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Quality Management

Th.S. Huỳnh Bảo Tuân


If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !

05/12/2022 1
School of Industrial Management

If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !

05/12/2022 School of Industrial Management 2
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 3
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 4
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 5
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 6
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 7
School of Industrial Management
Moät khaùch haøng trung thaønh giaù trò ñeán möùc naøo?
Chuùng ta caàn xem xeùt 2 giaù trò: hieän taïoi vaø töông lai:
•Giaù trò hieän taïi cuûa moät khaùch haøng ôû doanh thu laàn ñaàu
laø bao nhieâu?
•Giaù trò töông lai cuûa khaùch haøng ôû doanh thu trong moät thôøi
ñoaïn cuï theå laø bao nhieâu?
Loaïi nhaø Giaù trung Soá böõa/ Doanh thu tieàm naêng
haøng bình thaùng ($)
($) 1 1 naêm 5 naêm
Thöùc aên 4,5 3 13,50 162 810
Thoâng 12 2 24,00 288 1.440
Cao caáp 35 1 35,00 420 2.100
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 8
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 9
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 10
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 11
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 12
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 13
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 14
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 15
School of Industrial Management
If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !
05/12/2022 16
School of Industrial Management
Thank for your attention !

If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it !

05/12/2022 17
School of Industrial Management

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