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Materials Selection
Materials Selection in Design

The Role of Materials Selection in Design

Exploring relationships - Materials Property Charts
The Materials Selection Process –Design Models
Selecting materials –Materials Indices
Case Studies of Materials Selection using CES
The Role of Materials Selection in Design
The Role of Materials Selection in Design
Materials selection is a central aspect of design
In many cases materials represent the enabling step
Number of available materials exceeds 100,000…
Concurrent engineering has re-emphasized the role
of materials.
Why Materials Selection?Materials selection is design-led
New products.
Properties of new materials can
Remain competitive
suggest new products (optical fiber –
Factors/Criteria? high purity glass).
Properties Failure
Manufacturability Optical Fiber

The need for a new product can stimulate the development of a
new material

Increase in operational temperature of turbine components. After Schulz

et al, Aero. Sci. Techn.7:2003, p73-80. Y-PSZ (Ytria - Partially Stabilized
Some Material Properties
• Physical
• Chemical
– Density • Mechanical
– Corrosion
– Melting point – Hardness
– Oxidation
– Vapor pressure – Elastic constants
– Thermal stability
– Viscosity – Yield strength
– Biological stability
– Porosity – Ultimate strength
– Stress Corrosion
– Permeability – Fatigue
– ….
– Reflectivity – Fracture Toughness
• Electrical
– Transparency – Creep
– Conductivity
– Optical properties – Damping
– Dielectric coonstant
– Dimensional stability – Wear resistance
– Coersive force
– Spalling

– Ballistic performance
– …….
• Thermal
– Conductivity
– Specific
– Emissivity
The goal of design:
“To create products that perform their function effectively, safely,
at acceptable cost”….. What do we need to know about materials
to do this? More than just test data.
Materials Data - Organization

The set of properties for a particular material is called the “material

attributes”, which includes both structured and non-structured
information on the material – materials selection involves seeking the
best match between the design requirements and the materials attributes.


Materials Selection Methodology

•Translate the design requirements into materials specifications. It
should take into consideration the design objectives, constraints and
free variables.
•Screening out of materials that fail the design constraints.
•Ranking the materials by their ability to meet the objectives.
(Material Indices).
•Search for supporting information for the material
1. Defining the Design requirements
Function Objective Constraint
"What does "What is to be maximized "What specific requirements
component do?" or minimized?" must be met?"
Any engineering The designer has an The objective must be
component has objective (to make it achieved subject to
one or more as cheap as possible, constraints (e.g. the
functions (to or as light as possible, dimensions are fixed; the
support a load, to or as safe as possible component must carry the
contain a pressure, or some combination given load without failure, it
to transmit heat, of these). should function in a certain
etc.). temperature range, etc.

Free variables: What is the designer free to change?

2. List the constraints (e.g. no buckling, high stiffness) of the
problem and develop an equation for them, if possible.
3. Develop an equation of the design objective in terms of functional
requirements, geometry and materials properties (objective
4. Define the unconstrained (free) variables.
5. Substitute the free variable from the constraint equation into the
objective function.
6. Group the variables into three groups, functional requirements (F),
geometry (G) and materials functions (M), to develop the
performance metric (P):

7. Read off the materials index, M, in order to maximize the

performance metric (P).
Materials Selection Charts
•The performance metric of a design is limited by the materials.
•Performance metric is a function of multiple properties f(multiple
•Charts Property 1 versus Property 2 (P1 vs P2)
•It can be plotted for classes and subclasses of materials (Classes:
metals, ceramics, polymers, composites) (Sub-Classes:
engineering ceramics, porous ceramics etc.)
•Combinations of properties are important in evaluating usefulness
of materials.
•Strength to Weight Ratio: f/
•Stiffness to Weight Ratio: E/
•The properties have ranges
•E(Cu) = few % (purity, texture, etc.)
•Strength of Al2O3 can vary by a factor of 100 due to (porosity,
grain size, heat treatment, etc.)
Modulus vs density Speed of Sound in a solid, 
• Density depends on
– Atomic weight
– Atom size
– Packing
– Porosity
• Elastic modulus
depends on:
– Bond stiffness
– # bonds per
unit area.

