Technical Review - 1

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Presented by:
S. APOORVA – 19H61A0140
Guided by:
D. MAHESWARA REDDY – Assistant Professor


Table of Content

 Introduction
 Literature Review
 Methodology
 Objective
 References

 Roads a vital role in development of any country because it links

the place. Through which we can have smooth flow of vehicles.
 The roads has to be durable enough so that their can be smooth
flow without any disturbance.
 But it doesn’t mean that road pavements are not having any issues.
 They are also having many issues like cracking, plastic shrinkage
and drying shrinkage.
 These issues are solved by using fibers in like polyester and
polypropylene fibers in the concrete mix for its durability, strength
and many more parameters.
 Fibers are used to improve the quality and crack resisting properties
of pavement.
 Types of fibers used are:
1. Steel fibers
2. Glass fibers
3. Organic fibers
4. Carbon fibers
5. Polyester and Polypropylene fibers
 Purpose of discrete fiber in road pavement:
1. It increases strength of the road pavement.
2. It also determine the stiffness of the road pavement.
3. It also reduce thermal expansion of the road pavement.
Literature Review - 1

Used of Discrete Fiber in Road Pavement

Krushna Ahire, Jignesh Patil, Rutuja Dhumal, Deepak

Kurhade, Swara Bambarde.

International Research Journal of Modernization in

Engineering Technology and Science.
Literature Review - 1

 Through research we saw that the authors used the fiber content in
between 0.1%-3% for road pavement in concrete mix.
 They used both Polyester and Polypropylene fibers separately as
well as they even combined it together to see which fiber content
can give the best result.
 They used M25 grade of concrete, in that they added 3% of fiber in
the concrete mix.
 They compared their results with regular concrete mix which is not
having any fiber content in it.
 The test they have conducted are:
 Compressive Strength Test
 Split Tensile Strength Test
 Flexural Strength Test
 The use of fiber in reinforced concrete improved the ductility of
concrete and load-carrying capacity.
 The compressive strength of the normal concrete mix is less than
the other two mixes which are 3% of polypropylene and polyester
fiber. And the same as the split tensile strength and flexural strength
 The strength of the polyester fiber is high as compared to
polypropylene fiber.
 It is less in cost and should be economical.
 No workability problem was encountered with the use of polyester
and polypropylene fiber.
 Fiber-reinforced concrete are control cracking and deformation.
Literature Review - 2

Use of Discrete Fiber in Road Pavement.

Mehvish Nazir Khan, Sukhdeep Singh.


International Research Journal of Engineering and

Literature Review – 2
 Through research we saw that the authors used only 0.5% and 1.8%
of fibers in concrete mix for road pavement.
 They used both Polyester and Polypropylene fibers separately as
well as they even combined it together to see which fiber content
can give the best result.
 They used M25 grade along with 0.5% of Polyester fiber and 1.8%
of Polypropylene fiber in the concrete mix. They even combined
both the fibers to see which fiber content will give the best result.
 They compared their results with regular concrete mix which is not
having any fiber content in it.
 The test they have conducted are:
• Compressive Strength Test
• Split Tensile Strength Test
• Flexural Strength Test
 The Compressive Strength of Normal concrete mix is less than the
rest of the three mixes but the mix of concrete with polyester and
polypropylene increased the most compressive strength of the
 The flexural strength of Normal concrete is less than the other
three mixes but the concrete mix with 0.5% polyester and the mix
with both the polypropylene and polyester showed a great increase
in the flexural strength in the concrete mix.
 The split tensile strength of Normal concrete mix is less than the
other three but only the concrete with polyester fiber of 5% and the
mix of both polypropylene and polyester increased the strength.
 The addition of polyester fiber in concrete showed a great
increment in the strength than the polypropylene fiber.
 The difference between the strength increment in concrete mix
with polyester fiber and the concrete mix with both the polyester
fiber and polypropylene fiber is not so much high.

 To see the difference between the normal concrete pavement and

fiber contained concrete pavement.
 To increase the durability and strength of the pavement.
 To reduce the cracks in road pavement.
Mix Design in various percentages of fiber content


Conducting test which were mentioned above

Noting down the results

Comparing results with regular and fiber

contained pavement.

Mix Design Calculations

Standard Mix Design Calculations for Cube:-

Mix design grade: M30 Grade
These Calculations for 2 cubes
Weight of Cement : 3.02kg
Quantity of water : 1.33L
Weight of Fine aggregates : 4.64kg
Weight of Coarse aggregates : 7.56kg
Replacing of Standard Mix Design with Fiber:-
Mix design grade: M30 Grade
These Calculations for 2 Cubes
Weight of Cement : 3.02kg
Quantity of water : 1.33L
Weight of Fine Aggregates : 4.64kg
Weight of Coarse aggregates : 7.56kg
Weight of 2% of Fiber : 600gr
 We are Casting 4 cubes in which 2 are standard and the other 2 are
replaced by fiber.
 The dimension cubes are:
Length = 150mm
Breadth = 150mm
Height = 150mm
 After proper mixing of concrete we have to cast them in the model
which are having grease application on the inner surface.
Tests conducted:
1. Compression Test
2. Tensile Test
3. Split-Tensile Test
Fig 1 – Curing Fig 2 - Compressive strength for
Normal Concrete Cube

Fig 3 – Cracks appeared

on Concrete cube
Fig 4 - Compressive strength for Fig 5 – Cracks appeared on fiber cube
Fiber Content Cube
Compression Test:

Samples Standard Mix Mix design with

design Cubes with fiber content
strength obtained where the strength
for 28days obtained for
(KN/mm^2) 28days

1. 350 150

2. 380 250

 Krushna Ahire, Jignesh Patil, Rutuja Dhumal, Deepak Kurhade,

Swara Bambarde, “Used of Discrete Fiber in Road Pavement”,
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering
Technology and Science, vol.04/Issue:05/May-2022.
 Mehvish Nazir Khan, Sukhdeep Singh, “Use of Discrete Fiber in
Road Pavement”, International Research Journal of Engineering
and Technology, vol.07 Issue:07, July-2020.
Thank You

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