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◦The same kind of low-end lighting lamps (greenish

fluorescent and tungsten incandescent) used by Korean
households in Ki-taek’s home brings the emotion that they
are trying to portray.
◦Low key lighting were used so that they can portray the
big mysteries in this plot but the lighting that were being
used in the mansion is different than in the low-budget
◦In the big Mansion,you can see that they are using high
key lighting and high end lighting so the viewers can
certainly differentiate the emotion of being poor and rich.
◦High Contrast is being used in PARASITE because high
contrast bring out more dramatic and suspenseful feeling.
Shot & Camera
◦The shots were made so that we can focus on the
specific parts which is in this case, it’s the face.
◦Close up shot draws viewer’s attention on screen to
the characters,its designed to make us engage with the
scene,reactions and behaviour.
• Medium Shot used for dialogue
scenes, but also depict body
language and more of the setting.
• Oftentimes it will frame multiple
subjects as well as a portion of the
background and space in general.
• In the scene you see at the right,you
can see there is also element of
leading lines which can be achieve
by using medium shot method.
◦These shots allow the audience to see the
emotions on a character's face while
simultaneously seeing their physicality, body
language, and actions.
◦Full shots also capture the setting and
context of a character and can be used with
one character or multiple.
◦In these scenes,you can see what actions
and also the situation that they (The
characters) are in.
• Extreme long shot in parasite shows visually the theme of wealth,disparity and conveying the
class divide.
• In this scene,it shows how being a rich family feels spacious and “fun”.
Camera Angle
◦Bird eye and High Camera Angle
◦This angle is seldom used as it often
renders the subject matter unrecognizable
and abstract.
◦It also can depict how the settings is such
as how big or small the place is,is it night or
day or is it tight or spacious room.
◦These effect can use to tell more about a story.
Eye level shot gives audience a sense of equality. Eye level angles are especially useful for initial framing of
a shot. Shooting from a natural viewpoint also makes the most sense for filming many scenes in their entirety.
Low Angle Shot
◦Low angle shot meant to assert
◦As you can see here the woman on the
back seems like “bigger” and
“dominant” which can be done with low
angle shot.
◦It also create a sense of intrigue because
we were put in a point of view of which
we can not see but the characters can.
This creates an off-kilter, or askew, look that can be used to add visual interest or convey a sense of unease.
While the scene in this example is not that oblique,the position of the subject (the head) can also consider as oblique
which intrigues viewers.
Orange the colour of PARASITE
◦In addition to the context, orange is intentionally coupled with distinctive architectural features
and textures, chaotic or formless in the poor neighbourhood, and clean and balanced in the home
of the wealthy family.
◦The texture of the orange in the two worlds distinguishes the class structure; in one, it is
porous, permeable, dissolves, and disintegrates, denoting instability, while in the other, it is
more solid, balanced, and pleasant, seemingly denoting stability.
◦However, this stability is gradually tested as the murderous birthday scene that ends the film
plays out.

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