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BNYS 3 professional
Roll no.- 17161RG003
Enrolment no.- 400220
Institute- Faculty of Ayurveda,
• Introduction
• Classification
• Causes and risk factors
• Signs and Symptoms
• Diagnosis and Investigations
• Treatment
• Goals
• Aim
• Diet Therapy and fasting therapy
• Heliotherapy
• Hydrotherapy
• Mud therapy
• Massage therapy
• Acupuncture
• Physiotherapy
• Chromotherapy
•Magnetic therapy
• Yoga therapy
• Therapeutic dose of naturopathy
• Follow – up measures
 Arthritis is an acute or chronic inflammation
of joints resulting in pain, structural changes
and loss of joint function.
 Causes of arthritis include injury, infection,
autoimmunity, crystal deposition and age
related degeneration.
 Arthritis has a considerable impact on health-
related quality of life and is responsible for
considerable health care costs and inability to
perform the activities of daily life.
Classification :-
 Arthritis can be classified under the following groups-

Degenerative Autoimmune Crystal induced Infection

Gout Septic
Secondary Other causes
Osteoarthritis such as TB ,
lyme disease

Rheumatoid Ankylosing
Arthritis Psoriatic Juvenile spondylitis
Arthritis spondyloarthritis
Causes and Risk Factors-
 According to naturopathy, Stress originates from human interference with the order of
nature such as
• Faulty dietary habits,
• Sedentary lifestyle,
• mental conflicts and
• Negative behavioural patterns.
 This leads to altered body physiology such as modification of gut microbiota and internal
insanitation, which creates toxaemic conditions.
 This disrupts the integrity of panchamahabhutas or its Secondary forms leading to disease
and deterioration.
 As a result,
• Vitality decreases
• Increased vulnerability to diseases.
 In particular, Autoimmune arthritic conditions are attributed to-
• Accumulation of toxic intermediates and macromolecules
 These toxins are accumulated in the joints as crystals (Gout) or immune complexes
(Rheumatoid arthritis) resulting in Inflammation and Joint deformity.
• They also have Genetic causes coupled with environmental
factors including lifestyle changes.

• The etiology of arthritis is multifactorial and is exacerbated by

Stress physiology , which is called ADHIJA VYADHI according to
yoga philosophy.
Sign and Symptoms:-
 The common sign and Symptoms of
arthritis are:-
• Pain
• Joint stiffness
• Crepitus on active motion
• Joint swelling
• Restricted range of motion
• Difficulty in walking and
climbing stairs,
sitting on the floor.
Diagnosis and Investigations:-
 The diagnosis is made by proper physical examination and evaluation of clinical features.
 The following should be considered in the joint examination :
• Inspect for any scars , sinuses , redness , swelling , deformity and muscle wasting.
• Check for warmth , tenderness , crepitus , range of motion , gait and extra-
articular features.
• Perform special tests for ruling out ligament tears or any meniscal abnormalities.
 The following investigations can be done to confirm the diagnosis:-
* Radiological : X-RAY , MRI, CT SCAN.
* Laboratory : HEMOGRAM , RA FACTOR ,ESR, CRP, ANA PROFILE, Serum Calcium &
Phosphorus , VITAMIN D , BONE DENSITY, SYNOVIAL FLUID & Bone marrow aspiration , HLA-
B27 determination.
* Diagnostic arthroscopy and Biopsy.
 The approach of treatment should be in three aspects :-
• Prevention
• Management of acute conditions
• Modifications.
 Prevention includes –
• Creating awareness about healthy lifestyle ,
• Healthy food habits and
• Stress Management.
 Management of acute conditions include-
• Stabilizing acute conditions by integration with modern medicine.
 Modification includes the full-fledged naturopathic and yogic approach in
management of chronic arthritic conditions.

