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Spreadsheets (Excel)
Microsoft Excel Window
Quick Access Toolbar Title Bar





Status Bar

04/12/22 BCA 2
Office Button
 Use the Office Button
 create a new workbook
 open an existing
 save a workbook
 print a workbook
 close a workbook
 view excel options
 exit excel
 etc

04/12/22 BCA 33
Show/Hide Gridlines, Headings and Formula

 Click View tab

 Check/uncheck the check box next to the word Gridlines,
Headings, Formula Bar in the Show/Hide group.

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Create a new Workbook
 Click the Microsoft Office
 Click New
 To start from a blank
workbook, click Blank
 To start from a template,
you can browse through
your choices on the left,
see the choices on center
screen, and preview the
selection on the right
 Click Create
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Opening an Existing Workbook
 Click the Microsoft Office
 Click Open
 Find the workbook you
want to open
 Click Open

04/12/22 BCA 6
Saving a workbook

 Click the Office Button

 Click Save As
 Type a name for your
workbook in the File
Name box
 (Optional) Choose a
location for your file
 (Optional) Change the file
type Note: If you only want to save changes to
 Click the Save button a document instead of “Save As” choose

04/12/22 BCA 7
Using Help
 Press the F1 key, or click the question mark
at the top right corner of your window. If you
press it while you're performing some
obscure task deep inside some strange
dialog box or task pane, Word summons
help for that specific issue, telling you how
to do what you want to do. Press F1 any
time you have a question, and help arrives.
 Keep in mind that Excel's help works best
when you have an Internet connection,
especially a high-speed, or broadband,
 In the Search box in the upper-left corner of
the Help window, type a topic, command
name, or question. Or you can browse the
table of contents directly below the Search

04/12/22 BCA 8
Copying Cells - Cutting Cells
 In Microsoft Excel, you can copy cells from one area of a
workbook and place the information you copied anywhere in the
same or another workbook. In other words, after you type
information into a workbook, if you want to place the same
information somewhere else, you do not have to retype the
information. You simple copy it and then paste it in the new
location. As with cut data, Excel stores copied data on the
 In Microsoft Excel, you can move information from one place in a
workbook to another place in the same or different workbook by
using the Cut and Paste features. The Office Clipboard is a
storage area. When you cut, Excel stores the data you cut on
the Clipboard. You can paste the information that is stored on
the Clipboard as often as you like.

04/12/22 BCA 9
Copy - Paste / Cut - Paste with the Ribbon

 Select the cells you want  Select the cells you want
to copy to cut
 Choose the Home tab  Choose the Home tab
 Click the Copy button in  Click the Copy button in
the Clipboard group the Clipboard group
 Excel copies the data you  Excel copies the data you
selected to the Clipboard selected to the Clipboard
 Then use Paste  Then use Paste

04/12/22 BCA 10
Paste Special
 Use the Paste Special
command instead of the Paste
command when you only want
to copy Formulas, Values, etc

04/12/22 BCA 11
The Clipboard
 As you cut or copy, Excel stores the information on the Clipboard in a hierarchy. Each
time you cut or copy, the data you just cut or copied moves to the top of the Clipboard
hierarchy and the data previously at the top moves down one level. When you choose
Paste, the item at the top of the hierarchy is the item Excel pastes into your
workbook. The Clipboard can store up to 24 items. You can paste any item on the
Clipboard into your document by placing your cursor at the insertion point, displaying
the Clipboard pane, and then clicking the item.

04/12/22 BCA 12
Using the Format Painter
You can copy the format of
selected cells and paste the
copied attributes to a 'target'
selection. Simply select the text,
click the Format Painter on the
Home tab. Note the paintbrush
that stalks your cursor as you
move it. When you select your
target text, the copied formatting is
applied as soon as you release
the mouse button.

