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Making Money

Common Assessment Task

Develop a list of success criteria for the solution
Create a list of requirements that your market LOGO must or must not have to
be successful

Develop a list of success criteria for the solution
Create a list of requirements that your market business card must or must not
have to be successful

My business card:
Develop a list of success criteria for the solution
Create a list of requirements that your market brochure must or must not have
to be successful

My brochure:
Present feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others
Present 2 or more design ideas for your market LOGO Include theme, colour combinations, used images, titles, background
music, effects etc. Present your final design and explain your final choice. Why is this idea better than other ideas.
Present feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others
Present 2 or more design ideas for your business card Include theme, colour combinations, used images, titles, background
music, effects etc. Present your final design and explain your final choice. Why is this idea better than other ideas.
Present feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others
Present one design ideas for your market brochure Include theme, colour combinations, used images, titles, background
music, effects etc.

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