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• (Sigmund Freud) draw attention to the darker
forces of the unconscious and the influence that
this has on how we feel about ourselves.
• Encompasses a vast number of therapeutic
models that utilizes dreams, fantasies,
associations, and the expression of thought both
verbally and physically.
• The assumption is that there are inner battles
that are waged in a client that are directly
responsible for the appearance of symptoms and
behavioral problems, causing the person to seek
• (B.F Skinner) focused on the effects of
reinforcement on observable behavior.
• All psychological disorders are a result on
maladaptive learning that all behavior is learnt
from our environment and symptoms are
acquired through classical and operant
• Classical conditioning- involves learning by
• Operant Conditioning- involved learning by
reinforcement and punishment.
Humanistic Perspective
• (Carl Roger & Abraham Maslow, George Kelly)
• Attempted to understand the conscious mind,
free will, human dignity, and the capacity for self-
reflection and growth.
• Argued that the person is not a hostage to the
contingence and historical circumstances of
his/her past.
Humanistic Perspective
• The potential for change requires only exercise of
the distinctively human capacities for choice,
creativity, and drive toward self-actualization.
• They seek to help individuals gain self-
empowerment by recognizing their strengths,
creativity, and choice of their given
Psychoanalytic Therapy
• Human beings are basically determined by
psychic energy and early experiences. These
unconscious energy and experience drive
people’s behavior in the form of unconscious
motive and conflicts.
• Therapist helps a client become conscious of this
energy and early experience.
Adlerian Therapy
• Developed by Alfred Adler, who believed that the
first six years of life influence an individual.
• But ensuing behavior depended on how one
interprets his/her past and its continuing
influence on him/her.
• For Adler, humans are motivated primarily by
social urges.
Existential Therapy
• Viktor Frankl, Rolly May & Abraham Maslow
• Focuses on the human capacity to define and
shape his/her own life, give meaning to personal
circumstances through reflection, decision-
making, and self-awareness.
Existential Therapy
• It draws heavily on existentialist philosophy that
emphasizes human freedom to define oneself,
and that our lives are not predetermined; we
have a responsibility to live and sea in life whay
we choose to.
• The only thing that we cannot control is being
born and the fact of dying.
Person-centered Therapy
• Carl Rogers, people get, share, or surrender
power and control over themselves and others,
and so empowerment depended on the self, and
such required non-directive process.
• Non-directive counselors focus on the client’s
self-discovery rather than their input.
Person-centered Therapy
• The process includes the counselor use of active
listening, reflection of feelings, clarification, and
just “being there” for the counselee in a non-
interventionist way.
Gestalt Therapy
• Frederick Perls, it is an existential approach, stressing
that people must find their own way of life and accept
personal responsibility for maturity.
• They must developed an awareness of their unfinished
business from the past, traumatic experiences in life,
and what they are doing in order for them to bring
about the change in their lives.
Gestalt Therapy
• Techniques include confrontation, dialog with parties,
role-playing, reliving, and re-experiencing unfinished
business in the forms of resentment and guilt.
• Counselors push for doing and experiencing rather
than just talk about one’s feelings as client.
• It involves recognizing and letting go, accompanied by
actions like breaking a glass or hitting something hard.
Transactional Analysis
• Eric Berne, its emphasis on decisions and contracts
that must be made by the client.
• Based on understanding of human nature, this
approach believes that the client has the potential for
choice and so, the contract made by the client states
the directions and goals of the therapeutic process.
Behavior Therapy
• Referred to as behavior modification.
• Uses many action-oriented methods to help people
take steps to change what they are doing and thinking.
• It focuses on overt behavior, precision in specifying thr
goals and treatment, and development of specific
treatment plans.
Behavior Therapy
• In this approach, the counselor is active and
directive, and functions as a teacher or
trainer in helping clients to work on
improving behavior.
Rational-emotive Therapy
• Albert Ellis, based on the assumptions that human
beings are born with a potential for both rational or
straight thinking, and irrational or crooked thinking.
• Because people are fallible, this approach focuses on
helping clients accept themselves as people who
would continue to make mistakes, yet at the same time
learn to lived with themselves and be at peace wit it.
Reality Therapy
• William Glasser
• A short-term approach that focuses on the present and
highlight as client’s strength. It stressed that a client
can learn more realistic behavior to achieve success.
• For Glasser, people choose their behavior and are
therefore responsible for what they do and how they
think and feel.
Reality Therapy
• What a client needs from a counselor is
encouragement to assess the current style of living
then leave them to employ a process of honest self-
examination, leading and resulting to improvement
of one’s quality of life.
• It is important that counselors accurately
understand the need of their clients.
• This helps to align their competencies to the
needs of individuals, group and organizations,
and communities that they intend to serve.
• May range from systematic observation of
symptoms to conducting formal surveys using a
questionnaire to determine the felt needs of the
potential clients.
• May range from systematic observation of
symptoms to conducting formal surveys using a
questionnaire to determine the felt needs of the
potential clients.
• Diagnostic procedure
• After interventions are designed, this stage
• Both planned and unplanned occurrences in the
process are documented.
• It is done during implementation
• The goal is to ensure that everything is being
done as designed based on the diagnostic
• At the end of the period of implementation or at
certain marked reasonable period, assessments
are needed to determine initial results- what is
• It examines the results and finds out if the
intended results are being met or not.
•Private Sector
•Civil Society

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