Which one to
Material Indices
• Material Indices (MI) are groups of material properties
(including cost) which are useful metrics for comparison of
• Better materials have higher MI’s
• The form of the MI depends on the functional requirements (F) and
geometry (G).
Materials Indices
Materials indices are specific functions derived from design
equations that involve only materials properties that can be used in
conjunction with materials selection charts
•e.g. strong, light tie rod in tension–minimize ρ/σy
•e.g. stiff, light beam in bending –minimize ρ/E1/2
•e.g. stiff, light panel in bending -minimize ρ/E1/3

Derivation of MI’s
The derivation of the MI will be illustrated by examples:
Example 1: Strong and light tie-rod

Function Tie-rod

Objective Minimize mass m  AL

Constraints The length (L) is specified F

A  y
Must not fail under load

Must have adequate fracture toughness
Free Variables
Materials choice
Section Area (A) – eliminate using above equations

   Minimize mass , hence, choose 

m  AL  FL   materials with smallest
 y y
Example 2: Stiff and light beam
Beam of solid square

Objective Minimize mass m  b2

L  
F  (Stiffness) Max
Constraints The beam must be stiff, Max
i.e. small deflection (C is CEI C Eb4
Stiffness _ S  1
a constant)  L3 L3

Free Variables Materials choice

Dimension b – eliminate using above equations
1 1

 SL3  2  SL5  2
   Minimize mass , choose 
m   L     1  1
 C1 E   C1  E 2 materials with smallest E 2
Example 3: Stiff, light panel F
Panel with given
Function width (w) and
length (L)
Objective Minimize mass
m t = thickness
twL F  (Stiffness)
Constraints The panel must be stiff,
i.e. small deflection (C is
a Stiffness _ S 3

constant) Materials choice  L 3

Free Variables
Dimension t – eliminate using above equations

1 1

 3  SL6 w 2  3
 1  Minimize mass , choose 
m   3  wL   C   3
SLCEw    E  materials with smallest 1
Derivation of MI’s: Methodology
Demystifying Material Indices
Using Materials Indices with Materials Selection Charts
Commonly used Materials Indices (MI’s)
The nature of material data

properties measured by
numbers: Can extrude?
density, modulus, cost guide
Good or bad Supplier
…other properties lines
in sea water? information

Non-numeric: properties measured by

 Case
studies FE modules
yes - no (Boolean) or
poor-average-good type (Rankings)
Supporting information, and codes
specific: what is the experience with the Established (ISO 14000)

Supporting information, approval
general: what else do you need to know? (FDA, MilSpec)

“Structured” and “Unstructured” data

Handbooks, Reports, papers,
data sheets the Web
Other Materials Selection Charts
• Modulus-Relative Cost • Facture Toughness-Density
• Strength-Relative Cost • Conductivity-Diffusivity
Modulus-Strength • Expansion-Conductivity
• Specific Modulus-Specific • Expansion-Modulus
Strength • Strength-Expansion
• Fracture Toughness- • Strength Temperature
• Wear Rate-Hardness
• Fracture Toughness-
• Environmental Attack Chart
• Loss Coefficient-
Summary: Material Indices
• A method is necessary for translating design requirements into a
prescription for a material
• Modulus-Density charts
– Reveal a method of using lines of constant
E1 n

to allow selection of materials for minimum weight
deflection-limited design. and
• Material Index
– Combination of material properties which characterize
performance in a given application.
• Performance of a material:
p  f  Functional , Geometeric  , Material
 Needs, F Parameters, G Characteristics, M
  
Case 1: Materials for Table legs
Design a slender, light table legs that will support
the applied design load and will not fracture if
Column, supporting compressive loads.
Minimize mass and
Objective Maximum elastic buckling load:
maximize slenderness
Specified length,
Must not buckle
Must not fracture if struck Solving for r

Diameter of the legs

Free Variables
Choice of materials
The weight is minimized by selecting materials
with the greatest value of the materials index:
Inverting equation (2) gives and equation
for the thinnest legs which will not
to yield the second materials index (maximize):
Set M1to be minimum of 5 and
M2to be greater than 100 (an
arbitrary choice –it can be
modified later if a wider
choice of materials to be
screened is desired). Candidate
materials include some
ceramics, CFRP
•engineering ceramics are not
tough –legs are subjected to
abuse and this makes them a
bad selection for this
Selection = CFRP
must consult designer wrt
Case 2: Materials for Flywheels
Flywheels are rotating devices that store
rotational energy in applications such as
automotive transmissions. An efficient
flywheel stores maximum energy per unit
volume/mass at a specified angular
The kinetic energy the device can the device can store is limited
store is limited by the material by the material strength.

