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Lynch (2018) coined the term “media” that refers to all electronic or digital
means and print or artistic visuals used to transmit messages through reading
(print media), seeing(visual media), hearing ( audio media), or changing and
playing with (interactive media), or some combinations of each.

Media can be a component of active learning strategies such as group

discussions or case study( Mateer and Ghent, n.d.)
What is Media literacy?
 Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media

 Media literate youth and adults can understand the complex messages received
from television, radio, internet, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, video
games, music and all other forms of media.

 Therefore, media literacy skills are included in the educational standards in

language arts, social studies, health, science, and other subjects.
Media Literacy Concepts
1 It is the ability to critically assess the 3 It is the process of accessing,
accuracy and validity of information decoding, evaluating , analyzing and
transmitted by the mass media and creating both print and electronic
produce information through various media( Aufderheide,1993).
4 It depicts experience of reading texts
and designing hypertexts made possible
Also known as Media Education, it is
2 the ability to realize that all kinds of
through technology(Hobbs,2007).
media show a representation of reality.
5 It pertains to understanding how to use
today’s technology, how to operate
equipment, use various software and
explore the internet.
Media Literacy Concepts
6 As a 21st century approach to education,
media literacy builds understanding of the
8 Critical evaluation of media requires the
ability to analyze and disseminate various
role of media in society, as well as the features to others.
essential skills of inquiry and self-
expression necessary for democratic
9 It is about teaching critical media
management strategies, including ICT’s in
schools and learning centers.
7 It represents response to the complexity
of the ever-changing electronic 10 It includes the ability to perform effective
internet searches, awareness and respect
environment and communication
of intellectual property and copyright law
and ability to identify truth from fake
Roles of Media Literacy
Become a smart
consumer of
Learn to think product’s and
critically information point of view

Create media Identify the Understand

responsibly role of media the author’s
in our culture goal
Is a term that describes websites that
connect people and involved user-
generated content, which is hallmark of a
social media site.
Types of Social Media Sites
Social media
and video
Websites sharing

Networking and blogging
Websites websites

Social media
review websites
Media and
information Literacy
It is a combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices requires to access,
analyze, evaluate, use, produce, and communicate information and knowledge in
creative, legal and ethical ways that respect human rights ( Moscow Declaration on
Media and information Literacy,2012).
Aspects of MIL
According to Reineck and Lublinski(2015),MIL is the optimal outcome of media, information and
communication technology (ICT) education along three aspects;

Technical Critical Facts about

skills attitudes media and ICT
Seven Dimensions of MIL
2. Resource 3. Social- Structural
1. Tool Literacy Literacy
Ability to understand and use This is knowing how
The ability to
practical and conceptual tools information is socially
understand the form,
of current information situated and produced,
format location and
technology, including fits into the life of groups
access methods of
software, hardware and about the institutions
information resources.
multimedia that are relevant and social networks.
to education and the areas of
work and professional life.
Seven Dimensions of MIL
4. Research 5. Publishing
7. Critical Literacy
Literacy literacy

It is the ability to It is the ability to format and It is the ability to evaluate

understand and use IT- publish research and ideas critically the intellectual,
based tools relevant to the electronically, in textual and human and social strengths
work of researchers and multimedia forms. and weaknesses, potentials
scholars that include and limits, benefits and
6. Emerging Technology
computer software for costs of information
quantitative analysis, technologies.
qualitative analysis and It is the ability to adapt to,
simulation. understand, evaluate and
use emerging innovations
in information technology.
Advantages of media

1. Media educate people on health matters, environmental conservation and others through
various forms.
2. People get the latest world news in a very short time regardless of distance.
3. People can bring out their hidden talents in the multimedia and visual arts, comedy,
acting, dancing, and singing.
4. Media increase knowledge learned from quiz programs, educational shows and other
information-giving programs
5. People feel convenient in accessing information through mobile phones
6. They become a vehicle in promoting products toward increased sales
7. They serve as a good source of entertainment
8. Television allows electronic duplication of information that reduces mass education
9. Media lead to the diffusion of diverse cultures and cultural practices.
10.They help people around the world understand each other and respect differences.

1. They lead to individualism. Spending too much time on the internet and watching
television usually impedes socialization with friends, family, and others.
2. Some media contents are not suitable for children.
3. A newspaper is geographically selective.
4. The increase in advertisements in television and radio makes them less attractive.
5. The internet can be possible way for scams, fraud, and hacking.
6. Media can be addictive that may result in people’s decreased productivity.
7. They can cause health hazards, such as radiation effects, poor eyesight, hearing
defects, and others.
8. They may induce drugs and alcohol use.
9. They can lead to personal injury by imitating the stunts showcased in media.
10.They can ruin reputation through an anonymous account, malicious scandals, false
accusations and rumors.
Lynch (2018) presents six ways to integrate media literacy into the classroom for students to become media
literate while making media education a meaningful and integrated part of classroom practice.

