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Introduction to

Batch Files

Ch 10 1

Will learn to create batch files

to automate a sequence of
commands to accomplish
various tasks.
Ch 10 2
The use of batch file
subcommands will be
discussed and then used with
batch commands.

Ch 10 3

How to halt the execution of a

batch file will be explained.

Ch 10 4
Will write batch files using
replaceable parameters.

Ch 10 5
Learn how batch files can be
used from the desktop.

Ch 10 6
Concepts of Batch and
Interactive Processing
Batch file:
 String together series of commands
executed sequentially with one command
without human interaction or interruption

Ch 10 7
Concepts of Batch and
Interactive Processing
Batch file:
 Must be an ASCII file
 Created with Edit, COPY CON, text editor,
or word processor which has “Save as text
file” option
 Has .BAT or .CMD extension
 Each line in batch file contains only one
Ch 10 8
Concepts of Batch and
Interactive Processing
Why batch files used:
 Minimize keystrokes
 Automate frequent/consistent
 Do not need to interact with computer
while batch files are running

Ch 10 9
Concepts of Batch and
Interactive Processing
Batch processing:
 Automate frequent/consistent
 Batch files can be run at anytime
 No user/computer interaction required

Ch 10 10
Concepts of Batch and
Interactive Processing

Interactive processing:
 Also called online or real time mode
 User interacts directly with computer
 Information processed without delay

Ch 10 11
How Batch Files Work

The operating system determines

if a file is a data file or a program
file by its extension.

Ch 10 12
How Batch Files Work
To locate file, operating system:
 Looks internally for command
 Using Extension Priority Rules,
searches on default drive and directory
 Searches search path as set in PATH
statement following Priority Rules

Ch 10 13
How Batch Files Work
Table 10.1 Search Order for Extensions pp. 485-486

Ch 10 14
How Batch Files Work

Priority rules are followed if there

are files on a disk with the same
file name but three different file

Ch 10 15
How Batch Files Work
If file not found, get error message:

“Filename is not recognized as an

internal or external command,
operable program, or batch file.”

Ch 10 16
How Batch Files Work

 A batch file is a program.

 Each line in a batch file must

contain only one command.

Ch 10 17
Using EDIT to Write
Batch Files

To write a batch file you must

use a program that creates
ASCII text files.

Ch 10 18
Using EDIT to Write
Batch Files

If a file is readable with

the TYPE command,
it is an ASCII text file.

Ch 10 19
Using EDIT to Write
Batch Files

Word-processing programs
can create text files if they
have a nondocument or text

Ch 10 20
Using EDIT to Write
Batch Files

 Simple text editor in Command
Prompt window
 Used to write batch files.

Ch 10 21
Using EDIT to Write
Batch Files

 Window’s text editor
 Used to write batch files

Ch 10 22
Activity—Writing and
Executing a Batch File
 Create batch files with:
 EDIT - tool to write batch files
 Any text editor or word processor with
ASCII output
 Batch file extensions - .BAT or .CMD
 Execute the batch file the same ways as
you do any command

Ch 10 23
Writing and Executing a
Batch File to Save Keystrokes

Batch files can save keystrokes.

Examples: DIR/AD

Ch 10 24
Writing and Executing a
Batch File to Save Keystrokes

Sometimes easier to use COPY CON

instead of EDIT to write simple batch file.
COPY CON filename

Ch 10 25
Writing and Executing a
Batch File to Save Keystrokes

Drawbacks to using COPY CON:

 Cannot correct errors once
<Enter> is pressed
 Cannot correct errors in
existing files
Ch 10 26
Writing and Executing a
Batch File to Save Keystrokes

 To correct errors need text editor

like EDIT.

 Nothing is faster than COPY CON.