Function Flywheel for energy storage.

Objective Maximize kinetic energy per unit mass.

Mass of the disc
Kinetic energy (J is the mass moment 1
KE  2 Jw 2

For a solid round disc J 1 1

J  mR2 KE  mR 2 w 2
around its rotation axis 2 4
The quantity to be maximized is the energy per unit KE 1
 R 2 w2
m 4
Constraints The outer radius is fixed.
It must not burst.
It must have adequate
toughness (crack
Free Variables
The maximum radial of materials
stress (principal
 r ,Ma  3    2 R 2   2
stress) is given by the equation: x 8 2
R 2

The stress must not exceed the yield KE     

1 y
 
Hence, the material index to m 2 
maximize is: y
 
The choices are some composites (CFRP), some engineering
ceramics and high strength Ti and Al alloys
•engineering ceramics eliminated due to lack of toughness
•further selection must be made on the basis of cost and energy storage
capacity for specific materials
–e.g. CFRP can store 400kJ/kg
Case 3: Materials for Passive Solar Heating
A simple way of storing solar energy for
residential heating is by heating the walls
during the day and transferring heat to the
interior via forced convection at night.
Need to diffuse heat from the outer to
inner surface in 12h. For architectural
reasons, the wall thickness (W) cannot
exceed 0.5m
Function Heat storage medium
Objective Maximize thermal energy storage per unit material cost.
Heat diffusion time through wall time (t) ~12h
Wall thickness w<0.5m
Working temperature TMax ~ 100oC
Free Variables Wall thickness w.
Choice of materials
What material will maximize the thermal energy captured by the wall
while retaining the required heat diffusion time of up to 12h?
For a wall of thickness w, the heat (Q) per unit
area of wall heated through ΔT is given by: Q  wc p T
For the heat diffusion distance in time t: w  2Dt
where  is the thermal diffusivity,  is the
thermal conductivity and  is the density 
D  c p
Q  2t cp D 2 
2t T 
 
The heat capacity of the wall is maximized by choosing a 
material with a high value of:
The restriction on the wall thickness (w) and diffusion
time (t) yield the constraint:
D w  6 m 2
310 2t s
Cost must be a significant consideration in this selection because the
application is for housing, where cost is always a significant factor.
Taking cost into consideration, the most likely choice is concrete, with
stone and brick as alternatives.
Literature Resources
M.F. Ashby, “Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, 2ndEd.”
•multiple sources listed in appendices of the book
•materials selection charts in lecture Appendix
Other references :
•ASM Metals Handbook
•Perry’s Chemical Engineering Handbook
•CRC Handbook of Mathematics and
•ASM Handbook of Ceramics and
Manufacturing Processes:
Casting and Forming
DFM Design Guidelines
Sheet-metal Forming

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley 57

DFM Design Guidelines
Sheet-metal Forming

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley 58

DFM Design Guidelines - Casting
Casting, one of the oldest manufacturing processes, dates
back to 4000 B.C. when copper arrowheads were made.
Casting processes basically involve the introduction of a
molten metal into a mold cavity, where upon
solidification, the metal takes on the shape of the mold
• Simple and complicated shapes can be made from
any metal that can be melted.
• Example of cast parts: frames, structural parts,
machine components, engine blocks, valves, pipes,
statues, ornamental artifacts…..
• Casting sizes range form few mm (teeth of a zipper)
to 10 m (propellers of ocean liners).

