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• bilaterally symmetrical invertebrate animals with segmented bodies, jointed
appendages, and hard outer coverings or exoskeletons

• Metamorphosis
1. Gradual or incomplete metamorphosis (3 stages: egg, nymph, adult)
Ex: cockroaches, grasshoppers, lice and bugs
2. Complete metamorphosis (4 stages: egg, larva, pupa, adult)
Ex: mosquitoes, flies, butterflies, moths,ants, bees, wasps, fleas, and beetles
Classification of arthropods
• Majority of medically important arthropods grouped into:

• Insecta- most important group of arthropods from the medical

- Arachnida
External Anatomy
• 2 types of eyes:

• Simple: Simple eyes or ocelli consist of

single eye units or facets.
• Compound : very large and maybe
round, oval, or kidney shaped
External anatomy - mouthparts

Chewing mouthparts Sponging mouthparts

External Anatomy- mouthparts
Piercing-sucking mouthparts Chewing-lapping mouthparts
External Anatomy : Thorax

Wings Leg
External Anatomy: Abdomen

Spiracles Cercus
Internal Anatomy

Circulatory system Respiratory system

Internal Anatomy

Nervous system Digestive and Excretory system

Internal Anatomy

Reproductive system
Arthropods as
Direct Causes
of Injury
A. Order Hymenoptera ( bees, wasps
and ants)

B. Order hemiptera c. Order Lepidoptera


D. Class Chilopoda E. Order Scorpionida

Order Araneida (spiders)
Ectoparasitism and lesions due to arthropod

A. Order Diptera (Class Insecta:

mosquitoes and flies Bite reactions:
• Hemorrhagic macule
• Delayed reaction papule
• Immediate reaction wheals
Ectoparasitism and lesions due to arthropod
Order Anoplura (sucking lice)
Ectoparasitism and lesions due to arthropod
Phthirus pubis
Ectoparasitism and lesions due to arthropod
Ectoparasitism and lesions due to arthropod
Sarcoptes scabei Scabies
Arthropods as
Vectors of
Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases
A. Malaria- Anopheles flavirostris
• most important vector of malaria
in the Philippines
• small- to medium-sized
mosquito, measuring 2 to 6 mm
n length
• has a proboscis with a pale
golden patch that is usually
confined to its apical half
• The basal third of its costal vein
is usually dark or has a single
pale spot.
Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases
B. Filariasis- Aedes poecilus
• Mosquito is associated with
Bancroftian filariasis
• Adult Aedes poecilus- has scutellar
scales : mostly broad and white.
• Dark scales are found on the mid-
lobe and form a distinct dark
central patch
• This mosquito is a nocturnal feeder
• The highest density of these
mosquitoes : from 10 p.m. to 12
Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases
C. Dengue Fever- Aedes Aegypti
• known as the “tiger mosquito.”
• It is black in color, and small to
• medium in size
• characteristic lyre-shaped,silvery
markings on its mesonotum.
• The foreand mid-pairs of legs have
white narrow bands at the base of
the tarsi.
• The hind pair of legs has five broad
white bands
• Mosquito breeds in clear water
Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases
C. Dengue Fever- Aedes Albopictus
• Most important
characteristic :single,
longitudinal, silvery stripe on
the mesonotum.
• breeds in clear water
• It is not unusual, therefore, to
see both Aedes species
sharing a common habitat
• associated with rural dengue
Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases
D. Japanese Encephalitis
• proven vector of Japanese encephalitis
in the Philippines
• Small mosquito
• The mesonotum- uniformly covered with
dense, very small, brown to dark brown
scales, which are curved and narrow. Its
proboscis has a pale band
• associated with rice fields
• Activity is greatest from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00
• Feeds on man and animals, specifically
• Pigs serve as amplifying hosts
Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases
E. Musca domestica (The common housefly)

• dark gray in color and measures

about 6 to 9 mm in length
• Has four conspicuous longitudinal
black bands or stripes on its thorax
• The wing venation is characterized
by Vein 4 (V4) bending sharply at
the end of Vein 3 (V3)
• Two veins are therefore very close
at the edge of the wing
• eggs are laid in masses of about
75 to 150 eggs
Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases
F. American Cockroaches
• cockroach is chestnut brown to
dark reddish-brown in color
• largest species , measures up to
40 mm in length
• Have fully developed wings
• The female, in her lifetime, lays
about 50 egg capsules or ootheca,
• each containing about 15 eggs.
• The length of the life cycle is from
6 months to a year
Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases
F. Oriental Cockroaches
• measures 22 to 27 mm long

• It is dark brown to black in

color, and both sexes show
wings that are very short

• length of its life cycle is l2

Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases
F. German Cockroaches
• measures 10 to 15 mm in length
• pale yellowish-brown in color
• It has two prominent longitudinal
dark bands on its pronotum.
• Female carries the ootheca,
which protrudes from the tip of
the abdomen, until hatching time
• Its life cycle takes from 2 to 3
months .
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