 To reduce pain.
 To control the inflammatory process.
 Toreduce joint stiffness, improve muscle
strength and enhance range of motion.
 To minimize disability,
 Toimprove quality of life and thereby
reduce dependency.
 Naturopathic approach in arthritis aims at-
• Removal of causative toxic intermediates
• Symptoms should be treated along with removal of
the root cause i.e. TOXAEMIA.
 Natural remedies support and stimulate the organism’s
innate healing processes while the body and mind does
the healing itslef.
 Lifestyle modification in long run can modify the
genetic redisposition to disease.
 Naturopathy also believes in UNITY OF DISEASE &
Management of ARTHRITIS through
Yoga and Nature cure

• In naturopathy, food is considered as medicine unlike other

systems of medicine.
• The health promoting diet focuses on the consumption of
whole and plant – based foods.
• Vegetarian diet led to improvement in gut microbiota and
modified the fecal microbiota in Rheumatoid arthritis.
• Plant based low carbohydrate diet reduces the risk of
chronic painful conditions.
• The restriction of animal proteins and alcohol intake has
a substantial relief on gouty arthritis.
• Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in
antioxidants & minerals has an anti-inflammatory effect.
• The diet of ARTHRITIS patient should include Alkaline
foods mainly consist of fruits and vegetables. It consist
• Couple of raw vegetables in the form of Salad and
• Atleast two cooked vegetables.


RADISHES used for a raw salad.
• The cooked vegetables may include-
available greens and 🍅 tomatoes.

 Fasting modifies the disease activity in arthritis through many

mechanisms, all of which reduce inflammation.
 One week fasting is more beneficial if it is followed and
preceded by a plant-based vegetarian diet.
 In severe cases, it is advisable to put the patient on RAW
 JUICE of any green leafy vegetables, mixed with Carrot and
beetroot juice.
 Fresh PINEAPPLE 🍍 JUICE is also beneficial as the enzyme
Bromelain reduce swelling and inflammation in Osteoarthritis
and Rheumatoid arthritis.
 Raw POTATO JUICE is one of the most successful nutritional
remedies for arthritic conditions.
 Repeated juice fasting is recommended
at intervals of every two months.
 Ginger has similar anti-inflammatory
effect as aspirin and other NSAIDs in
pain reduction.
 Black sesame seeds soaked overnight in
water is effective in preventing joint
pains , bone loss, improve bone strength
and exert anti- inflammatory action and
also reduces oxidative stress.
 Drinking water kept overnight in and
copper container helps to strengthen
the muscular system because of traces
of copper in the water.

• Sunlight has an abundant source of

Vitamin D.
• Vitamin D has a role in Autoimmune
disease, independent of its role in
calcium regulation.
• SUN BATH mediates various sun
dependent pathways in the body which
is important in the progression of the

• Exercise training is more effective in water because of

reduced load on the joints.
• Head-out water immersion within the temperature range
of 33.5°C to 41°C ( neutral, warm and hot) has been
widely used for pain reduction.
• Balneotherapy Or bathing in mineral water also reduces
pain, improves physical activity and tiredness and sleep
score in patient with Ankylosing spondylitis.
• Epsom salt is used as a bath salt for reduction of pain and
joint swelling in Rheumatoid arthritis. It has anti-
inflammatory & anti-arthritic properties.
• Various treatments are used for pain relief in arthritis such as-.
• Sauna & Steam baths result in clinical improvement in patients
with arthritis.
• Alternate Douches can be used for muscular atrophies and joint
deformities associated with ARTHRITIS.
1. Cold Douches
2. Cold immersion baths
3.Long sweating processes and prolonged general hot
• General health can be improved by graduated cold baths in
which temperature of water is gradually decreased , which
gives a tonic effect. They should not be prescribed for acute
arthritic conditions.

• Mud therapy at 4° to 42°C followed by head-out immersion at 37°-

38°C reduces the pain of Rheumatoid arthritis.
• Thermal mud therapy induces release of natural pain killer such as ẞ-
• In addition to mud packs & sulphur baths, Balneotherapy alleviates
inflammatory back pain In Psoriatic arthritis.
• Mud compress reduces pain, swelling, and tenderness in joints of the
hands in Rheumatoid arthritis.
• Mud application controls matrix metalloproteinase activity and thereby
reduces cartilage inflammation and disruption.
• 12 days of mud therapy is reported to reduce TNF alpha & increase
insulin growth factor, thereby influencing chondrocytic activity.

