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The Math & Science

Teacher Training Certificate

Spring II 2021

Level 1
English for Math & Science

Dr. Mary Yassa

MSTTC Teacher Revamped by: Heba
2 Trainer Salah Ghoneim
Session 5: Friday, February 25th, 2022
Today’s Agenda
• Describing process P. 43- 47
• Practice presentation- unit 1 project
Homework: Prepare for Session 6:
• Oral presentation assessment

• Science riddles
1. When the son of the water returns to the parent, it dies.
What is it?
• Ice
2. Which is heavier, a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers?
• They both weigh one pound
3. I am a planet and I can measure heat. What am I?
• Mercury

Written assessment 1 feedback
• Voyager: The Interstellar Mission
The Voyager space probes are part of a program aimed at studying the outer Solar

There are eight planets orbiting the sun. A planet’s orbital period is the time it takes
to complete one orbit around the sun (for the Earth this is one year). All the planets
orbit around the sun because they are drawn to it by the force of gravity. Gravity,
which was first explained by Isaac Newton, is the force that attracts one object to
another, so it holds together the solar system, and holds you to the ground as well!

In order to analyze the eight planets we can divide them into Gas (giant) planets and
Rock (terrestrial) planets, according to what they are made of and their size. The
terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are closer to the sun,
are comparatively small, and have a small mass. They consist almost entirely of
rocky materials. The giant planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These
are far away from the sun, and are very big but have a low density. They have cores
of icy and rocky materials, surrounded by swirling clouds of gases.
• The giant planets have an icy surface. F

• The Earth is the third planet from the sun. It takes 365 days
(1 year) to make a full revolution around the sun. This,
together with the fact that the planet is tilted on its axis, causes
the change of seasons. When it is summer in the Northern
hemisphere the Northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun.
At the same time it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, as
this part of the Earth is tilted away. Moreover, the Earth spins
around its own axis once every 24 hours – this causes the day
and night cycles.
• When it is summer in the Northern hemisphere, it
is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. This is
because the Earth is tilted on its axis. T

Extra Practice


Write up this experiment:

• Litmus pH test strips, 5 jars,
– vinegar, baking soda solution (control jars)
– filtered water, tap water, table salt solution (test jars)
• Label the jars
• Insert litmus paper in each jar
• Vinegar: acidic (red) baking soda: alkaline (blue)
• Arrange the other solutions from acidic to alkaline
• Observation: Most acidic: Vinegar, then tap water, filtered
water, salt & water solution, and finally baking soda solution:
most alkaline
Suggested Answer

Aim: An experiment to arrange some substance from most acidic to

most alkaline.
Equipment: 5 jars, Litmus pH test strips, vinegar, baking soda solution
(control jars), filtered water, tap water, table salt solution (test
Method: The jars were labeled and a litmus paper was placed in
each one. The color of the paper was observed and the jars were
arranged accordingly, from acidic to alkaline
Results: In the control jars: vinegar (acid) turns the litmus paper into
red and the baking soda solution (alkaline) turns the litmus paper
into blue.
As for the test jars, the colors graduates.
Conclusion: Tap water is more acidic than filtered water and both are
less alkaline than the salty water solution
P. 44-Writing
47 2
Describing Processes


Begin with a summary sentence to introduce
what the diagram is about.
Note that the passive is often used in this task.