Ch 10 27
Activity—Writing & Executing
a One-Letter Batch File
 Pressing <F6> and <Enter> signals completion
 <Ctrl> +Z same as pressing <F6>
 Displaying file with TYPE indicates it is ASCII
 Create one-line batch files
 Directories have no size

Ch 10 28
Using Batch Files to Alter Your
Command Line Environment

Open command line session by:

 Clicking icon on Start menu
 Clicking shortcut
 Can be altered to run in customized way

Ch 10 29
Activity - Creating a Batch
File to Alter the Command
Line Session Environment
 Created shortcut to open command line session
on desktop
 Can decide what directory to be in
 With /k parameter - include batch file that is
executed each time command line session opened
 Value limited on floppy
 Valuable on hard drive

Ch 10 30
Writing a Batch File to
Load Application Program

 To execute BOG game took three


 Create a batch file to simplify loading

an application program.
Ch 10 31
Activity—Writing a Batch
File to Execute BOG Game
 Create batch files with:
 Any text editor or word processor with
ASCII output (Example: Edit)
 Why no conflict between BOG.BAT and
BOG.EXE names
 How to execute command that requires
particular location
Ch 10 32
Creating Shortcuts for
Batch Files on the Desktop
To run a batch file from Windows:
 Double-click file name in
Windows Explorer/My Computer
 Create shortcut for file and place
on desktop and click icon

Ch 10 33
Creating Shortcuts for
Batch Files on the Desktop
Some things can be done with shortcut
that cannot do in the command line
 Click shortcut to execute batch
 Can change shortcut icon

Ch 10 34
Activity—Creating a
Shortcut on the Desktop
 Clicking shortcut executes file
 Can change icon so it is more

Ch 10 35
Batch Files to Run
Windows Programs
Where Windows system files
reside will vary depending on
installation of Windows XP

Ch 10 36
Batch Files to Run
Windows Programs
Windows “keeps notes” about itself in
system environment.
 Path stored in environmental variable
 Drive referred to in environment as
 Directory where system files are located
referred to as %SystemRoot%

Ch 10 37
Batch Files to Run
Windows Programs
With Notepad:
 Can create batch file that allows you
to run program without returning to
 Can create log file that adds current
date and time to file created with

Ch 10 38
Activity—Creating a Batch
File to Run Notepad
 %SYSTEMROOT% (Environmental variable)
 Windows knows where Windows files are located
and substitutes correct name
 %% signs around name - OS substitutes value for
that variable.
 Opened Notepad without returning to desktop
 Used Notepad to create log file (case sensitive)
 Created log file

Ch 10 39
Activity—Creating a Batch
File to Run Notepad
 START command:
 Can start a program in new window
while still executing batch program in
previous window
 If title following command is in quotes,
will give window that title

Ch 10 40
Special Batch File Commands
Table 10.2 Batch File Commands pp.. 509-510

Ch 10 41
Special Batch File Commands
Table 10.2 Batch File Commands pp.. 509-510

Ch 10 42
The REM Command

REM command (remarks)

allows user to place comments
in file that are displayed
but not executed
Ch 10 43
The REM Command
REM allows file to be documented:
 Gives explanation of the purpose of a
 Can include name of batch file, last
time it was updated, and author of
batch file

Ch 10 44
Activity—Using REM
 Used Edit to write batch file
 Purpose of REM - provide explanatory
remarks about the batch file
 If line begins with REM - explanatory text
follows and no action taken
 No more lines in batch file -OS returns to
system level
Ch 10 45
The ECHO Command
ECHO ON command:
 Displays command and the
command’s output to the screen
 Is the default value

Ch 10 46
The ECHO Command
ECHO OFF command:
 Minimizes screen clutter
 User turns off display of command
then only see command’s output

Ch 10 47
The ECHO Command
Table 10.3 ECHO ON or OFF p. 512

Ch 10 48
Activity—Using ECHO
 ECHO ON - see remarks and commands
 ECHO OFF - output displayed not actual
 @ECHO OFF - @ suppresses display of
 Purpose of batch files defeated if
interaction required by user
Ch 10 49
Activity—Using ECHO
Table 10.4 Echo On and ECHO Off: A Comparison of
Screen Displays p. 516

