Brain Vs Mind

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The Brain And The Mind

The brain and the mind are the two most
common terms used interchangeably. Both the
brain and mind control each other and are
dependent on each other. We can take an
example of a loudspeaker. The loudspeaker is
a physical or tangible thing. It produces an
intangible sound, we can not see and touch the
sound, but we can hear it and sense it.

What Is The Brain
the brain is a physical organ of our body
that controls our whole body by sending
commands via motor and sensory systems.
It contains vessels and 100 billion neurons.
Enclosed in our skull, it coordinates
movements, senses, heart functions,
breathing, communication, and memory.
What Is The Mind
The most puzzling and intangible thing
related to the brain is the mind. Mind is all
about thoughts, feelings, emotions, spirits,
wills, imagination, memory and
perception. It is an embodied spirit.

Mind is how we understand and think

about a certain function commanded by
the brain.
What Are The Major Differences?
1. Tangible Vs. Intangible
The brain can be seen, touched, and felt, but the mind can not be seen or touched. Mind is an abstract
2. Shape
The brain has a definite shape and structure, enclosed in a bony skull, but the mind has no definite shape
and structure.
3. Functions
Different parts of the brain perform different functions. The cerebellum is associated with movements,
balance, posture, and coordination between muscles. The cerebrum is involved in learning, hearing, vision,
and touch. Brain stem controls heart rate, respiration(breathing), body temperature, digestion, and sleep
The mind is involved in thinking, evaluation, and deciding actions. Information is stored in the brain, but
the mind evaluates this information. The mind always works at three levels:
Conscious level, Subconscious level, Unconscious level.
4. Diseases of the Brain Vs. disorders of mind

Disorders of the Brain can be diagnosed, investigated, and treated earlier.

Radiological studies like X-rays, MRI, CT scans, and contrast studies can be
helpful in diagnosis. Lab investigations are done to reach a diagnosis.
Surgical correction of brain disorders is also possible.

Meanwhile, disorders of the mind are usually difficult to treat, for example,
depression, bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia. Diagnosis is usually based
on clinical signs and symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is usually


How to enhance your brain function?
You can keep your brain healthy and enhance its functions by following methods:

1. Regular exercise (yoga, morning walk, swimming, or exercise for 15-30 minutes
2. Stay mentally and physically active (by playing puzzles, games, jigsaws and cards)
3. Socialize
4. Adequate sleep
5 Take healthy supplements
6. Healthy Diet


How to improve the functions of your mind?
Mind is all about the process of thinking. You can enhance your mental functioning by following steps:
- Sort out problems earlier
- Meditation
- Think positively
- Share your problems with friends and family
- Speak about your issues
- Stay confident
- Avoid negative thoughts or energy-draining thoughts
- Try new thing
- Give importance to yourself and love yourself
- Don’t be emotionally dependent on someone

31 /21/ /0260/ X
2 0X2 2 S A M P L E F OJ H
The way to get
started is to quit
talking and begin

Walt Disney
Thank you Mark Ivan M. Botones
11 - Aphrodite


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