RG CE TOP 05.1 D.1 20181204 RGCE SAFA v1.4

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Synchronous Area Framework

Agreement for RG CE
Andreas Walczuch
Convener Synchronous Area Framework Agreement for RG CE

4h December 2018, Brussels

RG CE Meeting

1 Executive Summary

2 Status of SAFA

3 Status of Policies (including approvals)

Executive summary: decision proposals
 Approves the inclusion of the Policy on LFC&R into SAFA

 Approves the inclusion of the Policy on Scheduling into SAFA

 Approves the inclusion of the Policy on Accounting & Settlement into SAFA

 Approves the inclusion of the Policy on Coordinated Operational Planning into SAFA

 Approves the inclusion of the Policy on Data Exchange into SAFA

 Decides on Option X regarding central frequency measurement for Policy on LFC&R A-2

 Acknowledges the status of the Policy on Emergency & Restoration and the planned next steps

Executive summary: Overview
Achievements Main challenges
 First consultation round on legal agreement has been  Policy on LFC&R Article A-2: pending decision on
concluded central frequency measurement
 Legal Checks have been implemented (except Policy on  Policy on E&R is behind schedule
E&R)  Remaining blocking issues in legal agreement
 Draft list of exemptions and derogations has been sent  Some exemptions and derogations pending
to all TSOs
 Challenging timeline to comply with the signing date
 Policies are nearly final (except E&R) March 14th
Next steps
 Legal agreement:
- Second internal consultation round
- Resolve blocking issues (see slide)
 Resolve final open points in policies (see respective
 Elaborate timeline for approval and signature process
1 Executive Summary

2 Status of SAFA

3 Status of Policies (including approvals)

Recap – new organisational structure
The scope of the SAFA project is extended to other policies

Synchronous Area Framework Agreement

Convener: Andreas Walczuch (Yannick Jonat)
Legal Expert Team
SPOC: Fokke Elskamp


Policy on Policy on Policy on Policy on Policy on Policy on

Load- Scheduling Accounting Coordinated Emergency Data
Frequency- and Operational and Exchange
Control and Settlement Planning Restoration
Michael Sebastian Jean-Philippe Rafal Eduardo
Andreas Walczuch
(Yannick Jonat) Schäfer Olivares Paul Kuczynski Lorenzo
(Amprion) (Amprion) (Amprion) (RTE) (PSE) (REE)
Coordination only, scope to be mutually defined with ENTSO-E

Status of SAFA
Work Packages Next steps Status Convenor
SAFA main legal - Incorporation of comments from internal consultation Andreas Walczuch, Fokke
round II
agreement Elskamp, Yannick Jonat
Policy on LFC&R - Approval for Article A-2 Andreas Walczuch
- Article C-5 approval by drafting team
- Integration in SAFA to be approved by RG CE

Policy on Scheduling - Integration in SAFA to be approved by RG CE Michael Schäfer

Policy on Accounting & - Policy with Compensation Program will be included in Sebastian Olivares
the signing of SAFA
Settlement (A&S) - Policy on FSkar will be added by the amendment
process later in 2019
- Integration in SAFA to be approved by RG CE

Policy on Coordinated - Integration in SAFA to be approved by RG CE Jean-Philippe Paul

Operational Planning
Policy on Emergency and - CSO SG endorsement not given Rafal Kuczynski
- Legal check feedback to be implemented
Restoration (E&R)
Policy on Data Exchange - Integration in SAFA to be approved by RG CE Eduardo Lorenzo

All deliverables according to plan At least one deliverable might be not achieved according to planned scope, budget or time At least one deliverable is not achieved according to planned scope, budget or time
SAFA – current timeline of all policies 2018 2019

Work streams Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

SAFA legal agreement ENTSO-E consultation Incorporate feedback ENTSO-E consultation Incorporate feedback Approval Signature process
Draft SAFA Revised SAFA Preliminary SAFA Approved SAFA Signed SAFA
legal agreement legal agreement legal agreement legal agreement legal agreement
Deadline for
submission to NRAs
Legal and cross check of
Policy on LFC&R Submission of All TSO voting Endorsed by Approved
final ind. Art. by RG CE Submission by RG CE
document Plenary
Update CSO
Legal and cross check of
Incorporated Endorsed Approved
Draft policy Submission
comments in by CSO integration in SAFA
Policy to CSO by RG CE
Policy on Scheduling
Legal and cross check
of Policy
feedback Approved
Draft policy incorporated integration in SAFA
by RG CE
Policy on Accounting and to WG AS
Settlement (Policy with
Legal and cross check of
Compensation Program) Policy
Incorporated Approved
Draft policy comments in integration in SAFA
Policy by RG CE
Update CSO
Legal and cross check of
Policy on Coordinated Policy
Operational Planning Incorporated Not Approved
Draft policy Submission
comments in
endorsed by integration in SAFA
Policy to CSO by RG CE
Legal and cross check of
Incorporated Approved
Draft policy comments in integration in SAFA
Policy on Emergency and Policy by RG CE
Restoration 8
Deliverable Milestone
Legal agreement - overview
Status Points of attention
 First internal consultation has been concluded  Pending lists of exemptions and derogations by CGES,
 Second internal consultation concluded on Nov 30, NosBiH & OST
incorporation of feedback until end of Dec 2018  Energinet concerns on Dispute Settlement procedure
 Initial list of exemptions and derogations (from Elia, (role of Technical Committee, lack of incentivation for
EMS, Mavir, MEPSO, REE, Swissgrid) amicable settlement)
 Swissgrid SO GL / CACM issue

