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Project Integration

Project Integration Management
Project Integration Management includes the processes
and activities to identify, define, combine, unify, and
coordinate the various processes and project
management activities within the Project Management
Process Groups.
Project Integration Management includes:
•making choices about resource allocation, me
•making trade-offs among competing objectives and ber
alternatives, and,
•managing the interdependencies among the project Pen
management Knowledge Areas.

Project Integration Management

PM Process PMBOK® 5th Edition Sections
Initiating 4.1 Develop Project Charter

Planning 4.2 Develop Project Management

Executing 4.3 Direct and Manage Project
Monitoring & 4.4 Monitor and Control Project
Controlling Work
4.5 Perform Integrated Change
Closing 4.6 Close Project or Phase
4.1 Develop Project Charter

Process Key Benefits Key Outputs Process

Description Descrip

Developing a A well-defined Project Charter Mengemb

document that project start and dokumen
formally authorizes project boundaries, secara for
the existence of a creation of a formal mengesah
project and record of the keberadaa
provides the project project, and a direct dan mem
manager with the way for senior manajer p
authority to apply management to wewenan
organizational formally accept and menerapk
resources to project commit to the sumber d
activities. project. organisas
aktivitas p
4.1 Develop Project Charter
4.1 Develop Project Charter
Project Charter [Output]

The project charter is the document issued by the

project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the
existence of a project and provides the project
manager with the authority to apply organizational
resources to project activities.

It documents:
•the business needs,
•the understanding of the customer’s needs and high-
level requirements, and
•the new product, service, or result that it is intended
to satisfy
Piagam proyek adalah dokumen yang dikeluarkan oleh
Project Charter (Typical outline)
• Project purpose or justification,
• Measurable project objectives and related success criteria,
• High-level requirements,
• Assumptions and constraints,
• High-level project description and boundaries,
• High-level risks,
• Summary milestone schedule,
• Summary budget,
• Stakeholder list,
• Project approval requirements (i.e., what constitutes project
success, who decides the project is successful, and who signs
off on the project),
• Assigned project manager, responsibility, and authority
level, and
• Name and authority of the sponsor or other person(s)
authorizing the project charter.
• Tujuan atau pembenaran proyek,
Function of Project Charter
The project charter establishes a partnership between the
performing and requesting organizations.

In the case of external projects, a formal contract is typically

the preferred way to establish an agreement. In this case, the
project team becomes the seller responding to conditions of an
offer to buy from an outside entity.

A project charter is still used to establish internal agreements

within an organization to assure proper delivery under the

The approved project charter formally initiates the project. A

project manager is identified and assigned as early in the
project as is feasible, preferably while the project charter is
being developed and always prior to the start of planning.
Piagam proyek membangun kemitraan antara organisasi yang
Authoring a Project Charter
The project charter should be authored by the sponsoring

The project charter provides the project manager with the

authority to plan and execute the project.

It is recommended that the project manager participate in the

development of the project charter to obtain a foundational
understanding of the project requirements. This understanding
will better allow for efficient resources allocation to project
Piagam proyek harus dibuat oleh sponsor perusahaan.
Piagam proyek memberi manajer proyek wewenang untuk
merencanakan dan melaksanakan proyek.
Disarankan agar manajer proyek berpartisipasi dalam
pengembangan piagam proyek untuk memperoleh pemahaman
Project Statement of Work [Input]
• The project statement of work (SOW) is a narrative description of
products, services, or results to be delivered by a project.
• For internal projects, the project initiator or sponsor provides the
statement of work based on business needs, product, or service
• For external projects, the statement of work can be received from
the customer as part of a bid document, (e.g., a request for
proposal, request for information, or request for bid) or as part of
a contract.
• The SOW references the following:
o Business need
o Product scope description
o Strategic plan

• Pernyataan kerja proyek (SOW) adalah deskripsi naratif produk,

Business Case [Input]
• The business case or similar document describes the necessary
information from a business standpoint to determine whether or not •
the project is worth the required investment.
• It is commonly used for decision making by managers or executives
above the project level. •

• Typically, the business need and the cost-benefit analysis are

contained in the business case to justify and establish boundaries for •
the project, and such analysis is usually completed by a business
analyst using various stakeholder inputs.
• The sponsor should agree to the scope and limitations of the
business case.