Ch 10 50
The CLS Command
CLS command used to clear
screen when it becomes full
of no longer needed

Ch 10 51
Activity - Using CLS
 After ECHO turned off screen

Ch 10 52
The PAUSE Command
PAUSE command instructs the
batch file to stop executing
until the user takes some

Ch 10 53
Activity—Using Pause
 Batch file “paused” - stopped
executing until some action is taken
 Pause is not an order

Ch 10 54
Stopping a Batch File
from Executing
To interrupt a batch file during
 Press <Ctrl> + C
 Press <Ctrl> + <Break>

Ch 10 55
Stopping a Batch File
from Executing
Return to system prompt
when batch file interrupted.

Ch 10 56
Activity—Quitting a
Batch File
 Results of Pressing <Ctrl> + C
 Because of speed of computer difficult
to ascertain how many lines of batch
file read when <Ctrl> + C pressed

Ch 10 57
Replaceable Parameters
in Batch Files
Can use fixed or variable
parameters with batch files.

Ch 10 58
Replaceable Parameters
in Batch Files
Example of fixed parameter:
 DIR A: /W
Examples of variable parameter:

Ch 10 59
Replaceable Parameters
in Batch Files

 Batch files can also use replaceable


 Replaceable parameters also called

dummy, substitute or positional
Ch 10 60
Replaceable Parameters
in Batch Files
Can parse batch commands:
 Keying in additional information
on command line
 Dividing computer language into
parts that can be made useful to
Ch 10 61
Replaceable Parameters
in Batch Files

User supplies markers (place

holders) to let batch file know
that variable will be keyed in
with batch file name.

Ch 10 62
Replaceable Parameters
in Batch Files

The place holder used in batch

files is the percent sign (%),
followed by a number (0-9).

Ch 10 63
Replaceable Parameters
in Batch Files

 The % sign is a signal to the operating

system that a parameter is coming.

 The numbers (0-9) indicate what

position the parameter is on in the
command line.
Ch 10 64
Activity—Using Replaceable
 Data still on disk when file deleted
 To delete data overwrite file with new data
 Create generic or “plain wrap” batch file
 Supply specific parameter of file name of interest
 Supply place (“replaceable parameters”)for name of file
 View replaceable parameters as positional parameters
 % sign followed by number

Ch 10 65
Multiple Replaceable
Parameters in Batch Files
Many commands used in
batch files may require
more than one parameter.

Ch 10 66
Multiple Replaceable
Parameters in Batch File

Batch files can have up to 10

replaceable (positional)
parameters (%0-%9).

Ch 10 67
Multiple Replaceable
Parameters in Batch Files

Ch 10 68
Activity—Using Multiple
Replaceable Parameters
 Within batch files parameters do not
have to be in order.
 Order used on command line
 %1 - refers to first position after
command not first item on command
Ch 10 69
Activity—Using Multiple
Replaceable Parameters
Table 10.5 Positional Parameters p. 529

Ch 10 70
Activity—Using Multiple
Replaceable Parameters
 Think of them as positional not replaceable
 Copy files selectively (all except ones
 Do not use < > or | in batch files as OS
reads them as redirection or pipe symbols

Ch 10 71
Activity—Using Multiple
Replaceable Parameters
Rest of lines executed in order
 REM This batch file, NOCOPY.BAT,
will hide specified files,
 REM then copy all other files from one
location to another,

Ch 10 72
Activity—Using Multiple
Replaceable Parameters

 REM then unhide the original files.


Ch 10 73
Creating Useful Batch Files

Can create commands that are

not provided with the
operating system.

Ch 10 74
Activity—Writing Useful
Batch Files
 Create batch file that will compare file
names in directories or on disks
 Add @ECHO OFF at beginning of
batch file - see results of command not
REM statements

Ch 10 75
Activity—Writing Useful
Batch Files
Examine each part of command line:


Ch 10 76

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