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A thesis submitted
Hafiz Muhammad Anas (10796)
Asra Rashid (11654)
Inara Altaf (14076)
Muhammad Ahsan Siddiqui (10926)
Ghunya Tul Fatima (10447)
Qasim Raza (12505)
Department of Business Administration
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
This thesis has been
Accepted by the faculty
Chapter 1
background Consumer satisfaction is a very important tool in
running any kind of business because it tells
about your product and service and how well you
are with your customers and at what extent you
fulfill the needs of the customers.

Problem statement The problem is word of mouth creates emphasis

on consumer satisfaction either positively or
negatively which results in a big challenge for
organization with respect to packaging,
Advertisement and feedback failures which
affect the buying decision of the consumer and
ultimately effects their satisfaction.
Purpose of study Our research paper aims to identify the impact of
word of mouth, advertisement, packaging and
feedback on consumer satisfaction. In our study
these variables have a direct impact on
organizational performance.

Research Questions: RQ1: How does word of mouth affect customer


RQ2: How does advertisement affect customer


RQ3: Why is packaging important for customer


RQ3: How does customer’s feedback affect

customer satisfaction?
Significance of the study Our research will help the
marketers to identify the
mistakes that they perform
during the packaging stage and
also to focus on word of
mouth, feedback and
advertisement as it is the main
tool of marketing. The
significance of this study
shows that how word of
mouth, advertisement,
packaging and feedback will
help marketers to perform
according to the customer
Chapter 2

Word of mouth




• H1: There is a significant relationship between word

of mouth and consumer satisfaction.

• H2: There is significant relationship between

advertisement and consumer satisfaction.

• H3: There is a significant relationship between

packaging and consumer satisfaction.

• H4: Feedback has a significant relationship with

consumer satisfaction.
Research approach

Explanatory research This study comprises of explanatory

research approach as it gives a clear
understanding of the concept that is
explained in the research. The concept
and theoretical background of customer
satisfaction that exist in the research
will be helpful to use the explanatory
approach to explain about the consumer
Research design

Co relation design In this study, co relational design is

used to determine the relationship
between the variables and customer
satisfaction and also the impact of the
variables (word of mouth,
advertisement, packaging and
feedback) on consumer satisfaction
(Sekaran and Bougie, 2016, page 286).
Sampling technique

Target population We have targeted the employed,

unemployed male and female,
university going students and
professionals. The age group is from
18 to 50 years. The level of education
is matriculation, high school,
bachelors, masters, and others.

Sampling size The sample size is 300. We have

targeted employed, businessman,
students of college universities. We
provide online Google forms to the
respective participants and attained
their point of view in this way
Instrument of data collection The information gathered in the study
with the help of questionnaire. The main
focus is on the questionnaire. The
questionnaires emphasized on Likert
scale item. In the questionnaire, there is a
5-point Likert scale-like (1) strongly
disagrees, (2) disagree, (3) neutral, (4)
agree, and (5) strongly agree and the
variables that are word of mouth,
advertisement, packaging and feedback
(Sekaran and Bougie, 2016, page 215).
Procedure of data Our questionnaire consists of closed ended
collection questionnaire which targets all the variables,
dependent and independent both. The dependent
variable in our research is consumer satisfaction
and independent variables are word of mouth,
advertisement, packaging and feedback. There are
total 5 variables in it and each variable consist of 5
questions. The total number of questions is 25.
Questionnaires were collected on the spot. The
questionnaire was prepared on Google forms
(Sekaran and Bougie, 2016, page 146).
Chapter 4
Result and finding

Findings and Interpretation of The results of the questionnaire were

the Result obtained by collecting and running the
data on SPSS to get meaningful
information to interpret. The three
variables were checked in pairs first
through linear regression and then
collectively all the three were used to
assess the results. The whole process
used Structural Equation Modelling i.e.,
multiple regression
Reliability of Word of Mouth: The value of Cronbach’s Alpha is
62.6% which is greater than a
threshold of 0.6, it shows that the data
is reliable.

Reliability statistic

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha No. of Items

.626 5
Reliability of Advertising: The value of Cronbach’s Alpha is 73.5%
which is greater than a threshold of 0.6, it
shows that the data is reliable.

Reliability statistic

Cronbach's Alpha No. of Items

.735 5
Reliability of Packaging: The value of Cronbach’s Alpha
is75.6% which is greater than a
threshold of 0.6, it shows that the data
is reliable.

Reliability statistic

Cronbach's Alpha No. of Items

.756 5

Reliability of Feedback: The value of Cronbach’s Alpha is

68.6% which is greater than a threshold
of 0.6, it shows that the data is reliable.

reliability Statistic

Cronbach's Alpha No. of Items

.686 5
Reliability of Customer The value of Cronbach’s Alpha is
Satisfaction: 53.3% which is less than a threshold
of 0.6, it shows that the data is not that
much reliable.

Reliability statistic

Cronbach's Alpha No. of Items

.533 5

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .476a .227 .217 .33838

The value of R is 0.47 which means
a. Predictors: (Constant), FB, AD, WM, there is 47% direct between the

variables. R square value is 0.22
which shows 22% change in
dependent variable consumer’s
preference is predicted by the
independent variables ( feedback,
advertisement, word of mouth, and


Sum.of Mean

Model Squares df Square F Sig.

1 Regressio 22.4 .000

10.275 4 2.569
n 34 b

Residual 35.037 306 .114    

Total 45.311 310      

Dependent Variable: CS Anova table shows 0.00 sig value
Predictors: (Constant), FB, AD, WM, wish is less than 0.05 and indicates
PG high significance of independent
variables. It further shows that the
model is significant (sig-val <0.05)


Unstandardized Standardized

Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant
2.378 .232   10.267 .000

WM .110 .042 .153 2.653 .008

AD -.020 .045 -.024 -.434 .664

PG .039 .039 .059 .996 .320

FB .328 .050 .371 6.555 .000

Dependent Variable: CS
Since there is a significant effect of word of mouth and feedback on consumer
satisfaction with a sig value of less than 0.05 and from the unstandardized
coefficient beta value of word of mouth and feedback has an impact of 0.11
which is 11% and 0.32 which is 32% on consumer’s satisfaction.
Hypotheses Assessment Summary:



1 Word of mouth has a significant impact on 0.008 “Accepted”

consumer satisfaction.

2 Feedback has a significant relationship with 0.000 “Accepted”

consumer satisfaction.

3 Packaging has an insignificant impact on 0.320 “Rejected”

consumer satisfaction.

4 Advertisement has an insignificant impact 0.664 “Rejected”

on consumer satisfaction.
 word of mouth, advertisement, packaging and feedback has a strong impact
on consumer satisfaction.

 We collected the responses from 349 respondent which includes employees,

unemployed, students|( education level is metric, High school, Intermediate,
Bachelor, Masters and others) ) through Google data form by using
quantitative approach through Likert scale method to identify the
relationship between word of mouth, advertisement, packaging and
feedback on consumer satisfaction.

 We tested reliability of the variables through SPSS and performed

Regression test. The findings were within the 5 variables,

 the four variables are reliable and in regression the two variables are highly
significant with the relation of dependent variable
Advertisement and feedback failures which affect the buying decision of
the consumer and ultimately effects their satisfaction.

advertisement, packaging and feedback will help marketers to perform

according to the customer satisfaction.

By connecting to the customer’s marketers can be aware of their problems

and can notice what problems their customers are facing.

It is necessary to bring the value of the product into notice and run
campaigns to get the real honest feedback from the customers and connect
to customers.

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