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An introduction on

Different Writing
But Before we start!

What is a writing
What Are Writing

A writing pattern is a specific way of organizing

ideas to convey a certain type of argument.
Writing patterns are also sometimes referred to
as patterns of organization, rhetorical modes, or
rhetorical styles. The writing pattern an author
uses will vary based on the desired purpose.
Types of writing patterns
Choose the writing pattern that best suit your topic
and/or purpose
Biographical writing is a specific form of writing and
research that takes as its subject the lives of
individuals. As such it concentrates on constructing
personal histories, and places them within their social,
political and historical context, in order to discover and
explain the influences on an individual's life.
Exa m p l e s o f
biog r a p h i c a l
Specific Purpose: Specific topic:
To inform my audience Describing the life and works
about my grandfather, the late Of my grandfather,the late
former President Ramon
former President Ramon Magsaysay

The goal of a categorical/topical speech pattern is

to create categories (or chunks) of information
that go together to help support your original
specific purpose
Exam p l e s o f
c a t e g o r i c a l / t o p i c a l
Specific Purpose: Specific topic:
To persuade the community members to Why the community
reduce, reuse,and recycle as means of
members should promote
eliminating garbage and protecting the
environment reducing, reusing, and

A causal writing style is often written in the first

person. The writer will refer to himself or herself as "I"
or "me." A casual writing style often addresses the
reader as "you," or by an individual's name. It also
presents the cause and effect relationship
E x a m p l e s o f c a u s a l

Specific Purpose: Specific topic:

To inform my audience on the Explaining the

effects of overeating possible effects of
overeating to one's

A chronological pattern organizes information

according to the sequence of time. Each section or
paragraph represents a certain moment in time and the
sub-points can explain the important events that
occurred within that moment. This pattern is
especially beneficial when writing a historical essay
or a biography.
Ex a m p l e s o f
ch r o n o l o g i c a l w r i t i n g

Specific Purpose: Specific topic:

To inform my audience about Describing the significant events
the significant events in the before, during and after the 1986
1986 EDSA Revolution EDSA Revolution or People
or People Power Power
Companson/ contrast

In a comparison/contrast you must Identify and

explain three or more key points that two or more
subjects have in common. And show the
similarities and differences between these points.
Ex a m p l e s o f
Companso n / c o n t r a s t

Specific Purpose: Specific topic:

To persuade the audience. Explaining why the
that living in the Philippines Philippines is more
is better than living in habitable than
Australia Australia
Problem solution

A problem-solution pattern divides information into

two main sections, one that describes a problem and
one that describes a solution. This pattern is typically
used in persuasive writing, where the writer's general
purpose is to convince the reader to support a certain
course of action.
Exa m p l e s o f
proble m - s o l u t i o n w r i t i n g

Specific Purpose: Specific topic:

Explaining the reasons for supporting
To persuade the audience to
the government's educational
support the educational programs seen as the primary means of
programs of the national increasing the literacy rate in the
government Philippines
To wrap things up!

Remember to learn about each type of

writing pattern and their specific functions,
for you quickly identify and apply it to your
own works!
Thank You
for listening!
And have a wonderful day!!

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