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Researchers MARY GRACE
Group 1

According to Jenkins, A. (2020). Inventory management assists businesses in determining which

and how much stock to order at what time. It keeps track of inventory from purchase to sale. The
practice identifies and responds to trends in order to ensure that there is always enough stock to fulfill
customer orders and that there is adequate warning of a shortage. Inventory becomes revenue once it is
sold. Inventory (despite being reported as an asset on the balance sheet) ties up cash before it is sold.
As a result, having too much stock costs money and reduces cash flow.
Due to the large number of transactions, the inventory handling process ends up being frantic and
exhausting, necessitating the automation of labor through the adoption of a system, hence lowering
complexity and increasing inventory management efficiency. The goal of this project is to automate
operations through the creation and implementation of a computerized sales and inventory
management system. (Kyomuhendo, 2019).
“Equipment Inventory Management System (EIMS)”, Tapado, B. M. (2015). Inventory
management systems are typically developed and implemented in manufacturing companies,
where raw materials used in the production of a product are inventoried against the number
of products developed and actual expenditures made until a finished product is produced.
Inventory management systems are rarely used in schools because the priority is to provide
quality instruction. The paper discusses the automated system for managing equipment
inventory at the country's state universities and colleges. Specifically, the system collects
data on each employee's equipment records, tracks the history of the equipment issued to
each employee, performs automated inventory management, and generates reports on
equipment inventory management.
Nowadays, business owners are having difficulty running and managing their
businesses effectively. We have decided to give 3K A.D Agliam Construction Supply a
system that will assist and help them in managing their company and enhancing their
operations there.
The 3K A.D Agliam Construction Supply opened on March 2018, it is located in #37
Namnama St. Toledo Ramos Tarlac. The owner of 3K A.D Agliam Construction Supply,
which is Mr. Arnel De Vera Agliam claims that he initially found it difficult to run and
manage their Construction Supply, in part due to the surroundings and environment of the
time. However, as time goes by, they become better at adapting, which supports further
corporate growth.
He also finds himself in a precarious position. The owner manually calculated their sales
and inventory system back then until now because technology was not as widely used and
because of financial problem, they found it challenging and difficult to run their business as a
result. Mr. Arnel De Vera Agliam struggled more because of their manual computing-related
exhaustion and worry that leads sometimes to frustration.
Because of this, we decided to give them a system, hoping that by using and applying it,
their sales and inventory system would improve and undergo positive improvements. Because
the purpose of this study is to determine whether or not using the system for managing sales
and inventories would significantly benefit their business, or if it will only help to speed up
their work. The purpose of the study is also to determine whether computerization will make
their computing in sales and inventory management simpler.
The owner, Mr. Arnel De Vera Agliam,
has experienced difficulties in many of
his situations, particularly since their
items could not be marketed when they
first began. In order to increase sales at
Purpose and their construction supply, they think with
many ways how to be more timeliness
Description and relevant.

of the Project However, as time goes by, they find their

sales harder to calculate, since it is
manually, that results with confusion.
Thus this research study will benefit their
business by making their task simpler,
easy, and fast unlike before.

This would be the main justification for the importance of

the study. Aside from the goal and purpose of the study,
this will give their business its first computerized system,
which will benefit them in terms of computing sales and
inventory management.

This study aim to identify the objectives and
possible solution, specifically that seeks to answer
the following problems.

Objectives The general problem is the system used by the

of the business is inaccurate and lack of management.

Study They also have difficulties in managing their

business because of the loss of records due to
human error. As well as the problem of having
inaccurate information of remaining inventory and

also their sales.

With the help of this research study, this contributes to the
improvement and enhancement of their sales and inventory
system for their daily operation specifically about inventory
management. It will solve some problems of the beneficiaries
as well as in their business, which includes loss of records,
because with the help of computerized sales and inventory
management, they will no longer do it manually, and can
work at a shorter period of time.

This study aims to discover and determine if there would
be a significant improvement with the computerized sale
and inventory system of 3K A.D Agliam Construction
Scope Supply located in #37 Namnama St. Toledo Ramos

And Tarlac.

Limitations of The target and primary beneficiary of this research study

the Study is the owner of 3K A.D Agliam Construction Supply
which is Mr. Arnel De Vera Agliam, since the owner has
the most right to access the system and they can change
everything in the system depending on what they want to
Communication is still challenging due to the pandemic, particularly given that the
construction supplies are being delivered here, and conflicts are arising from the owner.
This study also has time constraints because of the busy schedule of the researchers.

But in order to solve these limitations, as well as find out more information about the
sales and their inventory management on the 3K A.D Agliam Construction Supply, the
researchers will conduct a face-to-face interview with the owner that also seeks more
information about their business. In this research study, it is intended that the gaps and
other inquiries raised by this study will be addressed and solved. Because of this, it is
also anticipated that the researchers would overcome and get around these constraints
and limitations by the help of this proposed research study.