• The business case is created as a result of one or more of the
following: •

• Market demand, Organizational need, Customer request,

Technological advance, Legal requirement, Ecological impacts,
Social need.
Agreements [Input]
• Agreements are used to define initial intentions for a • Pe
project. un
• Agreements may take the form of contracts, • Pe
memorandums of understanding (MOUs), service ke
level agreements (SLA), letter of agreements, letters of (SL
intent, verbal agreements, email, or other written em
• Bia
• Typically, a contract is used when a project is being dil
performed for an external customer.
Faktor Lingkungan Perusahaan
Enterprise Environmental Factors [Input]
• The enterprise environmental factors that can • Fak
influence the Develop Project Charter process include, mem
but are not limited to: term
• Governmental standards, industry standards, or • S
regulations (e.g. codes of conduct, quality p
standards, or worker protection standards), a
• Organizational culture and structure, and • B
• Marketplace conditions. • K
Organizational Process Assets [Input]
• The organizational process assets that can influence • Ase
the Develop Project Charter process include, but are pro
not limited to: tida
• Organizational standard processes, policies, and •
process definitions,
• Templates (e.g., project charter template), and •
• Historical information and lessons learned •
knowledge base (e.g., projects, records, and
documents; all project closure information and
documentation; information about both the results
of previous project selection decisions and
previous project performance information; and
information from the risk management activity).
Expert Judgment [Tools]

• Expert judgment is often used to assess the inputs used to • Pen

develop the project charter. dig
• Expert judgment is applied to all technical and management • Pen
details during this process. ma
• Such expertise is provided by any group or individual with • Kea
specialized knowledge or training and is available from many den
sources, including: ber
• Other units within the organization, •
• Consultants, •
• Stakeholders, including customers or sponsors,

• Professional and technical associations,

• Industry groups,
• Subject matter experts (SME), and •
• Project management office (PMO). •

Facilitation Techniques [Tools]
• Facilitation techniques have broad application within
project management processes and guide the
development of the project charter.
• Brainstorming, conflict resolution, problem solving,
and meeting management are examples of key
techniques used by facilitators to help teams and
individuals accomplish project activities.
• Teknik fasilitasi memiliki aplikasi yang luas dalam
proses manajemen proyek dan memandu
pengembangan piagam proyek
• Brainstorming, resolusi konflik, pemecahan masalah,
dan manajemen pertemuan adalah contoh teknik
kunci yang digunakan oleh fasilitator untuk
membantu tim dan individu menyelesaikan kegiatan
4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
Process Key Benefits Key Outputs
Defining, preparing, A central document Project
and coordinating all that defines the Management Plan
subsidiary plans basis of all project
and integrating work.
them into a
project management

Mendefinisikan, Sebuah dokumen Project

mempersiapkan, sentral yang Management Plan
dan mendefinisikan
mengkoordinasikan dasar dari semua
semua anak rencana pekerjaan proyek.
4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
Project Management Plan [Output]
• The project management plan is the document that describes • Renca
how the project will be executed, monitored, and controlled. It bagai
integrates and consolidates all of the subsidiary plans and Ini m
baselines from the planning processes. divisi
• Project baselines include, but are not limited to: • Garis
 Scope baseline, • L
 Schedule baseline, and • Ja
 Cost baseline.
• D
• Subsidiary plans include, but are not limited to:
• R
 Scope management plan, Requirements management plan,
Schedule management plan, Cost management plan, Quality • R
management plan, Process improvement plan, Human p
resource management plan, Communications management p
plan, Risk management plan, Procurement management p
plan, and Stakeholder management plan. m
Differentiation Between the Project Management Plan and
Project Documents
Project Charter [Input]
• The size of the project charter varies depending on the
complexity of the project and the information known at the time
of its creation.
• At a minimum, the project charter should define the high-level
boundaries of the project.
• The project manager uses the project charter as the starting point
for initial planning throughout the Initiating Process Group.
• Ukuran piagam proyek bervariasi tergantung pada kompleksitas
proyek dan informasi yang diketahui pada saat pembuatannya.
• Minimal, piagam proyek harus mendefinisikan batas-batas
proyek tingkat tinggi.
• Manajer proyek menggunakan piagam proyek sebagai titik awal
untuk perencanaan awal di seluruh Grup Proses Inisiasi.
Outputs from Other Processes [Input]

