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• If you want to learn English more quickly, lots of reading is

important. The more you read, the more input your brain
gets about how the language works. When you read in
English, you can improve your vocabulary, your grammar,
and your writing skills at the same time.
• Reading improves writing and writing improves reading.
• No need to understand the whole sentence, just try to
understand the meaning behind it, that’s enough for
Protect your body
Eat food that’s good for you.Good food helps you bones to
grow.It makes you strong and it stops you getting sick.There’s
lots of water in your body.You lose water when you go to the
toilet and when your body makes sweat.Drink water every day
to protect your body.Go to the doctor when you get sick,and go
to the dentist every year.Do exercise every day.It’s good to do
exercise and it makes you happy.It’s good to sleep when you are
tired,too.It’s important to protect your body.
• Bone-/bəʊn/-ոսկոր
• To get sick-հիվանդանալ
• Sweat-/swet/-քրտինք
• Dentist-/ˈdentɪst/-ատամնաբույժ
• To protect-/prəˈtekt/-պաշտպանել
Food for life
Everyone needs food to live.It gives you energy to work and
play.It also gives you nutrients to grow well and stay healthy.Do
you eat a balanced diet with lots of different nutrients?Your
body needs proteins to build muscles.Proteins are also
important for healthy hair and fingernails.You can get lots of
proteins from meat,fish and eggs.Dairy products like milk,cheese
and yogurt,also contain proteins.Many people don’t eat animal
products,but they can get proteins from plant
products.Pulses,like beans and lentils,are rich in proteins.Many
grains,nuts and seeds have proteins,too.Which of these foods do
you eat?
• Nutrients-/ˈnjuːtriənt/-սննդանյութեր
• Balanced-/ˈbælənst/-բալանսավորված
• Diet-/ˈdaɪət/-սննդակարգ
• Protein-/ˈprəʊtiːn/-սպիտակուց
• To build muscles-/bɪld//ˈmʌsl/-մկաններ ,,կառուցել՛՛
• Dairy products-/ˈdeəri//ˈprɒdʌkt/-կաթնամթերք
• Animal products-/ˈænɪml//ˈprɒdʌkt/-մսամթերք
• Plant products-/plɑːnt//ˈprɒdʌkt/բուսական արտադրանք
• Beans- /biːn/-լոբի
• Lentils- /ˈlentl/-ոսպ
• Grain- /ɡreɪn/-հացահատիկ
• Nut- /nʌt/-ընկույզ
• Seeds- /siːd/-սերմեր
Carbohydrates give your body energy.You can get carbohydrates
from grain products like rice,bread and pasta.Your body digests
these foods slowly,so they give you energy for many hours.Some
vegetables like potatoes also have lots of carbohydrates,What
grains and vegetables do you eat?Sugar is also a
carbohydrate.Your body digests sugar quckly,so it gives you
energy right away.Don’t eat too many sweet foods like candy or
ice cream,and remember that you can also get sugar from
naturally sweet foods.
• Carbohydrates- /ˌkɑːbəʊˈhaɪdreɪt/-ածխաջրեր
• Grain products- /ɡreɪn/ /ˈprɒdʌkt/-հացահատիկեղեն
• To digest- /dɪˈdʒest/ /daɪˈdʒest/-մարսել
• Right away-անմիջապես
You need to eat some fats to grow well and stay healthy.Your
body also stores fats for extra energy,and to keep you warm in
winter.Some types of meat and fish have a lot of fats.Dairy
products,like butter and cheese,have fats,too.You can also get
fats from plant productslike nuts,seeds and vegetable oils.Be
careful!Too many fats can make you fat.
• Fats- /fæt/-ճարպեր
• To store- /stɔː(r)/-պահեստավորել
• Extra energy- /ˈekstrə/ /ˈenədʒi/-հավելյալ էներգիա
• To keep warm-  /wɔːm/-տաքանալ
Your body needs vitamins to stay healthy and fight against
diseases.Vitamin A keeps your skin healthy.You can get vitamin A
from orange fruits and vegetables like carrots or pumpkins.Dark
green vegetables,like spinach,have lots of vitamin A,too.Dairy
products give you vitamin B for healthy blood.You can also get