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley 59

Casting Processes

1. Preparing a mold cavity of the desired shape with

proper allowance for shrinkage.
2. Melting the metal with acceptable quality and
3. Pouring the metal into the cavity and providing
means for the escape of air or gases.
4. Solidification process, must be properly designed
and controlled to avoid defects.
5. Mold removal.
6. Finishing, cleaning and inspection operations.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley 60

Sand Casting Terminology

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley 61

Casting Defects
Hot spots – thick sections cool slower than other sections causing
abnormal shrinkage. Defects such as voids, cracks and porosity are created.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley 62

Casting Defects and Design Consideration

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley 63

DFM Design Guidelines - Casting

Recommended minimum section thickness

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley 64

DFM Design Guidelines - Casting

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley 65

DFM Design Guidelines – Machining

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley 66

Traditional Manufacturing Processes



Sheet metal processing

Powder- and Ceramics Processing

Plastics processing



Surface treatment

Refractory mold  pour liquid metal  solidify, remove  finish

• VERSATILE: complex geometry, internal cavities, hollow sections

• VERSATILE: small (~10 grams)  very large parts (~1000 Kg)

• ECONOMICAL: little wastage (extra metal is re-used)

• ISOTROPIC: cast parts have same properties along all directions

Different Casting Processes

Process Advantages Disadvantages Examples

Sand many metals, sizes, shapes, cheap poor finish & tolerance engine blocks,
cylinder heads
Shell mold better accuracy, finish, higher limited part size connecting rods, gear
production rate housings
Expendable Wide range of metals, sizes, patterns have low cylinder heads, brake
pattern shapes strength components
Plaster mold complex shapes, good surface non-ferrous metals, low prototypes of
finish production rate mechanical parts
Ceramic mold complex shapes, high accuracy, small sizes impellers, injection
good finish mold tooling
Investment complex shapes, excellent finish small parts, expensive jewellery

Permanent good finish, low porosity, high Costly mold, simpler gears, gear housings
mold production rate shapes only
Die Excellent dimensional accuracy, costly dies, small parts, gears, camera bodies,
high production rate non-ferrous metals car wheels
Centrifugal Large cylindrical parts, good Expensive, few shapes pipes, boilers,
quality flywheels
Sand Casting
Sand Casting

cope: top half

drag: bottom half

core: for internal cavities

pattern: positive

funnel  sprue 
 runners  gate 
 cavity 
 {risers, vents}
Sand Casting Considerations

(a) How do we make the pattern?

[cut, carve, machine]

(b) Why is the pattern not exactly identical to the part shape?

- pattern  outer surfaces; (inner surfaces: core)

- shrinkage, post-processing

(c) parting line

- how to determine?
Sand Casting Considerations..

(d) taper

- do we need it ?

(e) core prints, chaplets

- hold the core in position

- chaplet is metal (why?) chaplet


(f) cut-off, finishing

Shell mold casting
- metal, 2-piece pattern, 175C-370C
- coated with a lubricant (silicone)
- mixture of sand, thermoset resin/epoxy
- cure (baking)
- remove patterns, join half-shells  mold
- pour metal
- solidify (cooling)
- break shell  part
Expendable Mold Casting

- Styrofoam pattern
- dipped in refractory slurry  dried
- sand (support)
- pour liquid metal
- foam evaporates, metal fills the shell
- cool, solidify
- break shell  part

support polystyrene
sand pattern burns;
polystyrene gas escapes
Plaster-mold, Ceramic-mold casting

Plaster-mold slurry: plaster of paris (CaSO4), talc, silica flour

Ceramic-mold slurry: silica, powdered Zircon (ZrSiO4)

- The slurry forms a shell over the pattern

- Dried in a low temperature oven
- Remove pattern
- Backed by clay (strength), baked (burn-off volatiles)
- cast the metal
- break mold  part

Plaster-mold:good finish (Why ?)

plaster: low conductivity => low warpage, residual stress
low mp metal (Zn, Al, Cu, Mg)

Ceramic-mold: good finish

high mp metals (steel, …) => impeller blades, turbines, …
Investment casting (lost wax casting)

(a) Wax pattern (b) Multiple patterns

(injection molding) assembled to wax sprue

(c) Shell built 

(d) dry ceramic immerse into ceramic slurry
melt out the wax  immerse into fine sand
fire ceramic (burn wax) (few layers)

