10.1 Meiosis

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Topic 10: Genetics and

10.1 Meiosis
Essential ideas: Meiosis leads to independent assortment of
chromosomes and unique composition of alleles in daughter
10.1.1 Describe
the behavior of th
chromosomes in e
the phases of me

rm a tio n of c h iasmata in
the fo
10.1.2 Outline
ro c es s of c rossing over
the p

10.1.3 Explain how meiosis results in an

effectively infinite genetic variety in gametes
through crossing over in prophase I and
random orientation in metaphase I

10.1.4 State M
endel's law of
assortment (his independent
2nd law)

tionship between
10.1.5 Explain the rela
l's law of inde pen d ent assortment and
Meosis is a reduction division of the nucleus to form haploid gametes
One diploid (2N) body cells contain a Chromosomes are replicated to
homologous pair of each chromosome (except form sister chromatids
for sex cells)

Four haploid (N) gametes

contain one of each

n of

Second division of the

Edited from:
In the S-phase of the interphase
before meiosis begins, DNA
replication takes place.

Chromosomes are replicated and

these copies are attached to each
other at the centromere.

The attached chromosome and its

copy are known as sister

Following S-phase, further growth

and preparation take place for
10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of

An homologous pair of chromosomes…

10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of

…replicates during S-phase of interphase…

10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of



…giving two pairs of sister chromatids,

each joined at the centromere.
10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of
meiosis The homologous
Prophase I chromosomes
associate with each
other to form

DNA supercoils and

chromosomes condense
nuclear membrane dissolves

centrioles migrate to
the poles of the cell.
Crossing-over between non-sister
chromatids can take place. This
results in recombination of alleles
and is a source of genetic variation in
Edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/meiosis- http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/gambier/micrographs/lateprophase3.htm
10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of
The homologous pair associates during prophase I, through

…making a bivalent.
10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of

Crossing-over takes place between in prophase I…

The point of crossing-

over between non-sister
chromatids is called the
chiasma (pl. chiasmata).

…leading to recombination of alleles.

10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of

Metaphase I
The bivalents line up at the equator.

Random orientation occurs -

each bivalent aligns
independently and hence the
daughter nuclei get a different
mix of chromosomes.

This is a significant source of

genetic variation: there are 2n
possible orientations in
metaphase I and II. That is 223 in
humans – or 8,388,068 different
combinations in gametes!
Edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/meiosis- courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com/carolinabio
10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of
Metaphase I
Allele have a 50 percent chance of moving to a
particular pole.
The direction in which one bivalent aligns does not
affect the alignment of other bivalents.
Therefore different allele combinations should
always be equally possible (if the gene loci are on
different chromosomes – this does not hold for
linked genes)

Edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/meiosis-

10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of
In anaphase I, the homologous pair is separated but the sister
chromatids remain attached.

This is the reduction division.

10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of

Metaphase II

Pairs of sister chromatids align at the


Spindle fibres form and attach at

the centromeres.

Edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/meiosis- courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com/carolinabio

10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of

Metaphase II

Pairs of sister chromatids align at

the equator. Spindle fibres form and
attach at the centromeres.

Random orientation again

contributes to variation in the
gametes, though not to such an
extent as in metaphase I.

This is because there is only a

difference between chromatids
where crossing-over has taken
10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of

Anaphase II
The sister chromatids are separated. The
chromatids (now called chromosomes
are pulled to opposing poles.

Spindle fibres contract and the

centromeres are split.

Edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/meiosis- courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com/carolinabio

10.1.1 Describe the behavior of the chromosomes in the phases of

Telophase II

n.b. due to crossing over each

of the four new nuclei is likely to
be genetically different.

New haploid nuclei are formed.

Cytokinesis begins, splitting the cells.

The end result of meiosis is four

haploid gamete cells.

Fertilisation of these haploid gametes

will produce a diploid zygote.
Check your language. This image shows…

A. Four separate chromosomes.

B. A bivalent.

C. One pair of sister chromatids.

D. Non-disjunction.
Check your language. This image shows…

A. Four separate chromosomes.

B. A bivalent.

C. One pair of sister chromatids.

D. Non-disjunction.
Check your language. This image shows…

A. Two separate chromosomes.

B. A bivalent.

C. One pair of sister chromatids.

D. Crossing-over.
Check your language. This image shows…

A. Two separate chromosomes.

B. A bivalent.

C. One pair of sister chromatids.

D. Crossing-over.
Check your language. This image shows…

A. Two separate chromosomes.

B. A bivalent.

C. One pair of sister chromatids.

D. Homologous chromosomes.
Check your language. This image shows…

A. Two separate chromosomes.

B. A bivalent.

C. One pair of sister chromatids.

D. Homologous chromosomes.
Check your language. This image shows…

A. 8 separate chromosomes.

B. Two bivalents.

C. Two pairs of sister chromatids.

D. Two homologous chromosomes.

Check your language. This image shows…

A. 8 separate chromosomes.

B. Two bivalents.

C. Two pairs of sister chromatids.

D. Two homologous chromosomes.

10.1.2 Outline the formation of chiasmata in the process of
crossing over

During prophase I all the

chromatids of the
homologous pairs get very
close together during the
process of synapsis

The maternal (mom) and the

paternal (dad)
chromosome exchange
genetic information by the
process of crossing over

The location on the

chromosome where this
occurs is called the
10.1.2 Outline the formation of chiasmata in the process of
crossing over

This process is an important source of genetic variation

Usually occurs at 2-3 sites on a chromosome

The end result is a set of recombinant chromosomes (recombinant chromosomes - that

have different genetic combinations than their parents) and a set of non-recombinant
chromosomes (same as parent chromosomes)
See animation:http://www.biostudio.com/d_%20Meiotic%20Recombination%20Between%20Linked
10.1.3 Explain how meiosis results in an effectively infinite genetic
variety in gametes through crossing over in prophase I and
random orientation in metaphase I

The genetic information of the four haploid gametes created during meiosis are
significantly different from the autonomic cells

The main reason for these differences are:

1. Random orientation (independent assortment)
2. Crossing over

Random orientation

The lining up of the pairs of chromosomes during metaphase I is a completely

random event.

Either the maternal or the paternal chromosome can migrate to one

The combinations created by random orientation alone is more than 8
million.(2 possibilities for 23 pairs of chromosomes or 223)
10.1.3 Explain how meiosis results in an effectively infinite genetic
variety in gametes through crossing over in prophase I and
random orientation in metaphase I

Crossing over

During prophase I, crossing over can occur at

any point on a chromosome

This means that the genes from one chromatid

can be traded to another chromatid

It is estimated that there are between 20,000 –

25,000 individual human genes

So, there would essentially be unlimited possible

combinations (2 alleles for 25,000 genes or
10.1.4 State Mendel's law of independent assortment (his 2nd law)

10.1.5 Explain the relationship between Mendel's law of

independent assortment and meiosis
Mendel’s Law of
Assortment States:
• Two or more pairs of
alleles segregate
independently of each
other as a result of
meiosis (the genes
cannot be on the same

• During metaphase I, any

pair of characteristics can
combine with another pair

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