• Outputs from many of the other processes described in are

integrated to create the project management plan.
• Any baselines and subsidiary plans that are an output from other
planning processes are inputs to this process.
• In addition, changes to these documents may necessitate updates
to the project management plan.
• Keluaran dari banyak proses lain yang dijelaskan dalam
terintegrasi untuk membuat rencana manajemen proyek.
• Setiap baseline dan rencana tambahan yang merupakan keluaran
dari proses perencanaan lainnya merupakan masukan untuk
proses ini.
• Selain itu, perubahan pada dokumen ini mungkin memerlukan
pembaruan pada rencana manajemen proyek.
4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
Process Key Benefits Key Outputs
Leading and It provides overall • Deliverables
performing the management of the
work defined in the project work. • Work
project management Performance
plan and Data
approved changes • Change
to achieve the Requests
project’s objectives.

Memimpin dan Ini menyediakan • Deliverables

melakukan manajemen
pekerjaan yang keseluruhan dari • Work
ditentukan dalam pekerjaan proyek. Performance
rencana manajemen Data
proyek dan
4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
Deliverables [Output]

• A deliverable is any unique and verifiable product, result or

capability to perform a service that is required to be produced to
complete a process, phase, or project.
• Deliverables are typically tangible components completed to
meet the project objectives and can include elements of the
project management plan.

• Deliverable adalah setiap produk, hasil atau kemampuan yang

unik dan dapat diverifikasi untuk melakukan layanan yang
diperlukan untuk diproduksi untuk menyelesaikan suatu proses,
fase, atau proyek.
• Hasil kerja biasanya merupakan komponen nyata yang
diselesaikan untuk memenuhi tujuan proyek dan dapat
mencakup elemen dari rencana manajemen proyek.
Work Performance Data [Output]
• Work performance data are the raw observations and • Da
measurements identified during activities being performed to ya
carry out the project work. m
• Data are often viewed as the lowest level of detail from which • Da
information is derived by other processes. in
• Data is gathered through work execution and passed to the • Da
controlling processes of each process area for further analysis. di
• Examples of work performance data includes:
• Co
o work completed, key performance indicators, technical
performance measures, start and finish dates of schedule •
activities, number of change requests, number of defects,
actual costs, and actual durations, etc
Change Requests [Output]
• A change request is a formal proposal to modify any document, • Perm
deliverable, or baseline. doku
• An approved change request will replace the associated document, • Perm
deliverable, or baseline and may result in an update to other parts of the terka
project management plan. bagia
• When issues are found while project work is being performed, change • Ketik
requests are submitted, which may modify project policies or perm
procedures, project scope, project cost or budget, project schedule, or prose
project quality. jadwa
• Other change requests cover the needed preventive or corrective actions• Perm
to forestall negative impact later in the project. atau p
• Requests for a change can be direct or indirect, externally or internally
initiated, and can be optional or legally/contractually mandated, and • Perm
may include: dimu
o Corrective action dima
o Preventive action
o Defect repair • T
o Updates • A
Approved Change Requests [Input]
• Approved change requests are an output of the Perform • Perm
Integrated Change Control process, and include those requests Laku
reviewed and approved for implementation by the change perm
control board (CCB). chan
• The approved change request may be a corrective action, a • Perm
preventative action, or a defect repair. kore
• Approved change requests are scheduled and implemented by • Perm
the project team, and can impact any area of the project or project diim
management plan. area
• The approved change requests can also modify the policies, • Perm
project management plan, procedures, costs, or budgets or revise kebi
the schedules. angg
• Approved change requests may require implementation of • Perm
preventive or corrective actions pene
Project Management Information System

• The project management information system, which is part of the

environmental factors, provides access to tools, such as a
scheduling tool, a work authorization system, a configuration
management system, an information collection and distribution
system, or interfaces to other online automated systems.
• Automated gathering and reporting on key performance
indicators (KPI) can be part of this system.
• Sistem informasi manajemen proyek, yang merupakan bagian
dari faktor lingkungan, menyediakan akses ke alat, seperti alat
penjadwalan, sistem otorisasi kerja, sistem manajemen
konfigurasi, sistem pengumpulan dan distribusi informasi, atau
antarmuka ke sistem otomatis online lainnya.
• Pengumpulan dan pelaporan otomatis tentang indikator kinerja
utama (KPI) dapat menjadi bagian dari sistem ini.
Meetings [Tools]

