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Ice Breaker

Based on your observations, what has changed in our culture?

Causes of
Cultural Change
What is Cultural Change?

Cultural Change refers to the movement supporting the

transformation of society through invention, discovery, or
contact with other communities. It is an important element in
contemporary society

Causes of Cultural Change

1.Discovery refers to the process of finding a new place or an

object, artefact or anything that previously existed. It also
refers to the initial awareness of existing but formerly
unobserved relationships of elements of nature to human life.

Causes of Cultural Change

2. Invention implies a creative mental process of devising;

creating and producing something new, novel or original. It
also implies the utilization and combination of previously
known elements to produce an original or novel product.
Invention could be either social or material.

Causes of Cultural Change

3. Diffusion refers to the spread of cultural traits (e.g.,

religious beliefs, technological ideas, language forms, etc.) or
social practices from a society or group to another belonging
to the same society or to another through direct contact with
each other and exposure to new forms.

Causes of Cultural Change

4. Economy a nation that has a growing middle class may

experience an enrichment of culture as people have the
economic security to pursue happiness.

Causes of Cultural Change

5. War and Disaster this may result in an abandonment of

cultural pursuits as people focus on survival and security.

Causes of Cultural Change

6. Law. Laws and regulations have broad cultural impacts.

For example, laws requiring businesses to close at a particular
hour that restrict the night economy of a city.

Causes of Cultural Change

7. Education is a foundation of culture beginning with basic

language and social skills that provide the tools to discover
and use knowledge.

Causes of Cultural Change

8. Leaders that unify a people or group towards a common

purpose. A leader can also become a symbol of a culture such
as Martin Luther King Jr. as an inspirational figure of Black
American culture


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