Academic Writing 2: Describing a Process
Task 1: Describing a Scientific Process
Look at the diagram opposite and
choose the best summary sentence:
a. Digestion is vital for life
b. The diagram shows how food is
taken to the stomach.
c. The diagram shows the human
digestive process
d. The digestive canal and its
associates form the digestive
The following is a description of food digestion. When you write about a
process, it is important to make sure you give the information in the right order.
Put the sentences a – g in order.
Answer in your notebook-give a happy face-check your answer
2 a. The resulting mass is __________ swallowed and is passed
through the throat to the esophagus. The esophagus is a long tube
which connects the throat with the stomach. It uses muscle action
to send the food mass to the stomach.
6 b. _______ passing through the small intestine, the food enters the
large intestine, where water is removed.
1 c. __________, food in the mouth is broken down by the process of
chewing with the back teeth and then by enzymes
7 d. ___________, waste material is excreted.
5 e. Here it is mixed with a chemical called bile that is formed in the
3 f. __________, the food mass is mixed in the stomach with gastric
acid, which breaks down the food further and helps digestion.
4 g. From the stomach, the partly digested food goes into the small
intestine. 14
Now, use the best sequencing word in each space:
First of all – then – next – finally – after
1. First of all food in the mouth is broken down by the process of
chewing with the back teeth and then by enzymes
2. then swallowed and is passed through
The resulting mass is __________
the throat to the esophagus. The esophagus is a long tube which
connects the throat with the stomach. It uses muscle action to send
the food mass to the stomach.
3. Next the food mass is mixed in the stomach with gastric acid,
which breaks down the food further and helps digestion.
4. From the stomach, the partly digested food goes into the small
5. Here it is mixed with a chemical called bile that is formed in the liver.
6. After passing through the small intestine, the food enters the
large intestine, where water is removed.
7. Finally 15 waste material is excreted.
Now, read the process again. Underline all passive verbs twice and
: all active verbs once
1. First of all, food in the mouth is broken down by the process of
chewing with the back teeth and then by enzymes
2. The resulting mass is then swallowed and is passed through the throat
to the esophagus. The esophagus is a long tube which connects the
throat with the stomach. It uses muscle action to send the food mass
to the stomach.
3. Next, the food mass is mixed in the stomach with gastric acid, which
breaks down the food further and helps digestion.
4. From the stomach, the partly digested food goes into the small
5. Here it is mixed with a chemical called bile that is formed in the liver.
6. After passing through the small intestine, the food enters the large
intestine, where water is removed.
7.16 Finally, waste material is excreted.
Describing Processes
Which tense is used?
• The present simple is used.
• Because we are describing a process that takes place every time
we eat
When do we use the passive, and when do we use the active
• Passive: when the action is more important than who / what
does it or when the agent is obvious or unknown.
• Active: when the doer of the action (the subject of the verb) is
How is the passive formed?
• 17(verb to be in the present) is/are + Past Participle
How to Construct a Bisector
P. 46

How to Construct a Bisector
P. 46
Fill in the spaces with the appropriate sequencing expression or verb form:

__1__,First is drawnSecondly, the line

a straight line segment __2__(draw).
is named
segment __3__(name) is measured
AB and it __4__(measure) using a ruler.
Nextmeasure of the line segment AB __6__(divide) by
__5__, the
is divided
two. __7__, the zero pointThen
of the ruler __8__(placed) over the
is placed
point A. ___9___, a point M __10__(mark) at the midpoint of
After that
is line
the marked Finallythe
segment. __11__, a line __12__(draw) to intersect
is drawn
line segment AB passing through point M. This new line is the
bisector of AB.
Group work
P. 45
Describe the scientific process in
the opposite diagram.
:Remember to use
Sequencing words •
Present simple tense •
Passive voice •

Begin your description as follows:

First, the water in the seas is evaporated by the sun.
Next, ______________

group 1

group 2

group 3

The Water Cycle

First of all, the water in the seas is evaporated

by the sun. Next, it is condensed into clouds by
the cold weather. After that, when the water in
the clouds becomes heavy it is precipitated as
rain. Some of the rain water falls on land and
some in the sea. Then, the excess water is
gathered and it flows into the sea. Finally, the
water in the seas is evaporated by the sun and
the cycle goes on.
Extra practice
Now Practice:
Write the process of
How a Right Angle is Constructed Using a Ruler
and a Protractor
Remember to use:
• Sequencing words
• Present simple tense
• Passive voice

Extra practice
Describing a Process in Geometry
How a Right Angle is Constructed Using
a Ruler and a Protractor
Sample Answer


How a Right Angle is Constructed

Using a Ruler & a Protractor A B

• First of all, a straight line is drawn and a line

segment AB is marked on it. Next, the protractor
is placed on the straight line such that the base is
aligned over the line AB and the center coincides
with point A. After that, a point C is taken on the
protractor at 90° measure. Finally, the protractor
is removed and point C is joined to point A by the
ruler. This is how angle < BAC is formed and it is a
25 right angle.
Describing Processes- HW individually due
Extra Practice

!Take Fifteen
It’s Break Time

Task 1: unit 2 project deliverable
Describing a Process in Making dinner
• Describe the process of making a dinner that contains Salad, baked chicken
and potato, and prepare the table as in the image.
• Identify the physical and chemical changes happened as you are preparing
your dinner. Which of the final products is considered a mixture?

Group 1 •

Group 2 •

Prepare for Session 6:

• Oral presentation
Follow the steps below:
1. Introduce yourself
2. State the name of your topic
3. mention the steps of doing the
4. identify the science behind the
5. identify the math behind the
6. Conclude strongly
7. Invite discussion
• Chose a topic from the following or any similar
activity that integrates math and science
• Perform the activity then prepare a
presentation with your work
Session 5 Self Evaluation
:By the end of this session, I am now able to
• Demonstrate oral and written use of basic
vocabulary related to chemistry and describing
process accurately.
• Comprehend and exploit information
presented in a variety of forms such as texts
and reports.

• Use English fluently and accurately during

discussions and oral presentations.

See you on Tomorow, ISA

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