• Meetings are used to discuss and address pertinent topics of the• Rapat
project when directing and managing project work. proyek
• Attendees at the meetings may include the project manager, the • Peserta
project team and appropriate stakeholders involved or affected by peman
the topics addressed. oleh to
• Each attendee should have a defined role to ensure appropriate • Setiap
participation. mema
• Meetings tend to be one of three types: • Rapat
• Information exchange; • Pertuk
• Brainstorming, option evaluation, or design; or • Brains
• Decision making. • Penga
Meetings (cont.) [Tools]
• Meeting types should not be mixed as a best practice. • Jen
• Meetings should be prepared with a well-defined agenda, • Ra
purpose, objective, and time frame and should be appropriately ke
documented with meeting minutes and action items. did
• Meeting minutes should be stored as defined in the project
management plan. • No
• Meetings are most effective when all participants can be face-to-
face in the same location. • Ra
• Virtual meetings can be held using audio and/ or video
conferencing tools, but generally require additional preparation • Ra
and organization to achieve the same effectiveness of a face-to- au
face meeting. da
4.4 Monitor and control Project Work
Process Description Key Benefits Key Outputs

Tracking, reviewing, and It allows stakeholders to • Change

reporting the progress to understand the current Requests
meet the performance state of the project, the
objectives defined in the steps taken, and budget, • Work
project management plan. schedule, and scope Performance
forecasts. Reports

Melacak, meninjau, dan Ini memungkinkan • Perubahan

melaporkan kemajuan pemangku kepentingan permintaan
untuk memenuhi tujuan untuk memahami • Laporan
kinerja yang ditentukan keadaan proyek saat ini, Prestasi Kerja
dalam rencana langkah-langkah yang
manajemen proyek. diambil, dan anggaran,
jadwal, dan perkiraan
ruang lingkup.
4.4 Monitor and Control Project Work
4.4 Monitor and control Project Work
Change Requests [Output]
• As a result of comparing planned results to actual results, change • Se
requests may be issued to expand, adjust, or reduce project scope, de
product scope, or quality requirements and schedule or cost un
baselines. lin
• Change requests may necessitate the collection and da
documentation of new requirements. • Pe
• Changes can impact the project management plan, project do
documents, or product deliverables. • Pe
• Changes that meet the project’s change control criteria should go do
through the integrated change control process established for the • Pe
project. pro
• Changes may include, but are not limited to, the following: ya
 Corrective action, Preventive action, and Defect repair • Pe

Work Performance Reports [Output]
• Work performance reports are the physical or electronic
• La
representation of work performance information compiled in project
documents, intended to generate decisions, actions, or awareness.
• Project information may be communicated verbally from person to ke
person. However, in order to record, store, and sometimes distribute
• In
work performance information, a physical or electronic
representation in the form of project documents is required.
• Work performance reports are a subset of project documents, which ata
are intended to create awareness and generate decisions or actions.
• La
• Specific work performance metrics may be defined at the start of the di
project and included in the normal work performance reports ke
provided to key stakeholders.
• M
• Examples of work performance reports include status reports, di
memos, justifications, information notes, recommendations, and pe
• Co
Schedule Forecasts [Input]
• The schedule forecasts are derived from progress against the
schedule baseline and computed time estimate to complete (ETC).
• This is typically expressed in terms of schedule variance (SV) and
schedule performance index (SPI).
• For projects not using earned value management, variances
against the planned finish dates and forecasted finish dates are
• The forecast may be used to determine if the project is still within
defined tolerance ranges and identify any necessary change
• Prakiraan jadwal diturunkan dari kemajuan terhadap baseline
jadwal dan perkiraan waktu yang dihitung untuk menyelesaikan
• Ini biasanya dinyatakan dalam varians jadwal (SV) dan indeks
kinerja jadwal (SPI).
Cost Forecasts [Input]