Next steps
 Address remaining open points and blocking issues
 Assess feedback from second internal consultation
 Approval process (January) and signature process (Feb
– 14th Mar)

1 Executive Summary

2 Status of SAFA

3 Status of Policies (including approvals)

Policy in LFC&R - overview
Status Points of attention
 Part A and B Articles approved by RG CE  Part A Article A-2 (Additional Properties of Frequency
Containment Reserves): decision to be taken by RG CE
 Article C-5 (Online Observation): approval by drafting
 Legal check Part C pending

Next steps
 Article C-5: Obtain approval from drafting team (on
Dec 3 meeting)
 RG CE to take decision on Article A-2 based on
proposals during the Meeting
 Approval by RG CE on Dec 4

RG CE approves the inclusion of the Policy on LFC&R into SAFA

Policy in LFC&R – Decision A-2
Status Points of attention
 Part A and B Articles approved by RG CE Hie  Part A Article A-2 (Additional Properties of Frequency

En For
 Part C Articles have been finalised (except C-5) Containment Reserves): Decision to be made from 3
 Legal check Part C pending tsc lie
he zu  Option 1: no centralisation of FCR
idu A- Option 2: fully decentralized fallback
ng 2Option
- 3: allowed under certain boundary conditions
Next steps
 Finalise Article C-5
 Take decision on A-2

RG CE approves the inclusion of the Policy on LFC&R into SAFA

Policy on Scheduling
Status Points of attention
 Legal cross-check fully implemented
 The Policy has been endorsed by CSO SG
 The current draft is ready for approval by RG CE

Next steps
 Approval by RG CE on Dec 4

RG CE approves the inclusion of the Policy on Scheduling into SAFA

Policy on Accounting & Settlement
Status Points of attention
 Sourced from Operational Handbook Policy 2 Part C  Legal team to check if their comments were sufficiently
 Document was streamlined to fit SAFA incorporated
 Feedback from legal check has been received and  Consideration of HVDC links in accounting and
incorporated in the text settlement
 Approach to cost sharing of accounting and settlement
entities for the Compensation Program is still to be
Next steps
 Inclusion of an article regarding cost sharing
 Approval by RG CE in December

RG CE approves the inclusion of the Policy on Accounting and Settlement into SAFA and acknowledges that an
CSO SG endorses the Policy on Emergency and Restoration during the session 14th/15th November.
article regarding cost sharing will be included
Policy on Coordinated operational planning
Status Points of attention
 Most of the policy is defined by SO GL Part III  The way to identify the regions to which non-EU TSOs
„Operational Planning“ and the derived pan-EU will participate for regional aspects (i.e. regions for
methodologies (CGMm, RAOCm, CSAm); the Policy outage coordination, coordinated security analysis,
mainly aims at defining their application by non-EU SMTA, CGM build) is still to be defined (linked to the
TSOs knowledge of which are exemptions and derogations).
 Part C provides for organization of weekly operational
teleconference (WOPT) which are not covered by EU
legal texts
Next steps
 Feedback from legal check has been received and
 Approval by RG CE on Dec 4

RG SGapproves
Policy on
the Policy on
during the session
into SAFANovember.
Policy on Emergency & Restoration
Status Points of attention
 Sourced from Operational Handbook Policy 5  Feedback from legal check is yet to be implemented
 Legal cross-check has been performed  Convenor has reported a potential blocking issue of
 Low availability of the drafting team has lead to a delay technical nature (LFC protocol)
 CSO SG endorsement was not given  TSOs have been reminded to engage in the drafting
 TSOs have been reminded to provide personell for the
drafting team
Next steps
 Develop strategy for (delayed) inclusion into SAFA (by
Dec 3)
 Implement legal check feedback (Dec 3)
 Assess and solve protocol issue (Dec 3)

RG SGacknowledges
endorses the the
on Emergency
of the Policyand
on Restoration
Emergency and
the session
the planned
next steps
Policy on Data Exchange
Status Points of attention
 Policy is equal to KORRR methodology

Next steps
 Approval by RG CE on Dec 4

RG CE approves the inclusion of the Policy on Data Exchange into SAFA


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