• Massage therapy improves the course of Osteoarthritis by

increasing local circulation to the affected joint, improving
the tone of supportive musculature, enhancing joint flexibility
and relieving pain.
• Massage induces relaxation by reducing cortisol and decreasing
• Light and moderate pressure massage on both the
hamstrings & the quadriceps reduces pain and improves
range of movement in Rheumatoid arthritis & knee
• Stimulation of pressure receptors leads to reduction in
heart rate and respiratory rate indicating increased vagal or
parasympathetic activity and also increases serotonin,
which is a natural analgesic.

 Acupuncture needling , garlic moxibustion, blood-letting

and cupping in the Points-
QUCHI (LI 11) and
ZUSANLI ( St 36) reduces pain and infection in
gonococcal arthritis ,a type of septic arthritis.
 Needling in the local points GB34, SP9, EX-LE5 & ST36; The
distal points KI3, SP6, LI4, ST40 along with diclofenac was
effective for the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis.
 Stimulation of the points LI11, TE5, LI4, ST36,GB34, GB39
by elctroacupuncture and traditional methods relieved pain
& reduced tenderness in Rheumatoid arthritis.
 Physical therapy Or physiotherapy is used mainly in rehabilitation , reducing
pain , improving joint mobility , improving muscle strength and improving
quality of life in arthritis.
 It can be mainly categorized as electrotherapy and exercise therapy.
 Electrotherapy consists of modalities such as –
• Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
• Interferential therapy (IFT) and
• Thermal modalities such as moist heat and ultrasound
Exercise therapy improves muscle strength , balance , and coordination and
includes active and passive exercises.
 Bracing or taping is a recent technique used in the management of
arthritis. This helps in immobilizing the joints and can relieve pain in a
painful joint or can realign a misaligned joint.

• Yellow colour reduces muscular pain and

• Treatment with Blue light for variable periods of
up to 15 minutes resulted in a significant degree
of pain relief of rheumatoid arthritis.
• It was proposed that the pain relief was due to
Blue light as well as duration of exposure.

 The therapeutic application can be of two types:- Static

magnetic field and pulsatile electromagnetic field.
 The application of static magnets over the knee reduced
pain and improved functional mobility in chronic knee pain.
 Static magnetic field when applied on acupuncture points may
have an added effect via the systemic mechanism.
 The application of pulsatile electromagnetic Field not only
alleviates pain in arthritis but also affords chondroprotection,
exerts Anti-inflammatory action and helps in bone remodeling.
Yoga module consisting of postures such as-
Tadasana ,
Uttitha trikonasana
Virabhadrasana ,
Supta tadasana
Supta padangustasana
Urdhva hastasana
Ardha uttanasana
Badhha konasana

 Savasana and pranayamas such as nadhi
shodhana , chandra bedhana and Deep
breathing caused significant improvement
in cardiovascular fitness and grip strength.
 Italso reduced salivary cortisol and
decreased pain, stiffness, depression and
 Yogic procedures such as relaxation
techniques, mind sound resonance
technique and yoga nidra can also be
practiced for stress reduction.
•Therapeutic dose of naturopathy
 The therapeutic dose recommended for arthritis is based
•reducing joint stress and trauma ,
•promoting collagen repair mechanisms ,
•eliminating foods and other factors that may
inhibit normal collagen repair.
 Ideal body weight Should be maintained through proper
diet consisting of complex carbohydrates , high fibre and
low fat.
 Daily non-traumatic exercises and regular practice of
yoga are important in the management of arthritis.
•Follow-up measures:-
1. Inaddition to regular exercise, it is important
to maintain ideal body weight with balanced
diet and to avoid any physical activity that may
strain the affected joints.
2. Forthe management of pain , physical
therapies , local packs with epsom salt , oil
massage and hot fomentation can be advised.
3. Useof knee caps and wet packs should be
Reference:- CLINICAL NATUROPATHY- YOGA (A manual for physicians
and Students)
1st edition by Dr. Pradeep M.K & Dr. Hyndavi Salwa.

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