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Reginald Gallo
Crixielyn Emmerald Riza B. Sanuco Documemtor
Jacinto Dumlao
Leader / Presenter Maker Researcher

M a r c L e o n a r d T. C r i s t o b a l
My ra Tum a l iua n Researcher F r a n z e s Z i a h Vi l l a n u e v a
Scribe writer/ Presentor
Presentor/ Scribe
In essence, life skill are those aptitudes that
s u p p o r t a n i n d i v i d u a l ’s m e n t a l h e a l t h a n d
c o m p e t e n c y a s t h e y d e a l w i t h l i f e ’s c h a l l e n g e s .
Life skills are those skills that enable
individuals to adapt and cope with the demands
and challenges of life. Every individual may
have a list of the skills they consider most
essential in life.
- To I d e n t i f y t h e l i f e s k i l l s w e n e e d
- What is life skill
- How would it help us
1. Communication
2. Critical Thinking
3. Decision Making
4. Time Management
5. Cooperation
6. Reading
It is a very crucial life skill which refers to the process of
exchanging knowledge, ideas, perspectives, information,
thoughts in the best possible manner. The benefit of
co mm u n i cat i o n i s co u r tes y, as s is t an ce , an d li v eli n es s . It i s
challenging to keep a positive attitude toward someone
who is actively working to harm you. Communication helps
th e r elat io ns hi p o f o n es elf , i mp r o v i n g o p en n es s , s af ety,
trust with one another. The purpose of communication is to
satisfy societal expectations, to inform, to express
emotions, to visualize, and to imagine.
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking skills are the ability to analyze
i n f o r m a t i o n a n d e x p e r i e n c e s o b j e c t i v e l y. T h i s s k i l l s c a n
contribute to our personal development and growth by
helping us identify and assess the factors that influence
attitudes and behavior, such as values, peer pressure, and
the media. The benefit of critical thinking is you can
focus more on your strengths and prevent any form of
restrictive or negative beliefs y using critical thinking to
h e l p y o u u n d e r s t a n d y o u r s e l f . Yo u r q u a l i t y o f l i f e m y g o
up if you can express your ideas. The purpose of critical
thinking is people are more able to grasp their own goals,
m o t i v e s , a n d s e l f . Yo u m a y i m p r o v e y o u r s i t u a t i o n , f o s t e r
personal development, and increase your life satisfaction
in doing so.
Decision making is a life skill essential for making
decisions in our lives. It teaches us how to make decisions
depending on the situation and current conditions. The
benefit of decision-making is it saves your time & money
an d al s o in cr eas es p ro d u ct iv i t y. It ’s a h el p f o r i d en t if y i n g
opportunities, preventing conflict, and to set achievable
objectives. Decision-making is the process of identifying,
gathering information, and evaluating alternative
resolutions. By organizing relevant information and
defining alternatives, it can assist you in making more
deliberate, thoughtful decisions.
Time management skills are essential because few, if any, of us ever have
enough time to do everything that is asked of
us, or that we want to do. Time management is the process of organizing and
planning how to divide your time between different activities. The benefit of
time management is to achieve your goals faster, in terms of prioritizing
this is the greatest of help. You complete more work in less time, thus
reduces stress. Prevention of procrastination. This is famous amongst all. It
helps you achieve your goals
faster, in terms of prioritizing work, this is the greatest
of help. You complete more work in less time, thus reduces stress. Prevention
of procrastination.
The skill to cooperate is very important in life as our
communal development relies on our ability to collaborate
as a family unit, work as a team, and as contributing
m e m b e r s o f s o c i e t y. I t i s a l s o i m p o r t a n t i n t h e w o r k p l a c e
as employees have to perform in other collaborative
settings. Cooperation skill requires a person to improve.
Assuming shared responsibility for collaborative work and
respecting the opinions and contributions of each team
m emb er f ro m a p o s it i o n o f st r o n g s elf -i d en t it y,
cooperation demonstrates the capacity to work effectively
and respectfully with diverse individuals or teams , make
concessions, reach consensus during decision-making, and
building consensus.
- Research has proven that reading not only enhances our
memory and empathetic abilities but also improves our
mood and outlook.This, therefore, means that there are
health benefits to reading books.Reading can aid with
sadness, reduce stress, and lower the risk of developing
Alzheimer ’s disease later in life, according to scientific
r e s e a r c h . Yo u m i g h t b e l o s i n g o u t i f y o u ’ r e o n e o f t h e
many people who don’t make it a habit to read
f r e q u e n t l y. A s a n y v o r a c i o u s r e a d e r w i l l a t t e s t , l o s i n g
oneself in a fantastic book can stimulate your mind.
Science is now showing that this is real, despite how
romantic it may sound.
- jj
Life Skills Help You Connect with Others and Be More Sociable
Psychosocial skills are the abilities you need to interact
with others, take care of problems, and get on with your
life. They help you communicate, be more independent and
improve your health and wellness . They can help you Be
Happier, More Fulfilled, and Independent
Life skills empower you to make personal and professional
choices and help you develop important competencies for
getting along with family, friends, and coworkers.
Life Skills Help You Connect with Others and Be More Sociable
Psychosocial skills are the abilities you need to interact
with others, take care of problems, and get on with your
life. They help you communicate, be more independent and
improve your health and wellness . They can help you Be
Happier, More Fulfilled, and Independent
Life skills empower you to make personal and professional
choices and help you develop important competencies for
getting along with family, friends, and coworkers.

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