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Bus Info Systems

Information Technology and Global Development


Presentation I
Digital/Information Technologies: An Introduction

Dr. Stephen Asunka
Digital/Information Technologies:
An Introduction

Learning Objectives

1. Define digital or information technology, and explain how it

has evolved globally over the last few years

2. Describe the global digital technology adoption

3. Identify the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and Barriers to

digital technology adoption
Digital/Information Technologies:
An Introduction

What is Technology?

Technology is a replicable artefact with practical application, and

the knowledge that enables it to be developed and used

Technology is manifested in new products, processes and

systems, including the knowledge and capabilities needed to
deliver functionality that is reproducible (Dodgson et al, 2008)
Digital/Information Technologies:
An Introduction

What is Digital Technology?

The branch of scientific or engineering knowledge that deals
with the creation and practical use of digital or computerized
devices, methods, systems, etc. (
Digital/Information Technologies:
An Introduction

What is IT / ICT?

Information Technology (IT) is the application of computers and

telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and
manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other
enterprise (Daintith, 2009)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an

extended synonym for IT, but emphasizes more on unified
communications, convergence etc.
Digital/Information Technologies:
An Introduction

What is an Information System (IS)?

Information System is a set of interrelated components (people,

machines, processes and technology), designed to create,
modify, store and distribute information to support decision
making, coordination, and control in an organisation
Digital/Information Technologies: An

Events Data Information Storage
Observed, Specific data and Choices among Information
recorded combinations of alternatives accessible
Events data relevant for and actions
decision making based on
Digital/Information Technologies: An

For this course we will use the terms:

Digital Technology,
Information Technology and
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Digital/Information Technologies: An

Worldwide Adoption of ICTs

Digital technologies have spread

quickly throughout the world.

More households in developing

countries own a mobile phone than
have access to electricity, toilet or
clean water,
Digital/Information Technologies: An

Worldwide Adoption of ICTs

Nearly 70 percent of the bottom fifth of the population in

developing countries own a mobile phone.

The number of internet users has more than tripled in a decade -

from 1 billion in 2005 to an estimated 3.2 billion at the end of 2015
Digital/Information Technologies: An

Worldwide Adoption of ICTs

The Digital Adoption Index (DAI) is a composite index measuring

the extent of spread of digital technologies within and across

DAI (Economy) =
DAI (Businesses) + DAI (People) + DAI (Governments)
Digital/Information Technologies: An

Worldwide Adoption of ICTs

DAI (Business): The Business cluster is the simple average of

four normalized indicators: the percentage of businesses with
websites, the number of secure servers, download speed, and
3G coverage in the country.
Digital/Information Technologies: An

Worldwide Adoption of ICTs

DAI (People): The People cluster is the simple average of two

normalized indicators from the Gallup World Poll: mobile access
at home and internet access at home.
Digital/Information Technologies: An

Worldwide Adoption of ICTs

DAI (Governments): The Government cluster is the simple

average of three sub-indices: core administrative systems, online
public services, and digital identification. Data for online public
services are provided by the UN’s Online Service Index. Data for
core administrative systems and digital identification are
collected by the World Bank.
Digital/Information Technologies: An

Adoption of ICTs in Africa

Digital/Information Technologies: An

Worldwide Adoption of ICTs

Digital Adoption Index Website

Digital/Information Technologies: An

Reading for next week

The World Bank Group (2016). Digital Dividends

• Digital transformations - digital divides

• How the Internet promotes development
• The dividends: Growth, jobs, and service delivery
• The risks: Concentration, inequality, and control
Digital/Information Technologies: An


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