According to Jenkins, A. (2020). Inventory management assists businesses in determining which

and how much stock to order at what time. It keeps track of inventory from purchase to sale. The
practice identifies and responds to trends in order to ensure that there is always enough stock to fulfill
customer orders and that there is adequate warning of a shortage. Inventory becomes revenue once it is
sold. Inventory (despite being reported as an asset on the balance sheet) ties up cash before it is sold.
As a result, having too much stock costs money and reduces cash flow.
Due to the large number of transactions, the inventory handling process ends up being frantic and
exhausting, necessitating the automation of labor through the adoption of a system, hence lowering
complexity and increasing inventory management efficiency. The goal of this project is to automate
operations through the creation and implementation of a computerized sales and inventory
management system. (Kyomuhendo, 2019).
“A Problem Oriented Approach to Implementing an Auto
Sales and Inventory System through Agile Methodology”,
(Lirios, L. P. N. et al., 2018). An review of the operations of

an auto supply firm revealed that their business process is
prone to human error, resulting in inconsistent and incorrect

of historical data. This results in inventory excess, which

significantly raises the company's inventory expenditures.
Related The project's purpose is to create an automated sales and

Literature inventory management system that will help the general

manager and company personnel to improve business
operations. The study seeks to create a system to address the
aforementioned challenges using a Problem Oriented
“Lost Sales Obsolescence Inventory Systems with Positive Lead Time: A System-Point
Level-Crossing Approach”, (K. Preethi, 2022). In this study, we give in-depth
assessments of two continuous review lost sales inventory systems based on various
replenishment rules, namely (s,S) and (s,Q). We assume that demand arrival times
follow a process and that demand sizes have an i.i.d. exponential distribution. We
assume that the things in stock will become obsolete after an exponential duration. The
lead time for replenishing is exponential. We also suppose that surplus demand and
demand that happened during stock out periods are lost. We explicitly derive the steady-
state probability distribution of inventory level using the system point approach of level
crossing and the integral equation method.

“Improving Inventory System Performance by Selective Purchasing of Buyers’
Willingness to Wait” (Alim, M. 2022). We create a demand postponement mechanism to
improve the performance of a single item, periodic review inventory system with
advance demand. The focus of the literature has been on how to encourage customers to
make early purchases. Predicting how demand will fluctuate can be difficult, and
backorders may still occur. We focus on how a firm might resolve backorders under a
particular advance demand pattern with a compensation mechanism that benefits both
the firm and the customers: the firm may offer a discount to customers for accepting
later deliveries at a promised delivery date.

A. Foreign
This study investigates a single-stage make-to-stock
production-inventory system with random demand
Related and unpredictable yield, in which defective units are
Studies reworked. We investigate how to set cost-minimizing

and/or production/order quantities in such imperfect

systems, which is difficult because a random yield
Systems implies an unknown arrival time of outstanding units
as well as the potential of them crossing in the
pipeline. (Berling, et. al., 2022).
The digital economy revolution is compelling the manufacturing industry to create new
business models in order to achieve operational excellence. Vendor Management
Inventory (VMI) is a critical measure aimed at enhancing supply chain efficiency and
reducing the Internet of Things' bullwhip effects (IoT). The manufacturing supplier's
issues include the difficulty in collecting inventory information at the hub and the
inability to readily integrate essential inventory information in the IoT. To overcome the
inventory problem, the proposed way is to create an integrated Hub VMI system. The
purpose of this case study is to implement an all-in-one integrated Hub VMI in an
electronic manufacturing company. (Fang, X. 2021).

B. Local
Stock keeping and checking are important aspects of any corporate organization. Goodwill Elementary
School received a user-friendly computerized inventory system. The proposed approach may assist the
department in better monitoring and controlling inventory stocks. Our project focuses on moving
Goodwill Elementary School's school inventory to a higher level of processing. (Agapito, R. M. et. al.,

To be globally competitive in a fast-paced business climate, every organization must correctly manage
its important records such as asset lists, personnel service records, and processed raw materials and
products. And, in the process of preserving vital records, issues like as data loss, erroneous
information, and difficulty in creating required reports can jeopardize an organization's productivity,
preventing it from acquiring a competitive advantage over its peers. (Legaspi, D. 2019).

A computerized sales and inventory system is a method of tracking stock, suppliers, and
sales across a supply chain. Businesses employ inventory systems to ensure that they
know exactly what items are available and where they are located.
Mr. Arnel De Vera Agliam, which is the owner of 3K A.D Agliam Construction Supply
claims that he initially found it difficult to run and manage their Construction Supply, in
part due to the surroundings and environment of the time. Because technology was not as
extensively utilized at this time, the owner had to manually compute their sales and
inventory system, which made it difficult to run their business, that is why this proposed
project is needed and essential to 3K A.D Agliam Construction Supply.

Overview of Current Technologies Used in the Current System

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software which allows users to input and analyze data. In
order to successfully convey research findings, users also build tables, graphs, and even
infographics. At every stage of a research endeavor, Microsoft Excel can be useful. For
instance, it can be used to generate a Gantt Chart before to the commencement of a
project, supporting users in time management and deadline setting.

Excel inventory management can help you also in better organizing and tracking sales,
inventory and stock items, allowing you to have a better understanding of what you have
and what you require. An Excel-based inventory management system can help you better
categorize, tag, and label inventory management for better team awareness.
Calendar of Activities

The Gantt chart presents the summary of activities. Listed

are the activities and opposite them are their duration or
periods of execution.

Presenting The Results
This presents the reviewed and analyzed data of this study. The findings are reviewed
and interpreted to identify if there is a change/s in inputting Sales and Inventory
System whether it is manual or Microsoft Excel.

20 minutes is the average time spent in calculating manually their total sales and
inventory system. While, 9.8 minutes is the average time spent in calculating their
total sales and inventory system using Microsoft Excel.

Therefore, using Microsoft excel speeds up the time and makes it easier for the owner
to calculate the total sales and inventory system of their Construction Supply

Personal Computer - are used in businesses to perform accounting, desktop
publishing, and word processing tasks, as well as to run databases and
spreadsheets. A personal computer also is a multi-purpose microcomputer whose
size, capabilities, and price allow it to be used by a single person allowing and
making financial tasks much easier.

Microsoft Excel – it is a Microsoft software program that uses spreadsheets to
organize numbers and data. Microsoft Excel also allows users to identify,
organize or sort data into categories because it allows us to manipulate, manage,
and analyze data, which is especially useful in the business world for sales and
inventory systems.

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