04/12/22 BCA 13
Formatting Cells

 Select the cells

 Right click
 Select Format Cells

04/12/22 BCA 14
Column Width
 To change the width of one column, drag the
boundary on the right side of the column heading
until the column is the width that you want.
 To change the width of multiple columns, select the
columns that you want to change, and then drag a
boundary to the right of a selected column heading.
 To change the width of columns to fit the contents,
select the column or columns that you want to
change, and then double-click the boundary to the
right of a selected column heading.
 To change the width of all columns on the
worksheet, click the Select All button, and then
drag the boundary of any column heading.

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Inserting a new column
 To insert a single column, select the
column or a cell in the column
immediately to the right of where you
want to insert the new column
 To insert multiple columns, select
the columns immediately to the
right of where you want to insert
columns. Select the same number
of columns as you want to insert
 To insert nonadjacent columns,
hold down CTRL while you select
nonadjacent columns

04/12/22 BCA 16
Inserting a new row
 To insert a single row, select
either the whole row or a cell in
the row above which you want
to insert the new row
 To insert multiple rows, select
the rows above which you
want to insert rows. Select the
same number of rows as you
want to insert
 To insert nonadjacent rows,
hold down CTRL while you
select nonadjacent rows

04/12/22 BCA 17
Columns - Rows - Cells
 Columns - A, B, C, …
 Rows - 1, 2, 3, …
 Cells - Α3, B8, F18,

04/12/22 BCA 18
Cell contents
Data found in a cell
 Labels - (text)
 Constants - (numbers)
 Formulas- (a formula always begins with a = )
 Functions

04/12/22 BCA 19
Labels (Text)
Labels are text.

 computer ledger
 car loan
 interest
 # of payments
 Monthly Pmt.

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 $12,000
 9.6%
 60

04/12/22 BCA 21
 Formulas are basically
equations used to process data
in a worksheet.Formulas
perform calculations.
 In our example the result is
 This is the result of the formula
 Changing the values in cells B1
or B2 will affect the result
 Ecxel uses the equals (=) key to
recognize the fact that you are
entering a formula

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Selecting cells

Selecting cells is very important in Excel

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 Sum
 Min
 Max
 Average
 Count
 Counta
 If

04/12/22 BCA 25
SUM function

The SUM function adds all the numbers that you

specify as arguments 
=SUM(first value; second value; ….)

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Average Function

Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the

=average(first value; second value; ….)

04/12/22 BCA 27
Max Function

Return the maximum of a set of values contained

in a specified field on a query.
=max(first value; second value; ….)

04/12/22 BCA 28
Min Function

Return the minimum of a set of values contained in

a specified field on a query.
=min(first value; second value; ….)

04/12/22 BCA 29
Count Function

The COUNT function counts the number of cells

that contain numbers, and counts numbers
within the list of arguments.
=count(first value; second value; …)

04/12/22 BCA 30
CountA Function

The COUNTA function

counts the number of
cells that are not empty in
a range (range: Two or
more cells on a sheet.
The cells in a range can
be adjacent or

04/12/22 BCA 31
IF Function

The IF function returns one

value if a condition you
specify evaluates to
TRUE, and another value
if that condition evaluates
=IF (condition; value-if-true;

04/12/22 BCA 32
More Functions

In order to insert a function click on the button

on the Formula Bar

04/12/22 BCA 33
Copy Functions - Formulas
 It's important to be aware of what can happen
to cell references (cell reference: The set of
coordinates that a cell occupies on a
worksheet. For example, the reference of the
cell that appears at the intersection of column
B and row 3 is B3.), whether they are
absolute (absolute cell reference: In a
formula, the exact address of a cell,
regardless of the position of the cell that
contains the formula. An absolute cell
reference takes the form $A$1.) or
relative (relative reference: In a formula, the
address of a cell based on the relative
position of the cell that contains the formula
and the cell referred to. If you copy the
formula, the reference automatically adjusts.
A relative reference takes the form A1.), when
you move a formula by cutting and pasting it,
or copy a formula by copying and pasting it.

04/12/22 BCA 34
Using the AutoFill Handle
 To quickly fill in several types of data series, you can select cells
and drag the fill handle (fill handle: The small black square in the
lower-right corner of the selection. When you point to the fill
handle, the pointer changes to a black cross.) . To use the fill
handle, you select the cells that you want to use as a basis for
filling additional cells, and then drag the fill handle across or
down the cells that you want to fill.