Teach students to evaluate media Discuss how the media edits and alters

Shows students where to find digital resources Examine the “truth” in advertisements
and databases

Compare/contrast various media

sources Have students create media
Media skills
1. Reflect on and analyze their own media consumption habits
2. Identify the author, purpose and point of view in films, commercials, television and radio
programs, magazine and newspaper editorials and advertising
3. Identify the range of production techniques that are used to communicate opinions and shape
audience’s response
4. Identify and evaluate the quality of media’s representation of the world by examining patterns,
stereotyping, emphasis and omission in the print and television news and other media
5. Appreciate the economic underpinnings of mass media industries to make distinctions
between those media which sell audiences to advertisers and those which do not
6. Understand how media economics shapes message content
7. Gain familiarity and experience in using mass media tools for personal expression and
communication and for purposes of social and political advocacy.
Approaches to teaching media literacy

Media Arts Education

Media Literacy Movement Critical Media Literacy
Approach Approach
Utilizing Media Across Disciplines
Key concepts for media literacy
1. MEDIA ARE CONSTRUCTIONS- media products are created by individuals who make
conscious and unconscious choices about what to include and how to represent it.

2. THE AUDIENCE NEGOTIATES MEANING- the meaning of any media product is a

collaboration between the producers and the audience.

3.MEDIA HAVE COMMERCIAL IMPLICATIONS- since most media production is a business,

it makes profits and it belongs to a powerful network of corporations that exerts influence
on content and distribution.


messages about values, power and authority and they can have a significant influence on
what people think and believe.

5.EACH MEDIUM HAS A UNIQUE AESTHETIC FORM- the content of media depends in
their part on the nature of the medium that includes technical, commercial and
storytelling demands.
Financial Literacy
Financial literacy is a core life skills in an increasingly complex world where
people need to take change of their own finances, budget, financial choices,
managing risks, saving, credit, and financial transactions.

Financial literacy is the ability to make informed judgments and make

effective decisions regarding the use and management of money. Hence,
teaching financial literacy yields better financial management skills.

Kagan(2019) defines a financial plan as a comprehensive

statement of an individuals ling-term objectives for security
and well-being and detailed savings and investing strategy
for achieving the objectives.
Steps in creating a financial plan:
1. CALCULATING NET WORTH. Net worth is the amount by which assets exceed liabilities.
2. DETERMINING CASH FLOW. A financial plan is knowing where money goes every month.
3. CONSIDERING THE PRIORITIES. The core goals of a financial plan is the person’s clearly defined goals that
may include:
 Retirement strategy for accumulating retirement income;
 Comprehensive risk management plan including a review of life and disability insurance, personal liability
coverage, property and casualty coverage, and catastrophic coverage;
 Long-term investment plan based on specific investment objectives and a personal risk tolerance profile;and
 Tax reduction strategy for minimizing taxes on personal income allowed by the tax code.





A. Time horizon
B. Risk tolerance
C. Liquidity needs
D. Investment goals: Growth, income and stability

 A budget is an estimation of revenue and expenses over a specified future

period of time and is usually complied and re-evaluated on a periodic

 Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend money.

Seven Steps to Good Budgeting
1 5
Set realistic goals Put your plan into action

2 6
Identify income and expenses Plan for seasonal expenses

3 7
Separate needs from wants Look ahead

Design your budget
The following are practical strategies in setting and prioritizing budget goals and spending

Start by listing your goals Calculate how much you need to

set aside each period

Divide your goals according to how long it

will take to meet each goal Prioritize your goals

Estimate the cost of each goal and Create a schedule for meeting your
find out how much it costs goals

Project future cost

Investment and Investing
1. How long will you invest the money?(time horizon)
2. How much money do you expect your investment to earn each year?
( expectation of return)
3. How much of your investment are you willing to lose in the short-term
in order to earn more in the long-term? ( Risk Tolerance)
4. What types of investment interest you?( Investment type)


Emergency Savings Fund

10 Reasons Why Save Money
1. To become financially independent
2. To save on everything your buy
3. To buy a home or a car
4. To prepare for the future
5. To get out of debt
6. To augment annual expenses
7. To settle unforeseen expenses
8. To respond to emergencies
9. To mitigate losing your job or getting hurt
10. To have a good life.


A. Phishing- using this common tactic, scammers send an email that appears to come from a financial
institution, such as a bank and asks you to click on a link to update your account information.

B. Social media scams- scammers are adept at using social media to gather information about the travelling
habits of potentials victims. They also have phishing tactics, including posts seeking charity donations with
bogus links that allow them to keep your money.

C. Phone scams- the scammers pose as a government agency, such as the Bureau of Internal Revenue or
Local law enforcement agencies, and use scare tactics to acquire your personal informations.

