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Islamic Political System

ِ ‫ق َواَل تَتَّبِ ِع ْٱلهَ َو ٰى فَي‬

ِّ ‫اس بِ ْٱل َح‬ ٰ
ِ ۚ ‫يل ٱهَّلل‬ َ َّ‫ُضل‬
ِ ِ‫ك َعن َسب‬ ِ ْ‫ٰيَ َدا ُوۥ ُد ِإنَّا َج َع ْلنَ َك َخلِيفَةً فِى ٱَأْلر‬
ِ َّ‫ض فَٱحْ ُكم بَي َْن ٱلن‬
O David, verily we have placed you as a vicegerent on Earth, so judge between
people in truth, and do not follow your desires for it will mislead you from the right
Defination of Politics
Politics :-( from Greek: politikos, meaning "of, for, or
relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of
influencing other people on a civic or individual level.

More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising

positions of governance — organized control over a
human community, particularly a state.
Islam is a complete code of life. It extends over the
entire spectrum of life, showing us how to conduct all
human activities in a sound and wholesome manner.
It does not allow a hierarchy of priests or
intermediaries between Allah and human beings, no
farfetched abstractions and no complicated rites and
And so is it about Politics .
Quranic concept of politics
ِ َّ‫َملِ ِك الن‬
King/ ruler of the people
o ‫ق َوااْل َ ْم ُر‬ ُ ‫اَاَل لَهُ ْال َخ ْل‬
For Him is creation and for Him is command/ ruling
ِ ‫اِ ِن ْال ُح ْك ُم اِاَّل هّٰلِل‬
The decision rests with Allah only
• ُ ‫ٓا اَ ْن َز َل هّٰللا‬C‫ ْم بَ ْينَهُ ْم بِ َم‬C‫فَاحْ ُك‬
So judge between them what Allah has reveled
‫ ْن َّربِّ ُك ْم‬C‫اِتَّبِع ُْوا َمٓا اُ ْن ِز َل اِلَ ْي ُك ْم ِّم‬
Follow what has been revealed to you
ٍ ‫فُر ُْو َن بِبَع‬C‫ب َوتَ ْك‬
‫ْض‬ ِ ‫ْض ْال ِك ٰت‬
ِ C‫اَفَتُْؤ ِمنُ ْو َن بِبَع‬
You believe on some portions and you deny some
‫س ْل ِم َك ۗافَّة‬
ِّ ‫ٰيٓاَيُّهَا الَّ ِذي َْن ٰا َمنُوا ا ْد ُخلُ ْوا فِي ال‬
O believer ! Enter in the religion completely
Islamic Democracy Principles
Secular democracies:
In secular states such as Azerbaijan
 and Turkey, that do not recognize any religion as its 
state religionand, therefore, does not incorporate
religious principles into its public policy and other
state affairs.
Islamic Democracy Principles
Religious democracies:
that recognize Islam as its state religion and a source
of legislation, such as Malaysia and Maldives. The
application of religious principles into public policy
varies from country to country, since Islam is not the
only source of law.
Islamic Democracy Principles
 that endeavor to institute Sharia, in full force , and
offers more comprehensive inclusion of Islam into the
affairs of the state. Presently, Afghanistan, Iran, 
Mauritania and Pakistan are the only examples of an 
Islamic state in the form of Islamic republics.
Shura means "to take decisions by consultation and
participation“. It is the system based on the equality of
human beings and respect for men.
Islam neither except dictatorship nor autocracy nor
inherited kingdom nor western democracy.
In western democracy the majority is considered to be
authority and have power to make any law, but in
shuraiat no majority can change the “ Sharia” rules of
Political system of Islam is based on two basic realities
1- The personal position of Allah vis-à-vis this
universe. He is not only creator and supporter but also
real Master

2-The personal position of man. He is not only

created and supported by Allah but also His humble
slave and His vicegerent in this world.
The political system which
Islam has constructed over
these two basic realities has
the following salient features
1- The supreme authority and sovereignty
actually rests with Allah alone

‫ان ْال ُح ْكم ااَّل هّٰلِل‬

ِ ِ ُ ِ ِ
The decision rests with Allah only
2- The real legislator is Allah,
The constitution given by Him is the constitution of
man’s life.
3-Legislation by Shura
 Islam teaches us to run a government, to make
legislation and decisions by the process of Shura.
Shura means "to take decisions by consultation and

 This is an important part of the Islamic political

system. There is no scope for despotism in Islam. The
Qur’an and the Sunnah will be the basis of legislation
in Islam.
4- Accountability of government
The Islamic political system makes the ruler and the
government responsible firstly to Allah and then to the people.
 The ruler and the government are elected by the people to
exercise ‘powers on their behalf.
We must remember here that both the ruler and the ruled are
the Khalifah of Allah and the ruler shall have to work for the
welfare of the people according to the Qur’an and Sunnah.
A ruler is a servant of the people of Islam. Both the ruler and
the ruled will appear before Allah SWT and account for their
actions on the day of Judgement.
 The responsibility of the ruler is heaver than the ruled.
5- Independence of judiciary
In the Islamic political system, the Judiciary is
independent of the Executive.
The head of the state or any government minister could
be called to the court if necessary.
They would be treated no differently from other citizens.
 The Qur’an has many injunctions about justice. One of
the main functions of the Islamic state is to ensure
justice to all citizens (4:58, 4:135, 5:8). The ruler and the
government has no right to interfere in the system of
6- Equality before law
The Islamic political system ensures equality for all
citizens before the law. It does not recognize any
discrimination on the basis of language, colour,
territory, sex or descent.

