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Test to indicate a persons intelligence Developed by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon in 1905 The test contains .

 Mental tasks in the order of difficulty  Memory, reasoning, definitions, numerical ability, recalling facts

What does your score mean?

55-70 Mentally Inadequate 70-85 Low Intelligence 85 -100 Average

100-115 Above Avg

115-130 High

130-145 Superior

145 + Gifted

Einstein had an IQ of 160+ What about You??..

Measure of emotional intelligence. proposed by Wayne Payne in 1985 It s knowing what feels good, what feels bad and how to get from bad to good. Knowing your emotions and knowing emotion of others Balance emotions and reason to maximize long term happiness.

Motivation Strong drive to achieve Optimism even in the face of failure Organizational commitment EMPATHY Expertise in building and retaining talent Cross Cultural sensitivity Service to clients

SELF REGULATION Trustworthiness and integrity Comfort with ambiguity Open to change

SELF- AWARENESS Self- confidence Realistic Self assessment Self depreciating sense of humor

Five Components of EI @ work

SOCIAL SKILL Effectiveness in leading change Persuasiveness Expertise in building and leading teams

A time to wait and a time to watch, A time to be aggressive and a time to be passive, A time to be together and a time to be alone, A time to fight and a time to love, A time to work and a time to play, A time to cry and a time to laugh, A time to confront and a time to withdraw, A time to speak and a time to be silent, A time to be patient and a time to decide

If only I had a different job

If only I had finished graduation If only I had been handsome/beautiful If only my spouse had stopped drinking If only I had been born rich and famous If only I had good contacts If only I had better friends If only I had married someone else

Being EI does not mean a weak, submissive or defensive personality. Being highly EI does not mean being extra nice, polite or sugar coating your language The females are NOT superior to males in expressing/experiences emotions as most of us tend to believe incorrectly. In fact, the research shows that males are equally emotional when compared to females. There is no direct evidence to prove that EQ is dependent upon heredity. However, the environment does seem to influence the EQ.

Higher EQ

Low EQ

Highest EQ

It is now believed that EQ is a basic requirement for the effective use of IQ Further progress in understanding of human intelligence led to a 3rd Q or SPIRITUAL QOUTIENT

It is about having a direction in life being able to heal ourselves of all the resentment It is thinking of ourselves as an expression of a higher reality

IQ- Computers can follow rules without making mistakes

EQ-Animals have a sense of the situation and respond appropriately

SQ- Only human beings


Neither animals or computers can ask WHY we have these rules or this situation, or whether either could be different or better

SQ allows humans to be creative, to seek answers to fundamental questions & play an 'infinite' game.

Human beings are essentially spiritual creatures because we are driven by a need to ask fundamental' or 'ultimate' questions.


Who am I ? Why was I born? Why am I suffering ? What's the meaning of my life? What happens after death ?

Enables one to live an energetic and balanced life. It helps one to effectively manage one s emotions. One becomes more reflective & introspective Builds capacity to face suffering &life s ups & downs. Reluctance to cause unnecessary harm

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