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American Literature 11 HONOR

Mrs. Kiara Cruz

March 10th ,2021

Research Paper Step Three

Novel: The Great Gatsby

Topic: The Great Gatsby is a 1925 is a novel by a American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald set in the jazz age on Long Island near New York City in where the novel depict first
person narrator Nick Carraways interactions with a mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his obsession to reunite with a former lover, Daisy Buchanan.

Revised Preliminary Thesis Statement

The Great Gatsby searches and analyzes what truly hides behind the American dream , the fault of a corrupt and social
economy, leading towards the realization , is the American dream truly a fantasy or a dream achievable of doing.
Source 1:


Strain, M. R. (2020, May 18). The American Dream Is Alive and well. The New York Times. Retrieved February 3, 2022, from (you need to split your weblinks to fit the indented block)


This article explains the diversity of what the American dream is in different cultures in the United States of the America. It shows how the 85 percent of Americans indicated that to have
freedom of choice in how to live was the essential thing in their American dream. This article sums up basically what type of living is the most accurate or most wanted in the American
dream. By a diverse analysis of data. Explaining how Americans should focus more on the communities they are a part of and not focus on the partisan politics and material consumption.
Source: 1

Strain, M. R. (2020, May 18). The American Dream Is Alive and well. The New York Times. Retrieved February 3, 2022, from (you need to split your weblinks to fit the indented block)


“My American dream lies where courage, freedom, justice, service ad gratitude are cherished and practiced. I dream of that America that fought for me to
become who I am today. An America where all children can have that opportunity to dream and succeed”

This quote reflect on the American dream of Jairo Miami a Latino man who seeks a life of equality, a life of freedom. Showcasing the diversity of dreams in the American culture.
This quote changes the way you see the American dream and how it depends on the person intentions of that dream.
Source: 1

Strain, M. R. (2020, May 18). The American Dream Is Alive and well. The New York Times. Retrieved February 3, 2022, from (you need to split your weblinks to fit the indented block)


Income did make a difference, with 72 percent of those earning under $35,000 expressing a positive outlook about the American dream, compared with 90 percent of those earning over $100,000 —
but those numbers are still overwhelmingly positive. Another difference was generational. Eighty-three percent of baby boomers, 80 percent of Gen Xers and 81 percent of millennials were optimisti
about the American dream. But those in Gen Z — Americans born in 1997 or later — were notably less optimistic at 73 percent.

One of the things that this article mainly brings it the analysis by age, showcasing how during time passes the percent drops in custom of the optimistic believe in the
American dream. Meaning that more people are starting to focus on their dream rather than the whole concept of the American dream and its flaws. But still the domain of
the concept exist throughout all American's. Making me ask myself are you an American if you don’t have an American dream?
Source 1:

train, M. R. (2020, May 18). The American Dream Is Alive and well. The New York Times. Retrieved February 3, 2022, from
ttps:// (you need to split your weblinks to fit the indented block)

Paraphrasing :
In general, though, the data are clear: Individuality and family, not wealth and real estate, are what Americans seek and believe they are finding in the national “dream.”
What conclusions should we draw from this research? I think the findings suggest that Americans would be well served to focus less intently on the nastiness of our partisan politics and the material
temptations of our consumer culture, and to focus more on the communities they are part of and exercising their freedom to live as they wish. After all, that is what most of us seem to think is what rea
matters — and it’s in reach for almost all of us.

n simply term Americans nowadays are in search a more equal American dream than before. And for that happened the focused of many other people has to change to excersing freedom.
Which is what we all seek in the time period of life, equal life and equal rights.
Source 2:

Illing, S. (2018, June 28). An autopsy of the American dream. Vox. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from


This article is based off a conversation with tailspin author Steven Brill. In which the dissect the American dream in the last 50 years. Getting perspective of an author that sees the problems and gaps t
American dream brings to the table, but also the short-term thinking it brings and drives people into business and politics. Proving various point in where the American dream can offer good and bad.
Source 2:


Strain, M. R. (2020, May 18). The American Dream Is Alive and well. The New York Times. Retrieved February 3, 2022, from (you need to split your weblinks to fit the indented block)


(According to Steve Brill in 2018) “We have to demand leaders in Washington and state capitals who unite us, who will tell the frustrated
middle class that they have more in common with the poor than with the protected class. If we can’t do these things, we’re in trouble. ”
Source 2:

Strain, M. R. (2020, May 18). The American Dream Is Alive and well. The New York Times. Retrieved February 3, 2022, from (you need to split your weblinks to fit the indented block


Meritocracy – is a false and not very salutary belief. Part of its draw is that it justifies the status quo, explaining why people belong where they happen to be the social order. It is well established
psychological principle that people prefer to believe that the world is just. (Steven Brill inn the Vox Interview in 2018)
Source 2:


Strain, M. R. (2020, May 18). The American Dream Is Alive and well. The New York Times. Retrieved February 3, 2022, from (you need to split your weblinks to fit the indented block


This interview bring out aspect that are not talked about in the American dream so often. The case of social class and its unfairness of changes. The fact that corporate lawyer are still helping
take companies over deviating their stock and buybacks. Creating this America of moving assets instead of expanding or creating new assists. Making the American dream harder to achieve .
Source 3:


Hodo, Z. (2010, October 6). The failure of the American Dream In "The Great Gatsby"- Fitzgerald. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. Retrieved
February 6, 2022, from


This alternative source give us a better understanding of Fitzgerald writing and social critic towards the American dream. It shows how throughout his writing he
revealed the social discrimation is present in this era, using the characters and the lack of moral values in the pursuance of the dream. We see a less moral America
and a more selfish America. When the loss of morals does not need to happen to reach your dreams.
Source 3:


Hodo, Z. (2010, October 6). The failure of the American Dream In "The Great Gatsby"- Fitzgerald. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from

Direct Quote:

“We expect this thesis to be a good guide for further readings and projects with an explicit goal that the achievement of a dream does not necessarily requires the loss of the self
and an excessive significance to what ruins the personal and the others future.” (In the abstract by Zamira Hodo)
Source 3:


Hodo, Z. (2010, October 6). The failure of the American Dream In "The Great Gatsby"- Fitzgerald. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from


Morality – principle's concerning the distinction between right

and wrong or bad and bad behavior.
Source 3:


Hodo, Z. (2010, October 6). The failure of the American Dream In "The Great Gatsby"- Fitzgerald. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from

Summarize :

This source explain and analyzes the way the social critics of Fitzgerald are hiding the Great Gatsby. How Fitzgerald focused on real values and criticized the materialist values. The embodiment
of disappointment and the lack of values showcased give various perspectives of the American dream and its flaws. Analyzing that we as humans don’t have to throw away our moral values or
our freedom to chase any type of dream.
Source 4:


Dickens, C. (2003). Oliver Twist (Reissue Edition) (need an edition). Penguin Classics. 


The Oliver Twist novel is key to explain how the worst treatment goes to the poorest people. In this novel we see how the failure of the workhouse system, was unable to
look for those who needed it the most. Showcasing that the poor are the less cared people in society.
Source 4:


Dickens, C. (2003). Oliver Twist (Reissue Edition) (need an edition). Penguin Classics. 


“Dignity, and even holiness too, sometimes, are more question of coat and waistcoats than some people imagine” (Narrator, Cahpter 37)
Source 5:


Flax, J. (2018, October 18). The American Dream in black and white. De Gruyter. Retrieved February 8, 2022, from


This analysis talks about the racism and the injustice inside the American dream and how its system benefits only does in top of the capitalist power. How the corruption leads to a fairly tale
fantasy for Americans just to end up in a trap of debt and political issues. Showcasing the injustice in the virtue of hardworking people. Plus, this source includes the questionability and legitimacy
of the politics and laws in the United States. Forecasting the real dark truth in this concept.

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