & Jacoby,
2010). Specifically, the development of the teaching framework will be anchored in the grounded
theory (Glaser, 1992; Glaser & Strayss, 1967) through analysis of recent literature and studies
from the top TESOL and applied linguistics journal. Consequently, the framework that will be
developed will be validated from both theoretical (research-theorizers) and practical perspectives
(practioners) to ensure utmost applicability and usability.

The following instruments will be used for validation of the framework: rating scale for researcher-
theorizers validation, semi-structured interview for experienced teachers’ (practitioners) validation
and actual classroom teaching with observation. There will be five experienced teachers and five
researcher-theorizers who will validate the framework. Moreover, such triangulation will be used
to obtain a full picture of what is being investigated (Mackey & Gass, 2006).
Draft Budget
• Materials, Reproduction, Date Collection ₱100,000.00
•Digital Recorder w/rechargeable battery
•Bond paper (short)
•Bond paper (long)
•Computer ink (BCl830, black)
•Miscellaneous (Pens, Pencil, Folder, CD’s rewritable)
• USB flash drive
•Validatir’s Token (In kind) ₱50,000.00
•Transcriber’s Fee. ₱50,000.00

•This paper will only involve one research proponenr who will undertake the project. However,
other personnel will be involved not as researchers but as franework validators, instruments
validators and transcribers.

2013 Surveying & Analysis

2013 Preparing research instruments

Validating research instruments

2013 Pilot testing of interview guide

Revising research instruments
2013 Validating the framework by practioners via interview
Transcribing and encoding of interview
2013 Revising framework
Preparing lesson
Preparation observing checklist
2013 Using the framework in the classroom (i.e actual teaching using the framework)

2014 Writing the paper.

Thank you!

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