(e) Pour molten metal (gravity)

 cool, solidify (f) Break ceramic shell
[Hollow casting: (vibration or water blasting)
pouring excess metal before solidification

(g) Cut off parts

(high-speed friction saw)
 finishing (polish)
Vacuum casting

Similar to investment casting, except: fill mold by reverse gravity

Easier to make hollow casting: early pour out

Permanent mold casting

MOLD: made of metal (cast iron, steel, refractory alloys)

CORE: (hollow parts)

- metal: core can be extracted from the part
- sand-bonded: core must be destroyed to remove

Mold-surface: coated with refractory material

- Spray with lubricant (graphite, silica)

- improve flow, increase life

- good tolerance, good surface finish

- low mp metals (Cu, Bronze, Al, Mg)

Die casting

- a type of permanent mold casting

- common uses: components for
rice cookers, stoves, fans, washing-, drying machines,
fridges, motors, toys, hand-tools, car wheels, …

HOT CHAMBER: (low mp e.g. Zn, Pb; non-alloying)

(i) die is closed, gooseneck cylinder is filled with molten metal
(ii) plunger pushes molten metal through gooseneck into cavity
(iii) metal is held under pressure until it solidifies
(iv) die opens, cores retracted; plunger returns
(v) ejector pins push casting out of ejector die

COLD CHAMBER: (high mp e.g. Cu, Al)

(i) die closed, molten metal is ladled into cylinder
(ii) plunger pushes molten metal into die cavity
(iii) metal is held under high pressure until it solidifies
(iv) die opens, plunger pushes solidified slug from the cylinder
(v) cores retracted
(iv) ejector pins push casting off ejector die
Centrifugal casting

- permanent mold
- rotated about its axis at 300 ~ 3000 rpm
- molten metal is poured

- Surface finish: better along outer diameter than inner,

- Impurities, inclusions, closer to the inner diameter (why ?)
Casting Design: Typical casting defects
Casting Design: Defects and Associated Problems

- Surface defects: finish, stress concentration

- Interior holes, inclusions: stress concentrations



max = 0(1 + 2b/a)


Casting Design: guidelines

(a) avoid sharp corners

(b) use fillets to blend section changes smoothly
(c1) avoid rapid changes in cross-section areas
Casting Design: guidelines

(c1) avoid rapid changes in cross-section areas

(c2) if unavoidable, design mold to ensure
- easy metal flow
- uniform, rapid cooling (use chills, fluid-cooled tubes)
Casting Design: guidelines

(d) avoid large, flat areas

- warpage due to residual stresses (why?)
Casting Design: guidelines

(e) provide drafts and tapers

- easy removal, avoid damage
- along what direction should we taper ?
Casting Design: guidelines

(f) account for shrinkage

- geometry
- shrinkage cavities
Casting Design: guidelines

(g) proper design of parting line

- “flattest” parting line is best

Continuous Casting: Steelmaking , Tundish & Continuous casting

LD Tapping OLP LF Caster

 Secondary steelmaking in Ladle furnace

 Tundish operation and Superheat control
 Continuous casting
Continuous Casting: Primary & Secondary Cooling Zone

Primary Cooling Zone

Secondary Cooling Zone

or Spray Cooling
Traditional Manufacturing Processes



Sheet metal processing

Powder- and Ceramics Processing

Plastics processing



Surface treatment

Any process that changes the shape of a raw stock

without changing its phase

Example products:
Al/Steel frame of doors and windows, coins, springs,
Elevator doors, cables and wires, sheet-metal, sheet-metal parts…



Important Applications:

Steel Plants,
Raw stock production (sheets, tubes, Rods, etc.)
Screw manufacture
Rolling Basics

Sheets are rolled in multiple stages (why ?)

tf Vf Vf
to to tf

stationary die
Screw manufacture:

rolling die
thread rolling machine

Reciprocating flat thread-rolling dies


[Heated] metal is beaten with a heavy hammer to give it the required shape

Hot forging,

Stages in Open-Die Forging

(a) forge hot billet to max diameter

(b) “fuller: tool to mark step-locations

(c) forge right side

(d) reverse part, forge left side

(e) finish (dimension control)

