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By:- Lakshya Kedia
What Is Personalized Customer Experience?

Personalized customer experience refers to developing products, services, and interactions to meet
your customer’s unique and individual requirements. Right from greeting your customers by their
first name to designing offers that meet their likes and interests, personalization has become the
new brand differentiator.
In today’s era of the ‘empowered customer’, personalization has become so important that
businesses cannot afford to ignore it anymore. According to an Accenture report, 33% of
customers who ended their relationship with a business did so because of a lack of personalization.
Well, this was just the tip of the iceberg. Let us discuss the further role of personalization in
customer experience.
Need to Offer Personalized Customer
Yes! A small touch of personalization can have magical
consequences for everyone- your employees, customers, and the
Personalization builds trust
When you share a personalized message with your customers, they
are impressed. This small gesture reveals that your business is
ready to understand their needs and give them the attention they
Personalization enhances customer engagement
Ask yourself a small question- would you like to engage with an
employee that treats you like a total stranger or someone who
makes you feel at home? Yes, we all would naturally like to engage
more with a brand that personalizes every customer interaction.
Create a Customer Personalization
Understand Customer

You cannot offer stellar customer

experiences unless you attempt to
understand your customer’s
expectations. This is an important initial
step of customer personalization strategy
and will help you take a deep dive into
their minds. Here are some ways to get

Conduct regular opinion polls and

customer surveys
Track what customers are posting online
about your business or close competitors
Analyze online customer reviews
Know Your Customer
Great interactions begin with
knowing the customers’ wants
and needs. Customers love
personalisation. It is important
to know the customers,
remember their names and
previous conversations. The
sales associate can even make
a note of what was discussed
previously to refer to it the
next time they meet the same
Create and maintain a
rapport with customers
Trust builds rapport.
Customers learn to trust the
retailer if they keep their
commitments. A retailer should
build trust by demonstrating
that he or she is interested in
the customer’s well-being
beyond their own profit
potential. Little things like
finding information for the
customers or putting them in
touch with other suppliers tend
to make a big difference
Provide information on sale
of additional or related

In order to sell additional

products available in the
store, a sales associate
should provide information
to the customer regarding
the same, irrespective of the
need of the customer
Identify customer

Identifying customer needs involves

researching the industry and asking the
customers lots of specific questions.
To identify the needs, a customer sales
associate must both listen and ask the
right questions. After identifying the
needs, he or she should always check
for additional or related needs.
Following this, the sales associate
must use his or her knowledge and
experience to identify and present the
right products, services, and solutions
to meet their customers’ needs.
Steps involved
in personalised
sales support
Track consumers

Behavioural tracking and price

targeting have grown rapidly in
popularity among marketers and
are very likely to continue to gain
acceptance. It is done to identify
the items the customers have
enquired about. There are
potential increases in sales
revenue Specialist Support to
Customers and profits inherent in
tailoring offers and prices to the
buyer’s behaviour.
Analyse customers
by context
Customer analysis is a process by
which data from customer
behaviour is used to help make
key business decisions via market
segmentation and predictive
analytics. This information is
used by businesses for direct
marketing, site selection, and
customer relationship
management to provide a highly
personalised shopping
Generate loyalty through
personalised services
Following loyalty strategies are
used in a personalised way to
strengthen a customer’s devotion
to the retail business:
• Offering rewards for new
• Starting to offer discounts for
store members
• Sending special and seasonal
• Inviting customers to keep in
Generate repeat
It refers to using every opportunity to
communicate the upcoming sales
offers to existing customer. Repeat
sales can be generated by
• telling customers about promotions
• selling gift cards
• promoting sales by sending
periodical updates and latest offers
• offering product demonstrations
• drawing customers’ attention with
additional benefit
Examples Of
Nike Brings Out the Designer
in You

Nike has received global attention for its popular ‘Nike By

You’ customization campaign that allows customers to
personalize their Nike sneakers. Customers can unleash
their creativity, use different materials, colors, etc., and
watch their design in action. 
Now, many people would wonder why a billion-dollar
brand like Nike needs to customize products when it can
easily sell specific designs. The answer to that is pretty
simple- by allowing customers to design their shoes,
Nike is empowering them to express their individuality. 
 Run Killer Marketing Campaigns
In the history of capitalism, businesses that have dared to stand out from
the crowd have always witnessed a huge rise in customer attention as
well as profits. 
For instance, who could forget the famous ‘Share a Coke’ campaign that
took customer personalization to a whole different level? In 2014, Coca-
Cola company replaced its iconic brand name with popular names of
Americans on Coke bottles. 
But why was this campaign so successful?
Customers could buy a product and share it with their close ones-
creating an emotional bond with the brand. Moreover, over 500,000
pictures of such Coke bottles were shared on social media leading to
successful marketing at almost zero cost. 
A personalized marketing campaign is a great way to woo existing
customers and get the valuable attention of potential customers. When
people who have never bought from you witness your efforts to make
customers feel special, they are automatically attracted to your brand . 

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