Management of Disease Through Yoga and Nature Cure

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BNYS 3rd professional year
ROLL NO. – 17161RG012
Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS ,BHU.
• Introduction

• Classification

• Diagnosis

• Signs and symptoms

• Management

• Diet therapy

• Hydrotherapy

• Hydrotherapy

• Mud therapy

• Yoga therapy

Tuberculosis is one of the oldest diseases that is still threatening humanity. It is ranked
first among the top ten killers infectious diseases globally.
• In ancient times it was known as ‘Rajykshma’ or king’s disease .
• Definition - Tuberculosis is a specific infectious disease caused by M.
tuberculosis. The disease primarily affects lungs and causes
pulmonary tuberculosis. It can also affect intestine, meninges,
bones and joints, lymph glands, skin and other tissues of the
The disease also effects animals like cattle this is known as
“Bovine tuberculosis “.
• Causative agent- The primary causative agent of TB us mycobacterium tuberculosis.
• Other species which might also cause TB are-
• M.bovis
• M.africanum
• M.microti
• M.canetti.

• It’s a kind of droplet infection.

• Incubation period – Incubation period is 3 to 9 weeks.


• Pulmonary TB – • Extra pulmonary TB-

• Tuberculosis lymphadenitis
• Primary TB – Initial infection by
• Pleural TB
tubercle bazillion.
• Genitourinary TB
• Post Primary TB- Reactivation of • Skeletal TB
latent infection. • Tuberculosis meningitis
• Gastrointestinal TB
• Pericardial TB
• Military TB
• HIV associated TB

• Due to toxemia- fever, tachycardia, tachycardia etc. • Fever for a brief period.

• General debility- thin and pale appearance, loss of • Evening rise of temperature.
elasticity of the skin and dull hair. • Night sweats.

• Clubbing of fingers in chronic cases with purulent • Anorexia and weight loss.
sputum. • Mental symptoms like irritability and difficulty in
• Localized ronchi and post-tussive rales at The apices. concentration.
• Cough and wheeze due to pressure of lymph nodes on bronchi.
• Pleural effusion, pneumothorax, hydro pneumothorax,
consolidation collapse, fibrosis or cavitation • Breathlessness and hemoptysis (coughing up blood).

• Thorough medical history should be taken.

• History about previous exposure of TB.
• Previous treatment of TB.
• Demographic features.
• Living environment.
• Underlying disease which can accelerate TB.
• Microscopy- A common investigation is finding acid fast bacilli under microscopic
examination in an specimen of sputum or tissue

• Chest radiograph- x- ray and ct – scan is done for patients presenting abnormal respiratory

• Mycobacterial culture – A definite diagnosis is arrived by isolating M. tuberculosis from a

diagnostic specimen most commonly sputum.

• Mantoux test ( tuberculin sensitivity test)- The reaction to intracutaneous injected tuberculin
is a confirmatory sign for a delayed cellular hypersensitivity reaction.
• Naturopathy and yoga act as a complimentary treatment to the existing drug therapy
• The main approach of Naturopathy treatment are:-
• Restore natural resistance and prevent further damage.
• Restore quality of life.
• Prevent relapse.
• Prevent transmission of disease and drug resistance.

• The main principle of diet management in TB is

• Immune boosting diet
• Cleansing diet
• Constructive diet

• Great emphasis is done on diet in patients of TB as malnutrition and

immunocompromised people are more prone to get infected.
• A well balanced diet and sufficient calorie intake should be ensured in patients .
• Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is highly recommended to built immunity.
• Foods rich in vitamin C such as:- grapes ,pears ,peaches, oranges ,pineapple are
given to the patient as they are rich in ascorbic acid which help to fight the
disease and also helps to build immune power.

• Indian gooseberry has proved to be an effective remedy For

• 1tablespoon fresh gooseberry juice mixed with honey should be
taken every morning in this condition.
• The patient should avoid animal foods and mucus producing foods.
• In weak patients coconut milk shake is given in addition to fruits.
• Wheat grass juice has immunity boosting capacity which makes it
ideal for tuberculosis patients.

• The aim of hydrotherapy is

• To increase general vital resistance
• To reduce Inflammation of glands
• To ease breathing
• To reduce chest congestion

• Hot or neutral chest pack is the treatment of choice during active phase of treatments.
• Cold chest pack is indicated in preventive and to avoid TB relapse
• Chest packs act powerfully on pulmonary mucous membrane It is of great value in pulmonary congestion.
• Heating compress or hot fomentation to chest and back provides decongestive effect due to vasodilatation.
• Alternate hot and cold fomentation to interscapular area (upper back) is suggested to produce an expectorant effect.
• Warm foot bath can be given as supportive measure to reduce insomnia and fatigue.

• Sun bathing is highly beneficial in TB patients as it is a natural immunity booster owing

to its major role in vitamin D synthesis, calcium absorption and homeostasis.
• Fresh air is always important in curing the disease and the patient should spend most of
the time in the open air and should sleep in ventilated room.
• Tubercle bacilli are rapidly killed by exposure to sun rays.

• Full body mud pack is contraindicated

• Hot mud application such as Fango therapy is recommended.
• Fargo therapy is a type of treatment where thermal mud that contain high concentration of
minerals are spread over the body to help cleanse , purify and revitalize the skin.
• It has high thermal capacity and heat conductivity.
• It has antibacterial activity .

• Jal neti is a cleansing procedure that can be administered in TB patient as a measure to

cleanse the upper respiratory tract, which is one of the main areas of congestion.
• Hand stretch breathing and cat stretch breathing are also beneficial practices .
• Pranayama – Bhastrika and alternate nostril breathing .
• AUM chanting and relaxation techniques such as mind sound resonance techniques, DRT.

• Regular sunbath should be taken even after the infection has completely subsided.
• Milk and milk products should be avoided. I
• Intermittent fasting is advised as a rehabilitative measure to avoid relapse.
• Abundant leafy vegetables, gourds, and fresh fruits should be added in the diet .
• Education on hygienic practices should be provided the to avoid transmission in case of
active TB patients.

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