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Group 3
Rohan Engineer Rohit Laumas Sachit Galhotra Sayan Aditya Sonal Agrawal 10FN-095 10DM-125 10DM-132 10DM-142 10HR-038

Introduction Objective of the study Scope of the study Company Profile Survey Questionnaire Data Analysis Observations & Findings Recommendations

Politics is an epidemic phenomenon in organizations which deserves more attention and empirical examination. We will look into some of the factors which affect and are affected by the organizational politics.

Organizational Politics
When employees in organizations convert their power into action. Activities that are not part of ones formal role in the organization but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages in the organization. Political activities are likely to manifest themselves in settings in which: Resources are scarce (Motive) The appropriateness of certain courses of action is sufficiently ambiguous so as to allow discretionary behaviour (Opportunity) One is able to control resources (Means)

Job Stress
Stress: A dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, demand, or resource related to what the individual desires and the outcome for which is perceived to be both uncertain and important. Any feature of the workplace that causes an employee to experience discomfort.

Ethical Leadership
Ethical Leadership is knowing your core values and having the courage to live them in all parts of your life in service of the common good. Ethics touches on leadership at a number of junctures. Transformational leaders have been described as fostering moral virtue when they try to change the attitudes and behaviours of followers. Leadership effectiveness needs to address the means a leader uses in trying to achieve goals, as well as the content of those goals.

Objective of the study

To analyze : The work culture followed by their organization. Organizational behavior of the employees. Degree of organizational politics present in these organizations. Relation between organizational politics and job stress. Inter-dependency of organizational politics and (un)ethical leadership.

Scope of the study

The primary data used in this study is secured through survey questionnaire. Cross-sectional data of respondents from different firms of the IT industry of India is subjected to quantitative analysis to test the relationships. Some limitations include: - Small & Homogenous data. - Skewed Gender ratio & Age distribution. - Findings may not be applicable to a different population.

Company Profile
TCS Asias largest IT company with 142 branches and presence across 42 countries. Global innovation, technology and services company focused exclusively on communications, blending strategy, design, technology and engineering services. HCL HCL is a leading global Technology and IT enterprise whose range of services spans Product Engineering and Technology Development, Application Services, BPO Services, Infrastructure Services, IT Hardware, Systems Integration, and Distribution of Technology and Telecom products in India. The HCL Enterprise comprises two companies: HCL Technologies (IT and BPO services arm focused on global markets) and HCL Infosystems (IT, Communication, Office Automation Products & System Integration arm).

Organizations covered TCS, HCL etc. No. of respondents 36 Job profile: Lower and Middle-level management Gender ratio (Males: Females) 5:1 Work Experience 1 year to 12 years Nature of work: Technical / Managerial Survey was divided into 3 sections on Organizational Politics, Unethical Leadership & Job Stress

Survey of employees in IT industry on questions of Organizational Politics, Unethical leadership and Job Stress. Participation throughout the research was voluntary and employees were assured of full confidentiality during the entire process. Details related to respondents like age, gender, designation, overall work experience, experience in current organization etc were also sought.
Survey Form

Data Analysis
Questions rated on a scale of 1 to 5.
Rating of 1 indicates factor is not present in the organization. Rating of 5 indicates factor is strongly present in the organization.

Calculation of mean score of each employee for the 3 factors. Mean scores used to find correlation between the 3 factors used in combination alternatively. Analyzed relationships for different demographic groups (Age & Gender).
Data Details

Observations: Proposition 1
Relationship between Organizational Politics and Job Stress in an organization

Observations: Proposition 1(a)

Relationship between Organizational Politics and Job Stress in an organization Between the age group of 22-25

Between the age group 26 & above

Observations: Proposition 1(b)

Relationship between Organizational Politics and Job Stress in an organization Gender : Female

Gender : Male

Observations: Proposition 2
Relationship between Unethical Leadership & Organizational Politics

Observations: Proposition 2(a)

Relationship between Unethical Leadership & Organizational Politics Between the age group of 22-25

Age 26 and above

Observations: Proposition 2(b)

Relationship between Unethical Leadership & Organizational Politics Gender : Female

Gender : Male

Observations based on age group

3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 22-24 25-27 28-30 31-33 Grand Total Data Average of Organizational Politics Score Data Average of UnEthical Leadership Score

Younger professionals perceive higher Organizational Politics & Unethical Leadership in an organization.
Average of Organizational Politics Score 3.31 3.11 2.59 2.72 3.12 Data Average of Unethical Leadership Score 2.87 2.86 2.47 1.96 2.78 Average of Job Stress Score 2.83 2.95 2.46 2.30 2.82

Age 22-24 25-27 28-30 31-33 Grand Total

The study reveals that there is a perceived positive correlation between organizational politics and job stress. Managers should consider the possibility that organizational politics breeds severe stress among employees. Since stress is costly in organizational terms, even those who perceive politics as personally beneficial will eventually lose due to the negative reactions of others. Unethical leadership also breeds stress among employees.

Areas of high uncertainty Create dependencies Provide scarce resources Satisfy strategic contingencies Make a direct appeal

Political Tactic
Build coalitions and expand networks Assign loyal people to key positions Control decision premises Enhance legitimacy & expertise Create super-ordinate goals

Creating Integration devices Use confrontations & negotiations Inter-group consultation Practice member rotation Create mutual team goals

Use a Win Win Strategy for solving problems:

Define conflict as a mutual problem & define joint outcomes. Be open, honest & accurate in communications. Avoid threats & be flexible.

Managers should monitor and aim to reduce unfair organizational politics and unethical leadership behaviour in the organization as these factors increase stress levels to a certain extent and, affect performance of employees. Standardized, well documented and regular company procedures to check organizational politics. Proper mechanism to address complaints within the organization. Prompt and unbiased hearing for the victim by a structured competent panel. Have strict measures which can range from an unfavorable appraisal report to terminating the employment.


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