 Islam recognizes the preference of one over the other

only on the basis of Taqwa (piety or fear of God). One
who fears Allah swt most is the noblest in Islam
7.Public Accountability
ٰۗ ُ ُ
ْ ُٔ‫ان َع ْنهُ َمسْــــ‬
‫ــواًل‬ َ ‫ك َك‬
َ ‫ول ِٕى‬ ‫ص َر َو ْالفَُؤ ا َد كلُّ ا‬
َ َ‫اِ َّن ال َّس ْم َع َو ْالب‬
Lo the hearing and the sight and the heart – of each of these will be

“Abdullah reported that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said:

Everyone of you is a guardian (ra’in) and accountable (mas’ul)
for his charge. Thus the amir is a guardian of the people and
He is accountable for them. And a man is a guardian (ra’in) of
his household and he is accountable for them; and a women is
in charge (ra’iyah) of the household and her children and she is
accountable for them; and a servant is guardian of his master’s
property, everyone of you is accountable for his subjects”
Bukhari, al-Jam’al-Sahih
8. Rule of Law
‫َ َد ۗا َء هّٰلِل ِ َولَ ْو َع ٰلٓي اَ ْنفُ ِس ُك ْم اَ ِو ْال َوالِ َدي ِْن‬C‫ْط ُشه‬
ِ ‫ي َْن بِ ْالقِس‬C‫ٰيٓاَيُّھَا الَّ ِذي َْن ٰا َمنُ ْوا ُك ْونُ ْوا قَ ٰ ّو ِم‬
‫َوااْل َ ْق َربِي َْن‬
“O you who believe, be custodians of justice (and) witness
for Allah, even though against yourselves or your parents or
your relatives. an-Nisa 4:135
9.Welfare Oriented
welfare of the people (maslahah a’mah) and not of specific
interest groups, privileged persons or the ruling class should
be the objective of policies
10.Effective and Efficient.
Decisions made on time and effectively enforced make the
governance good.
Red-tapism, bureaucratic and lengthy process lead to
inefficiency and making governance in-effective.
11.Quality Assurance
Public transactions and dealings when done with honesty
and fairness lead to confidence building in society.
The Qur’an enjoins use of one and same standards for
quality control in delivering systems.
‫اس ْال ُم ْستَــقِي ِْم‬
ِ َ‫َواَ ْوفُوا ْال َكي َْل اِ َذا ِك ْلتُ ْم َو ِزنُ ْوا بِ ْالقِ ْسط‬
“Fill the measure when you measure and weigh with
a right balance; this is better, and excellent its
Bani Isra’il 17:35
12. Striving for Excellence
“An amir (ruler) who accepts an office but does not make
his utmost effort with sincerity (ikhlas), he will never ever
enter jannah”
Muslim, Sahih, Kitabal-Imarah
The vision of an Islamic state and the purpose of its
The Vision of an Islamic State

political authority is to implement the divine law.

 Thus, the ideal Islamic state is a community governed

by the Law revealed by God.

 The function of the Islamic state is to provide security

and order so that Muslims can carry out both their
religious and worldly duties. 
ِ ‫ض اَقَا ُموا الص َّٰلوةَ َو ٰاتَ ُوا ال َّز ٰكوةَ َواَ َمر ُْوا بِ ْال َم ْعر ُْو‬ ٰ
‫ف َونَهَ ْوا َع ِن‬ ِ ْ‫اَلَّ ِذي َْن اِ ْن َّم َّكنّهُ ْم فِي ااْل َر‬
‫ْال ُم ْن َك ِر‬
The duty of an Islamic state is to establish Salah and Zakah;
promote the right and forbid the wrong (22:44).
The state is responsible for the welfare of all its citizens -
Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It must guarantee the basic
necessities of life.
All citizens of the Islamic state shall enjoy freedom of belief,
thought, conscience and speech. Every citizen shall be free to
develop his potential, improve his capacity, earn and possess.
 A citizen shall enjoy the right to support or oppose any
government policy which he thinks right or wrong with the
following in mind.
The Islamic state is a duty bound to implement the
laws of the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
The Qur’an strongly denounces those who do not
decide their matters by Allah’s revelations 
ٰ ‫ك هُم‬ ٰۗ ُ ‫ْ هّٰللا‬
‫الظّلِ ُم ْو َن‬ ُ َ ‫َو َم ْن لَّ ْم يَحْ ُك ْم بِ َمٓا اَن َز َل ُ فَاول ِٕى‬
And those who do not judge by what Allah has
revealed, they are the unbeliever,
Islamic Democracy : The biggest hurdle
in implementation of Islam
No law is enacted even in an “Islamic Democracy” without the consent of the
Hence Allah’s Hukam becomes law of the land subject to the endorsement of
more than 50%
Riba is legal in Pakistan even though there is a clear Hukam of Allah just
because the legislators in the parliament have not made it Haram. This
shows who has the sovereignty in Pakistan’s constitution
Voting on a Hukam of Allah to accept or reject it as being the law of the land,is
absolutely HARAM. This process gives man the right to say “Yes” or “No”
to Allah’s Hukam whilst a Muslims doesn’t have any right to have any say
once Allah has legislated a matter
ْ ُ‫ون لَهُ ُم ْال ِخيَ َرة‬
‫من‬ َ ‫ضى هَّللا ُ َو َرسُولُهُ َأ ْمرًا َأ ْن يَ ُك‬
َ َ‫ان لِ ُمْؤ ِم ٍن َول ُمْؤ ِمنَ ٍة ِإ َذا ق‬
َ ‫َو َما َك‬
‫ضلل ُمبِينًا‬َ ‫ض َّل‬ ِ ‫َأ ْم ِر ِه ْم َو َم ْن يَع‬
َ ‫ْص هَّللا َ َو َرسُولَهُ فَقَ ْد‬
It is not fitting for a Believer, men or women, when a matter has been decided by Allah
and His Messenger to have any option about their decision


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