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• Introduction
• Existing vs Proposed system
• Development Tools
• Module specification
• Dataset
• Algorithms used
• Procedures Implemented
• Usecase Diagram
• Screen shots
• Scope of future enchancement
• Conclusion
Depression is one of the most common mental
disorders with millions of people suffering from it. It
is described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that
interfere with a person’s everyday activities. People

INTRODUCTION experience depression in different ways. It

may interfere with your daily work, resulting in lost
time and lower productivity. It can also influence
relationships and some chronic health conditions.
Symptoms: Depression is a constant state of sadness
and feeling low. It can cause a variety of symptoms
such as :
• Constant feeling of sadness, hopeless or worried.
• Not enjoying things that used to give you joy.
• Easily irritated or frustrated.
• Eating too much or too little.
INTRODUCTION • Sleeping too much or too less.
• Having a difficult time concentrating or
remembering things.
• Experiencing physical problems like headache,
fatigue, stomachache or sexual dysfunction.
• Thinking about hurting or killing yourself.
is an end to end project which shows whether a
person is depressed or not. We have proposed a
model that uses a standard psychological assessment
and machine learning algorithms such as
INTRODUCTION Multinomial Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression to
diagnose  whether a person is depressed or not. We
will be using Python, Flask.  It has a test section that
checks our emotions and evaluate yourself whether
you are depressed or not. The accurate algorithm  is
Logistic Regression.
Existing System and
Proposed System
• Direct contact with doctor to evaluate whether you are depressed or not
• Time consuming
• Not comfortable
• Costly
• May not be Accurate
• Direct contact with doctor only if you are depressed
• Less time consuming
• Comfortable
• Zero cost
• High accuracy
• Efficient
Front end : CSS, HTML, JavaScript

Development Tools Framework : Flask

Back end :  Python
USER Module :
User module helps us to check depression. It
has a test section that checks our emotions

Module Specification through text and

yourself whether you are depressed
not. Result 1 indicates depression and
the result 0 indicates  no depression.
Algorithm Used
The Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm is a Bayesian learning approach popular in
Natural Language Processing (NLP). The program guesses the tag of a text, such as an
email or a newspaper story, using the Bayes theorem. It calculates each tag's likelihood
for a given sample and outputs the tag with the greatest chance
Algorithm Used
• Logistic regression is an example of supervised learning. It is used to calculate or
predict the probability of a binary (yes/no) event occurring. An example of logistic
regression could be applying machine learning to determine if a person is likely to be
infected with COVID-19 or not. Since we have two possible outcomes to this question -
yes they are infected, or no they are not infected - this is called binary classification.
• Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK) : Natural Language Toolkit. It is a suite that contains
libraries and programs for statistical language processing. It is one of the most powerful
NLP libraries, which contains packages to make machines understand human language
and reply to it with an appropriate response.
• Word Cloud :  Many times you might have seen a cloud filled with lots of words in
different sizes, which represent the frequency or the importance of each word. This is
called the Tag Cloud or Word Cloud. Word Cloud is a data visualization technique used
for representing text data in which the size of each word indicates its frequency or
importance. Significant textual data points can be highlighted using a word cloud. Word
clouds are widely used for analyzing data from social network websites.
Use Case Diagram
Scope of the Project
Now a days , majority of the population is engaged in social medias and
stressed with their works. They may not get time for relaxation. This may
lead to depression. So we offered a completely free platform to predict our
depression, so that users can diagnose their mental state themselves at their
comfortable time. It is less time consuming and completely cost free.This will
gain more popularity in future because most of the youngster are addicted
to drugs and phone. This will be a perfect platform to users like to check
their depression.
The proposed system will collect data from Twitter database and use NLP
techniques to distinguish whether the user is depressed or not. Sentiment analysis
based approach will enhance the accuracy of depression detection.It has
identified the most 9 input features as questions that can be asked to users in
order to gain a preliminary understanding about whether the user is depressed or
not. It is more user friendly so that easy to use. It can assist them in making an
early diagnosis of the disease and initiating treatment at an early stage.

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