D. Stolen credit card numbers-there are numerous ways that scammers can obtain your credit card
information, including hacking, phishing, and the use of skimming devices.

E. Identity theft- depending on the amount of information a scammer is able to obtain, identity theft may
extend beyond unauthorized charges on a debit card or credit card.
10 Tips to Avoid Common Financial Scams
1. Never wire money to stranger
2. Don’t give out financial information
3. Never click on hyperlinks in emails
4. Use difficult passwords
5. Never give your social security number
6. Install antivirus and spyware protection
7. Don’t shop with unfamiliar online retailers
8. Don’t download software from pop-up windows.
9. Make sure the websites you visit are safe
10. Donate to known charities only
susceptible to different financial scams and fraud.

The following are common financial scams that students should watch out for, and learn to
protect one’s identity finances.

1. Fake scholarships
2. Diploma mills
3. Online books scams
4. Credit car scams
Insurance and taxes- insurance is a contract( in the form of a policy)
between the policyholder and the insurance company, whereby the company agrees to compensate
for any financial loss from specific insured events.

Concepts related to insurance and taxes that every teacher should know

1. EMPLOYER-SPONSORED INSURANCE- If working in a company with 50 or more full-

time employees, the employer is required to provide employee-only insurance that
meets minimum wages.

2. MARKETPLACE PLANS- marketplace plans are available based on an area of

residence and income upon meeting minimum coverage requirements.
Life insurance- is a type of insurance that compensates beneficiaries upon the
death of the policyholder
The following are common risk categories:
1.PREFFERED PLUS-the policy holder is in excellent health, with normal weight, no history of
smoking, chronic illnesses, or family history of any life-threatening disease.
2. PREFERRED- the policyholder is in excellent health but may have minor issues on cholesterol
or blood pressure but under control.
3. STANDARD PLUS- the policyholder is in very good health but some factors, like high blood
pressure or being overweight impede a better rating.
4. STANDARD- the policyholder is deemed to be healthy and have normal life expectancy
although, they may have a family history of life-threatening diseases or few minor health issues.
5. SUBSTANDARD-those with serious health issues, like diabetes or heart disease are placed on
a table rating system; ranked from highest to lowest.
6.SMOKERS-Due to an added risk of smoking, the policyholders in this category are guarantee to
pay more.
Benefits of Life Insurance

The following are the benefits of Life insurance:

1. It pays for medical and funeral costs
2. For financial support
3. For funding various financial goals
4. Acts as a retirement secured conform
5. It covers costs incurred from taxes and debt
Types of Life Insurance
Types of Life Insurance
Financial stability
Financial stability is not about being rich but rather more of a mindset. It is living a life without
worrying about how to pay the next bill, and becoming stress-free about money while focusing
energy on other parts of life (Silva, 2019)

10 Strategies in Reaching Financial Stability

1. Make savings automagical

2. Control your impulsive spending
3. Evaluate your expenses and live frugally
4. Invest in your future
5. Keep your family secure
6. Eliminate and avoid debt
7. Use the envelope system
8. Pay bills immediately
9. Look to grow your net worth
Signs of being financially stable
1. You have overdraw your checking account
2. You don’t lose sleep over finances.
3. You use credit cards for convenience and rewards but never out of necessity
4. You don’t worry about losing your job.
5. You pay your bills ahead of time
6. People ask your opinion about financial matters and you inspire them
7. You’re generally happy with your financial situation
8. You finance your cars over five years or less if you take loans at all.
9. You contribute more to your retirement.
10. You don’t feel guilty when you’re out for special occasions
11. You can afford to buy the things you really want
12. Recreational spending doesn’t appeal to you
13. You’re a natural saver
14. You’re generous with money when it comes to charities or helping others.
15. You’re confident about your future
16. Your net worth grows significantly from year to year.
17. You have substantial equity in your home.
18. You consistently live beneath your means
19. You could survive for months without a paycheck
20. You feel in control of your finances and never dominated by them.
Integrating Financial Literacy into the Curriculum
 Financial education in schools should be part of a collaborative national strategy to ensure
relevance and long-term sustainability. The education system and profession should be
involved in the development of the strategy.
 Barry (2013) underscored that financial literacy has a wide repercussion outside the family
circle and more precisely, the school. Hence, administrators and professors need to develop
a curriculum that would provide students insights on having the value of financial literacy
including the effect it can bring them.
 There should be a learning framework, which sets out goals, learning outcomes, content,
pedagogical approaches, resources and evaluation plans.
 The content should cover knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values.
 Financial education should ideally be a core part of the school curriculum
 Teachers should be adequately trained and resourced, made aware of the importance of
financial literacy and relevant pedagogical methods and they should receive continuous
support to teach it or integrate in their lesson.

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