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Group By:
Renz Bantulay
Lubaton Ruben
Mabon Marwin
Vitug Angelo
Sapigao Russel
2. Pick at least ten (10) unfamiliar words from this chapter. Look over the internet and search its meaning.
Afterwards, make a sentence using those unfamiliar words..

ASNWER : 10 Unfamiliar words
*Opposed-to place over against something.
*Opposed *Prominent
*Satirical-a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn.

*Satirical *Held *Fencer-to practice fencing.

*Fencer *Refugee *Pen name- a false name that an author uses on his or her work.
*Pen name *Dignified *Vocation-a summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action
*Vocation *Refined
*Prominent-standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line.
*Held- to have possession or ownership of or have at one's disposal holds property worth
millions the bank holds the title to the car.
*Refugee- a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or
*Dignified- the quality or state of being worthy of honor and respect He believes in the
dignity of all people.
*Refined-free from impurities.

*Opposed- The mayor, supported by the national guard, opposed this project.
*Satirical- His exquisite satirical songs, in an easy and elegant but still manly and splendid language,
have raised much discussion.
*Fencer- To carry the live current from the electric fencer to the fence line and to earth the electric
*Pen name- Some people prefer to write their blogs anonymously or under a pen name.
*Vocation- The vocation of the student could find fulfilment only in the religious orders.
*Prominent- He named two or three prominent lawyers Dean knew.
*Held- She held up the picture.
*Refugee- She is currently voluntary support worker for the North East Refugee Service.
*Dignified- The position of women is free and dignified.
*Refined- My senses are more refined than yours.

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