Absolute Value

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Absolute Value

To be able to determine the
absolute value of numbers and
Why learn this: We use absolute
value to determine the distance
from a point, without regard to the
direction we are moving from that
Elevations (height or depth of places in the

Integers are EVERYWHERE!

Quick Practice
Which number in the pair is
farther away from zero.
a)4, -5 -5
b)2, 5 5
c)-1, -3 -3
d) -12, 11  -12
What is absolute value?
The distance of some number from zero on the
number line
Absolute Value is ALWAYS positive!
What does absolute value look like?
Using the number line show the
absolute value of 7
7 units 7 units

-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
What is absolute value?
The distance of some number from zero on the
number line (ALWAYS Positive)
What does absolute value look like?
the absolute
value of 7 |7|= 7

the absolute
value of – 7 |–7|= 7
Find the absolute value of the given
1./-19/ + /-2/ 3. /-10/ – /-5/
= 19 + 2 = 10 – 5
= 21
2. /-7/ – /3/ = 4. /32 – 52/
= /-20/
= 20
5. /6 • 5/ • /-5 /
= 30 • 5
= 150 7. /-10/ + /-15/ – /6/
= 10 + 15 – 6
= 25 – 6
6. /-200/ ÷ /10/
= 19
=200 ÷ 10
= 20
Quick Practice
Find each absolute value.
a) /-21/ = 21
b) -/-6/ – /-3/ = -9
c) -/7/ + /-8/ = 1
d) /-5 – (-3)/ + /-4/ – /-2/ = 4
e) /9 • 3/ + /10/ = 37
Illustrate absolute value using
number line
Illustrate |x - 4| = 3 using number line.

-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

X = -1 X=7
Illustrate |x + 5| = -2 using number line.

-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

X = -7 X=3
Absolute Value

Illustrate |x - 2| = 6 using number line.

-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

X=4 X=8
Absolute Value in real life!
An eyeglass prescription is given as a positive or
negative number. A prescription for a person who is
farsighted is positive. A prescription for a person who
is nearsighted is negative. The greater absolute
value, the stronger the prescription. Which
prescription is stronger, -3 or 2?
Step 1: Think about the problem. What information was
given and what am I trying to figure out?
Step 2: Determine the answer
What is the absolute value of each
| -3 | |2|
3 2
Which prescription is greater?
Absolute Value in real life!
A seagull is flying at an altitude of 107 feet and a
shark is swimming at a depth of 112 feet relative to
sea level. Which animal is farther from sea level?
107 feet

Sea level (0 feet)

-112 feet
Replace the □ with <, >, or =
to make the sentence true.

1) /-4/ > /-3/

2) /12/ = /-12/
3) /-20/ > /10/
4) /-14/ < /-15/
5) l-7l > 6
6) -5 < l-4l
7) /15+-8/ < /-5 – 3/
8) -/15/ < 5
9) /9 – 4/ = /-9 + 4/
10) -/19/ < /-19/

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