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History of Political Parties

Essential Questions: What role do political parties serve in government? How have political parties
evolved into a Two-Party System?

Political Ideology

= Set of _______ about _____________________, and ___________.

_____________ for looking at _____________ and aligning with a

Circle Your Results!
Liberal, ___________, Conservative

Where _____ are at on the Political Spectrum

Label the Two Common Political Political Parties

= Groups of people with ____ ________________ who organize to
___________, ___________________, and _________

Largest Political Parties Today: ____________, ____________,

Libertarian, Green Party, Socialist Party

What Role do Political Parties Serve in Government?

Helping with Elections Operating in Operating in

Government (Majority Government (Minority in
Getting candidates __________ in Power) Power)

Party who has a _________ in _______________________

______ the election by ● Party who does
government (Ex: House, Senate,
__________________and knowing ____________ ______ in
where they stand on issues based on
● _____________________
their party affiliation and provides new solutions
Getting their ______ implemented
to get back in power
in government
Involves people in the political
Provides ___________ with
process (ex: Developing and
peaceful transfer of power after an
_________,___________, _________________ (Laws)
Evolution of our Political Parties

Founding Fathers and Political 1st Political Parties Develop (1796)

Democratic-Republicans vs. Federalists
No Official Political Parties
Thomas Jefferson vs. John Adams
________ factions in government (aka ________ vs. ________ Central Government
__________ __________) ________ vs. ________ Rights

How many major parties dominated during this time?__ How many major parties dominated during this time?__

1820s Democratic-Republicans Become After the Civil War (1860-1932)

Dominant Political Party and then Splits
Democrat vs Republican
North and South Democrat vs.
Whigs/Free-Soil/Know-Nothings _________ vs. __________
_________ vs. __________
Debates over ________ divided the Democratic-
Republicans into _______ third _______ _________ vs. __________

“Democrats held the presidency for only 4

terms between 1860-1932” (655)
How many major parties dominated during this time?__ How many major parties dominated during this time?__

Political Parties Today

Two Party System = ________ primarily ________ for power, ___________________ existing.

Democrat Party Republican Party

Tend to lean _____________ Tend to lean ____________

Promote more ____________ Promotes ______________
Supports ________________ Promotes ______________
_________ government’s role Supports ___________________________
__________ individual rights

How have political parties evolved into a two party system?

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