vitamin B from meat,fish and eggs.Vitamin C helps yor body fight
against diseases.You can get vitamin C from citrus fruits,like
oranges and lemons.
• Fight against diseases- /faɪt/ /əˈɡeɪnst/ /dɪˈziːz/-պայքարել
հիվանդությունների դեմ
• Carrot- /ˈkærət/-գազար
• Pumpkin- /ˈpʌmpkɪn/ -դդում
• Blood- /blʌd/-արյուն
Your body also needs minerals.You need calcium for strong
bones and healthy teeth.Dairy products,like milk and yogurt,are
good sources of calcium.You also need iron for healthy blood.You
can get iron from red meat and eggs,or from vegetables like
broccoli and spinach.Salt is also an important mineral,but be
careful!Too much salty food is bad for you.
• Minerals- /ˈmɪnərəl/-հանքանյութեր
• Sources- /sɔːs/-աղբյուրներ
Too much waste
In some countries,one person can make about five kilograms of waste
every day!Where does all this waste go?Most waste goes to a
landfill.At a landfill,people put the waste under the ground.Landfills
are very big because we make so much waste.Most waste materials
decompose.They break down into very small pieces.Food waste
decomposes fast,but some waste materials decompose slowly.Paper
materials take from two to five months to decompose.Some metal
materials take from eighty to one hundred years,and plastic materials
take maybe up to one thousand years.Some materials,like glass,never
decompose.We are making more and more waste.We need more
landfills,but there’s no more land on Earth for landfills.Our waste
stays in landfills for too long,and this is bad for Earth.So,we should
make less waste.We should recycle more things.Around the
world,people make up to four billion metric tons of waste every year.
• Waste-/weɪst/-թափոն
• Landfill-/ˈlændfɪl/-աղբանոց
• To decompose-/ˌdiːkəmˈpəʊz/--քայքայվել
• To break down into-բաժանել մասերի
• Up to-մինչև
• Recycle-/ˌriːˈsaɪkl/
Stop germs
Do you get sick?Germs are things that can make you sick.Germs
can get in your body when you breathe and when you eat.Germs
can get in your mouth from your fingers,too.Some germs get in
your body when you get a cut in your skin.Wash your hands with
soap and water to get germs off your fingers.Wash your hands
when it’s time to eat,after you go to the toilet,after you touch
animals and after you play outside.Stop germs!There are germs
in a sneeze.Catch sneezes in a tissue.Then throw the tissue in a
• Germs-/dʒɜːm/-մանրէներ
• Breathe-/briːð/-շնչել
• To get a cut-կտրվածք անել
• To get germs off-հեռացնել մանրէները
• Touch-/tʌtʃ/-դիպչել
• Sneeze-/sniːz/-փռշտոց
• Tissue-/ˈtɪʃuː/-հյուսվածք
• Wastebasket-/ˈweɪstbɑːskɪt/-աղբաման
I volunteer three times a week after school.I go to an elementary
school in an underdeveloped neighbourhood,and help students
with their homework.They don’t have private tutors,and their
parents are usually busy working.The kids look up to me and ask
me for advice.I try to set a good example,and I encourage them
to study hard.
• Volunteer-/ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/-կամավոր
• Elementary-/ˌelɪˈmentri/-տարրական
• Underdeveloped-/ˌʌndədɪˈveləpt/-թերզարգացած
• Neighbourhood-/ˈneɪbəhʊd/-
• Private tutor-/ˈpraɪvət//ˈtjuːtə(r)/
• Advice-/ədˈvaɪs/
• To set a good example-թերզարգացած

When I think about things,I try not to think too much about the
negative side of things.I try to focus on the positive.I think
things will work out for the best,and they usually do.Some of my
friends are just the opposite and that can be hard on me
sometimes.I guess I prefer to be around people who also focus
more on the positive,but I get that not everyone is the same.
• To work out of the best-դեպի լավը գնալ
• To be the same-նույնը լինել

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