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Classification, Advantages, and

Engineering Application of Smart

Name: Shourya Mazumder

Roll No: 24100720122

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Semester: 7th Semester

Subject: Humanities and Social Science

Institute Name: Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology

Prepared by : Shourya Mazumder

• What are Smart Materials?
As we anticipated, smart materials, also known as active or multifunctional materials, are
materials capable of reacting, reversibly or irreversibly, before different external stimuli. This
reaction, or answer, is usually carried out by varying one or more of its properties.

The main external stimuli that can activate these smart materials are changes in temperature,
variations in humidity, chemical compounds, variations in pressure, pH, electric current or
magnetic fields.

On the other hand, the answer made by these materials comes in the form of a variation of some of
their properties, such as color, shape, size, viscosity, crystallographic arrangement or opacity.

• Smart Materials
Depending on the stimulus ttypeshat activates the material, or its response, there are different types
of smart materials. Furthermore, based on their ability to return to the initial state, all smart
materials can be classified as reversible or non-reversible.

Then, we present a classification with the most common smart materials according to the stimuli
that activate them and their answer:

• Chromoactive materials. This group of smart materials is characterized by its ability to change
color when faced with an external stimulus. Depending on the stimulus that activates the
material, the following types are differentiated: 

•  Thermochromic materials. The color change occurs after a temperature variation. These types
of materials are prepared to change color when they exceed a set temperature limit. There is a
great variety of colors and temperature ranges, making them one of the most interesting options
in the industrial field.

• hotochromic materials. In this case, the color change of the material is generated after exposure
to a certain light. These materials are generally activated using ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths.
• Hydrochromic materials. In hydrochromic materials, the color change occurs when the material comes in contact with water.

• Electrochromic materials. Electrochromic materials achieve color changes by passing electrical current through them. These
materials, less developed than the previous ones, allow a great control through electronics.

• Halochromic materials. Halochromic materials are capable of changing color upon changes in pH. They have been used for
years as pH indicators in chemical laboratories.

Photoative materials. Unlike the previous ones, photoactive materials are capable of emitting light under the action of different external
stimuli. Within this group we distinguish the following types:

• Electroluminescent materials. In these materials, light emission is achieved by connecting them to electric current. This allows
a fairly precise control of its operation through electronics.

• Photoluminescent materials. In this case, the photoluminescent materials are able to emit light when exposed to a certain
wavelength, usually within the ultraviolet (UV) range.

Materials with shape change. This type of material has the ability to change its shape when subjected to a certain stimulus, usually heat,
tension or humidity. Within this group we differentiate:

• Shape memory materials. These materials are capable of recovering an initial shape after being deformed. A clear example of
this type of material is Nitinol, nickel-titanium alloy.

• Self-healing materials. As their name suggests, they are materials capable of recover from damage sustained. For their
recovery they usually need the action of temperature.

• Materials with volume change. Finally, the materials with volume change are those capable of modifying their size due to the
action of an external element. Metals with a high coefficient of expansion could be considered materials capable of changing
their volume, however, the clearest example of this behavior is the hydrogel, capable of increasing its volume up to 400 times in
contact with water.
Materials science is a constant supply of news about new discoveries that could revolutionize our future. We
review some of the most amazing materials from recent years below:
• Synthetic spider web : This material is not only five times stronger than steel, but also has great
elasticity. Its potential uses include bulletproof clothing, artificial skin for burns or waterproof adhesives.
• Shrilk : Its main component is chitin, a carbohydrate found in krill shells. It was created by researchers
from Harvard University and is considered the ideal substitute for plastic — since its decomposition time
is only two weeks and it also works as a stimulant for plant growth.
• Graphene : Its potential uses are almost unlimited: batteries with more autonomy, cheaper photovoltaic
solar cells faster computers, flexible electronic devices, more resistant buildings, bionic limbs, etc. All this
is possible thanks to their multiple properties.
• Metamaterials : They are manufactured in the laboratory with unusual physical properties not found in
nature and are the subject of research in fields such as the military, optics or telephony. They can, for
example, bend electromagnetic waves of light creating negative refractive indices.
• XPL : It is a silicone-based polymer that adheres to the dermis like a second skin. Created by scientists at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), it replicates the appearance of young, healthy skin by
rejuvenating the look of the wearer.
 Applications of Smart Materials
• Products with new designs. The use of smart materials allows to achieve differentiating effects that provide great added value to the
final product. A clear example is the materials that change color with sunlight or in contact with the temperature of the hand.

• WOW  effect. Due to their ability to change some of their properties, they are of great interest in sectors such as advertising. Through
different stimuli it is possible to achieve the appearance or disappearance of logos or images. Here we leave you an example of a 
Project where we have used a thermochromic ink to achieve this effect.

• Security element. One of the most interesting applications for smart materials is their use as warning sensors. In particular,
thermochromics can be used as a risk temperature alert.
They don’t need electric current and have a reversible operation, so their possibilities are very wide.

• Quality control. It is also very interesting to use them as elements to ensure that a product hasn’t been outside the recommended
working conditions (temperature, light or humidity). For example, if a product mustn’t be in humid environments or in contact with
water, a hydrochromic element can be used to alert it.

• Multifunctional products. Thanks to smart materials, it is possible to provide products with new functionalities. For example, a
conventional polymer can be modified to have the ability to emit light, self-healing or conduct electricity.

 Benefits / Advantages of Smart Materials

 The main advantage of smart materials is that they give to a material new capabilities without the need of sensors, actuators or
electronics. For this reason, it is possible to get products that interact with the environment or with people without the need for them
to be connected to the electricity supplies.

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