Stages in Closed-Die Forging




1. Blank (bar) 2. Edging 3.Blocking 4. Finishing 5. Trimming

[source:Kalpakjian & Schmid]

Quality of forged parts

Surface finish/Dimensional control:

Better than casting (typically)

Stronger/tougher than cast/machined parts of same material


Metal forced/squeezed out through a hole (die)


Typical use: ductile metals (Cu, Steel, Al, Mg), Plastics, Rubbers

Common products:

Al frames of white-boards, doors, windows, …

Extrusion: Schematic, Dies

chamber die

extruded shape


Exercise: how can we get hollow parts?


Similar to extrusion, except: pulling force is applied

stock (bar) die


F (pulling force)

Commonly used to make wires from round bars

AUDI engine block
Brake assembly
Crank Shaft

Also see:

Traditional Manufacturing Processes



Sheet metal processing

Powder- and Ceramics Processing

Plastics processing



Surface treatment
Sheet Metal Processes

Raw material: sheets of metal, rectangular, large

Raw material Processing: Rolling (anisotropic properties)

Deep drawing

Cutting tool is a round/rectangular punch,

that goes through a hole, or die of same shape

F  t X edge-length of punch X shear strength

crack piece cut away, or slug

(failure in shear) Punch

t sheet

die die


Main uses: cutting holes in sheets; cutting sheet to required shape

nesting of parts

typical punched part Exercise: how to determine optimal nesting?


Body of Olympus E-300 camera

component with multiple bending operations

component with punching,

bending, drawing operations

[image source:]

Typical bending operations and shapes


Sheet metal bending

Planning problem: what is the sequence in which we do the bending operations?

Avoid: part-tool, part-part, part-machine interference

Bending mechanics

Bending Planning  what is the length of blank we must use?

Bend allowance, Lb = (R + kT)

This section is
under extension
T = Sheet thickness
Neutral axis
L = Bend length

This section is R = Bend radius
in compression

Ideal case: k = 0.5 Real cases: k = 0.33 ( R < 2T) ~~ k = 0.5 (R > 2T)
Bending: cracking, anisotropic effects, Poisson effect

Bending  plastic deformation

Engineering strain in bending = e = 1/( 1 + 2R/T)

Bending  disallow failure (cracking)  limits on corner radius: bend radius ≥ 3T

effect of anisotropic stock Poisson effect

Exercise: how does anisotropic behavior affect planning?

Bending: springback

Final R
i ai

Initial af
How to handle springback:

Ri  Ri Y   Ri Y 
(a) Compensation: the metal is bent by a larger angle  4   3   1
Rf  ET   ET 

(b) Coining the bend:

at end of bend cycle, tool exerts large force, dwells

coining: press down hard, wait, release

Deep Drawing
Tooling: similar to punching operation,
Mechanics: similar to bending operation

punch blank holder punch punch

blank punch

die die die die die

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Examples of deep drawn parts

Common applications: cooking pots, containers, …

Sheet metal parts with combination of operations

Body of Olympus E-300 camera

component with multiple bending operations

component with punching,

bending, drawing operations

[image source:]

Thermo-mechanical Processing:
Hot Rolling & Cold Rolling

Spring 2001 Dr. Ken Lewis ISAT 430 121


HRS Characterized by:

Extremely ductile (i.e. %
elongation 20 to 30%)
AKA hot finishing – ingots or
continuous strength (Su approx
cast shapes rolled in
the– “HOT”
75 ksi for 1020) to a smaller
shape.surface finish – black
Sinceleft ongrains
hot, surface.
without material getting harder!
Dislocations are annihilated (recall
dislocations impede slip motion).
Metal joining: Welding
Stainless Steel

Knife-Line Attack in the HAZ

Cr23C6 precipitate in
Band where peak
Weld temperature is 800-
Can occur even in
stabilized grades
Knife-line attack Peak temperature
dissolves titanium
Cooling rate doesn’t
allow them to form again

These notes covered Casting, Forming and Sheet metal processing

Case study on planning of operations (bending)

Further reading: Chapters 10-16, Kalpakjian & Schmid

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