04/12/22 BCA 35
Absolute Reference
absolute cell reference: In a
formula, the exact address of a
cell, regardless of the position
of the cell that contains the
formula. An absolute cell
reference takes the form $A$1.

04/12/22 BCA 36
Graphs and Charts

Charts are used to

visualize data.

04/12/22 BCA 37
Graphs and Charts

 A chart will change

dynamically whenever
you change the
related data.

04/12/22 BCA 38
Chart types
 Column charts. Data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a column chart. Column charts
are useful for showing data changes over a period of time or for illustrating comparisons among items. In column charts,
categories are typically organized along the horizontal axis and values along the vertical axis. Column charts can be used
when we have one or more data series.
 Line charts. Data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a line chart. Line charts can display
continuous data over time, set against a common scale, and are therefore ideal for showing trends in data at equal intervals.
In a line chart, category data is distributed evenly along the horizontal axis, and all value data is distributed evenly along the
vertical axis. You should use a line chart if your category labels are text, and are representing evenly spaced values such as
months, quarters, or fiscal years. This is especially true if there are multiple series - for one series, you should consider using
a category chart. You should also use a line chart if you have several evenly spaced numeric labels, especially years. If you
have more than ten numeric labels, use a scatter chart instead. Line charts can be used when we have one or more data
 Pie charts. Data that is arranged in one column or row only on a worksheet can be plotted in a pie chart. Pie charts show the
size of items in one data series (data series: Related data points that are plotted in a chart. Each data series in a chart has a
unique color or pattern and is represented in the chart legend. You can plot one or more data series in a chart. Pie charts
have only one data series.), proportional to the sum of the items. The data points (data points: Individual values plotted in a
chart and represented by bars, columns, lines, pie or doughnut slices, dots, and various other shapes called data markers.
Data markers of the same color constitute a data series.) in a pie chart are displayed as a percentage of the whole pie.
 ΧΥ (scatter) charts. Data that is arranged in columns and rows on a worksheet can be plotted in an xy (scatter) chart.
Scatter charts show the relationships among the numeric values in several data series, or plots two groups of numbers as
one series of xy coordinates.
 A scatter chart has two value axes, showing one set of numeric data along the horizontal axis (x-axis) and another along the
vertical axis (y-axis). It combines these values into single data points and displays them in irregular intervals, or clusters.
Scatter charts are typically used for displaying and comparing numeric values, such as scientific, statistical, and engineering
 Etc…

04/12/22 BCA 39
Creating a chart
 Select the cells containing the
 Click the Insert tab
 Go to charts group
 Select the chart type

04/12/22 BCA 40
Chart items Chart area

Data series

Y Axes

X Axes

04/12/22 BCA 41
Formatting a chart

 Select the chart item

 Right click
 Select format

04/12/22 BCA 42
Add Titles
 Click anywhere in the chart to which you want to add a title. This
displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format
 On the Layout tab, in the Labels group, click Chart Title.
 Click Centered Overlay Title or Above Chart.
 In the Chart Title text box that appears in the chart, type the text
that you want.

04/12/22 BCA 43
Show/Hide Legend
 Click the chart in which you want to show or hide a legend. This displays the
Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.
 On the Layout tab, in the Labels group, click Legend.
 Do one of the following:
 To hide the legend, click None.  Tip   To quickly remove a legend or a legend
entry from a chart, you can select it, and then press DELETE. You can also right-
click the legend or a legend entry, and then click Delete.
 To display a legend, click the display option that you want.  Note   When you
click one of the display options, the legend moves, and the plot area (plot area:
In a 2-D chart, the area bounded by the axes, including all data series. In a 3-D
chart, the area bounded by the axes, including the data series, category names,
tick-mark labels, and axis titles.) automatically adjusts to accommodate it. If you
move and size the legend by using the mouse, the plot area does not
automatically adjust.

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