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Schlumberger Private

Production Enhancement Process

Production Enhancement Process

 Screening process and Identification of Opportunities
– To select candidate reservoirs and wells for PE and to determine

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goals of the project
– To collect high quality data and project inputs for the PE
– Ensure quality of data meet minimum requirements
 Detailed Well Review
 Production System Analysis and Solutions to Increase Production
 Solution Economic Evaluation
 Execution and Evaluation of Results

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Reservoir Overview






4C 2A

Cross sections (Geoframe) Production History (OFM)

OFM Grid Maps OFM Normalized plots Moving Domain

Identification of Production Anomalies and

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selection of WO pre candidates to initiated a
Detailed Review

Screening Process and Identification of Opportunities: The objectives are:

• Prioritize Reservoir to start a Production Enhancement Review
• Determine Production Anomalies and Pre candidates to Increase production
• Get an Overview of the reservoir under analysis
“Pro active candidate recognition does not involve extensive field studies or
exhaustive reservoir evaluation. The Heart of this effort is an innovative
methodology based on single well NODAL production System Analysis from outer
reservoir boundaries to the wellbore sandface, across the perf and up the production
3 Data & Consulting
Detailed Well Review: Subjects covered:
•Well Files Review
•Pressure Data Analysis (Permeability, Skin, Productivity Index,etc)
•Cased Hole Logs: Applications and Limitations (PLT, WFL, RST, CBL-VDL, etc)
•Geological and Petrophysycal Review
•Reserves on a well basis and Production History Review

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“Based on what is known about the field, well files and data can be examined with an eye for
likely opportunities. These opportunities, if required, will be confirmed by well tests or
additional wireline logs to determine net pay, Pr, K, Skin, Saturations, Mechanical availability.

Detailed Well Review Pressure Welltest Analysis Geological and Cased Hole Logs, RST, Reserves Review Production History
Welltest200*, Kappa* Petrohysical Review USIT, PLT OFM, OilMat, GasMat OFM*

4 Data & Consulting

Nodal Analysis

Is the Production Gap due to:

Reservoir Completion Flow-conduit Artificial lift

Performance Performance Performance Performance

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Production System Analysis: Nodal Analysis to optimize well production systems.
To diagnose and identify system bottlenecks that restrict Production or Injection.
Identify how the elements of the well production system are interrelated, and how it
affects performance of the entire system. Subjects covered:
•Reservoir Performance, Completion Performance, Flow conduit Performance,
Artificia Lift performance, Surface facilities perfrormance
“This Engineering Methodology allows calculation of the rate that a well is capable
of delivering and helps determine the effects of perforations, Stimulations, wellhead
or separator pressure and tubing or choke sizes. Future production can also be
estimated based on anticipated reservoir and well parameters”

5 Data & Consulting

Solutions To Increase production: The Objective is to recommend solutions and services that
will close identified gaps between current well output and potential production. To achieve this
goal the components that contribute to a production gap must be identified and understood.
“Engineering optimum production rates requires that reservoir deliverability, well stimulation,
recovery efficiency, wellbore hydraulics and surface constraints be addressed . During The
production Enhancements process various screening methods and well analysis techniques
(sensitivity analysis) are used to determine the most convenient solutions to increase production.
Nodal Analysis is also used to quantify the production increases that can be expected if
restrictions are removed”

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Remedial Action/Solution: Remedial Action/Solution: Remedial Remedial Action/Solution
• Fracture/Acidize • Reperforate Action/Solution: • Rod pumps
• Perforate • Acidize • Clean out fill • Gas lift
• Drill drainholes • Sand Control • Remove scale • ESP
• Control water and Gas • Squeeze cement • Acidize • Operating conditions
• Mitigate fines • Replace tubing, etc

+ = Economic Evaluation and proposal

6 Data & Consulting

Water Solutions opportunities Problems
Machanical isolation

Fissures into Treat producer:. Geles

aquifer Over displace
•Dual Injection

Water production Diagnose

Fissures into Treat Injector
injector • Geles
Identify point of Entry:PLT,WFL,RST, TDT,

Schlumberger Private
High perm. Layer isolation:
layer •Mechanical / fluidso

l segregation Drainholes

Is water production due to Coning Dual completions

Solutions To Increase production: Water Control is the modification of the production profile of
an oil or gas well, or the modification of the injection profile of a well to improve the
productivity, and recoverable reserves of hydrocarbon. This typically involves reducing or
eliminating the production of "bad water" which does not contribute to hydrocarbon production.
7 Datain &turn allows greater hydrocarbon production. It may also involve producing more "good
12/05/22 which flows together with hydrocarbon, in order to improve hydrocarbon production.
Solutions Economic Evaluation: Once a technical alternative has been identified
an economic Evaluation is performed in order to confirm the viability of the
recommnended work. A Decision tree analysis must be completed in order to
select the best alternative from an economical point of view Different scenarios are
built considering several alternatives and risks associated with each

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8 Data & Consulting
Review of Production Enhancement Technologies:. Proposed work must be executed with an
appropriate supervision to meet all the technical requirements to increase possibilities of success
from an operational point of view

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Sand Control Fracturing Coiled tubing Perforating

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Services Acidizing
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Production Enhancement

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Artificial Lift

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Flow Conduit

Completion Reservoir
Performance Water Performance

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