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Final Presentation

Types Sports Psychological

Arti Singh
Roll. No. 201616920
What is sports psychology
Sports psychology is the scientific study of
people and their behaviours in sports and
exercise context and the practical
applications of that knowledge.
Sports psychology is the study of how psychology
influences sports athletic performance exercise and
physical activity.
Some sports psychologist work with professional
athletes and coaches to improve performance and
increase motivation.
Psychological factors of performance awareness focus
concentration anxiety confidence motivation.
From latin word ‘Persona’ which means mask.
Means an individual is much more than lie outer


• The word ‘motivation’ has been derived from the word

“Motive” which means ‘aim or objective’.
• Motivation is an internal feeling.
Anxiety is state of tension.
Anxiety is general defined as a psychological
emotional state or reaction.


• Behavior that is intended to harm another individual.

Types of Psychological
Psychological Variables
Trait Anxiety Inventory (Charles D. Spielberger)
Aggression (Smith’s Questionnaire)
Sports Achievement Motivation (Dr. M.L. Kamlesh)
Sports competition Anxiety (Rainer marten)
Trait Anxiety Inventory (TAI)
The inventory by Charles D. Spielberger (.85
reliability) consists of 20 statements and the
respondent has to select and tick in one of the four
following columns: ‘almost never’, ‘sometimes’, ‘often’
and ‘almost always. The scores for each item were
assigned respectively for the questions 1,6,7,10,13,16
and 19 the scores are for almost never-4, Sometimes-3,
Often-2 and almost always-1 respectively. Rest of the
items were scored in the reverse way.
Standardized Smith's questionnaire for sporting
aggression was used to scale the aggressiveness.
The test consists of ten questions with five levels of
responses. The level changes from strongly
disagree to strongly agree. The respondents were
made to encircle the approximate number, which
suited their attitude. The inventory was scored
with the help of the scoring key given below. The
range of the score was from 10 to 50. The higher
the score, the more aggressive the player is.
Aggression Cont...
Strongly disagree 1
Disagree 2
Undecided 3
Agree 4
Strongly agree 5
Sports Achievement Motivation
In the SAMT questionnaire by M. L. Kamlesh with
(.70 reliability) there are twenty test items. Among
them, for questions 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17
and 20, the expected answer is 'a'.
For the questions 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 18 and 19 the
expected answer is 'b'. For the correct statement 2
marks and for incorrect zero mark is awarded. The
range of the score was from 0 to 40.
Sports Competition Anxiety
The sports competition anxiety by Rainer Marten, (.77 reliability)
is latest and most popular sports specific anxiety test whose
purpose, as claimed by the authors is to assess individual
differences in competitive trait anxiety or the tendency to purpose
competition situation on threatening and /or to respond to these
situations with elevated state anxiety.
The sports competition anxiety test (SCAT) contains fifteen items.
Subjects were asked to indicate how they generally feel when they
compete in sports and games, and respond to each item using a
three point ordinal scale (Hardly ever, sometimes, or often). Ten of
the items assess individual difference in competitive trait anxiety
provinces; five spurious items are also included to reduce possible
responses bias. Total scores of the SCAT range from 10 (low
anxiety) to 30 (high competitive trait anxiety).
The ten items are 2,3,5,6,8,9,11,13,14 and 15. The
spurious items 1,4,7,10 and 13 are not scored. Items
2,3,5,8,9,12,14 and 15 are worded so that they are scored
according to following key.
1. Hardly ever = 1
2. Some times = 2
3. Often = 3
Items 6 and 11 are scored according to following key:
1. Often = 1
2. Sometimes = 2
3. Hardly ever = 3
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