• The cost forecasts are derived from progress against the cost
baseline and computed estimates to complete (ETC).
• This is typically expressed in terms of cost variance (CV) and cost
performance index (CPI).
• An estimate at completion (EAC) can be compared to the budget
at completion (BAC) to see if the project is still within tolerance
ranges or if a change request is required.
• For projects not using earned value management, variances
against the planned versus actual expenditures and forecasted
final costs are provided.
• Prakiraan biaya diturunkan dari kemajuan terhadap baseline
biaya dan perkiraan yang dihitung untuk diselesaikan (ETC).
• Ini biasanya dinyatakan dalam varians biaya (CV) dan indeks
kinerja biaya (CPI).

Validated Changes [Input]

• Approved changes that result from the Perform Integrated

Change Control process require validation to ensure that the
change was appropriately implemented.
• A validated change provides the necessary data to confirm that
the change was appropriately executed.
• Perubahan yang disetujui yang dihasilkan dari proses Lakukan
Kontrol Perubahan Terintegrasi memerlukan validasi untuk
memastikan bahwa perubahan tersebut diterapkan dengan tepat.
• Perubahan yang divalidasi menyediakan data yang diperlukan
untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa perubahan telah dijalankan dengan
Work Performance Information [Input]
• Work performance information is the performance data collected • Inf
from various controlling processes, analyzed in context, and da
integrated based on relationships across areas. dii
• Thus work performance data has been transformed into work • De
performance information. Data in itself cannot be used in the inf
decision-making process as it has only out-of-context meaning. da
• Work performance information, however, is correlated and
contextualized, and provides a sound foundation for project • Inf
decisions. dik
• Work performance information is circulated through
communication processes. • Inf
• Examples of performance information are status of deliverables, • Co
implementation status for change requests, and forecasted im
estimates to complete. pe
Analytical Techniques [Tools]
• Analytical techniques are applied in project management to • Tekn
forecast potential outcomes based on possible variations of mera
project or environmental variables and their relationships with proye
other variables. varia
• Examples of analytical techniques used in projects are: • Cont
• Regression analysis,
• • R
Grouping methods,
• • G
Causal analysis,
• • C
Root cause analysis,
• • R
Forecasting methods (e.g., time series, scenario building, simulation, etc.),
• • F
Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA),
• • F
Fault tree analysis (FTA),
• • F
Reserve analysis,
• • R
Trend analysis,
• • T
Earned value management, and
• • E
Variance analysis.
• V
4.5 Perform Integrated Change Control
Process Description Key Benefits Key Outputs

Reviewing all change requests; It allows for documented • Approved

approving changes and changes within the project change requests
managing changes to to be considered in an
deliverables, organizational integrated fashion while • Change log
process assets, project reducing project risk, which
documents, and the project often arises from changes
management plan; and made without
communicating their consideration to the overall
disposition. project objectives or plans.

Meninjau semua permintaan Hal ini memungkinkan

perubahan; menyetujui perubahan terdokumentasi
perubahan dan mengelola dalam proyek untuk
perubahan pada kiriman, aset dipertimbangkan secara
proses organisasi, dokumen terintegrasi sambil
proyek, dan rencana mengurangi risiko proyek,
manajemen proyek; dan yang sering muncul dari
mengkomunikasikan disposisi perubahan yang dibuat
mereka. tanpa mempertimbangkan
4.5 Perform Integrated Change Control
4.5 Perform Integrated Change Control
Perform Integrated Change Control

• The Perform Integrated Change Control process is conducted • Prose

from project inception through completion and is the ultimate awal
responsibility of the project manager. utam
• The project management plan, the project scope statement, • Renc
and other deliverables are maintained by carefully and proy
continuously managing changes, either by rejecting changes peru
or by approving changes, thereby assuring that only meno
approved changes are incorporated into a revised baseline. sehin
• Every documented change request needs to be either
approved or rejected by a responsible individual, usually the
project sponsor or project manager. • Setia
• The responsible individual will be identified in the project
management plan or by organizational procedures.
• Indiv
Change Control Board (CCB)
• When required, the Perform Integrated Change Control process • Jika
includes a change control board (CCB), which is a formally men
chartered group responsible for reviewing, evaluating, approving, yang
delaying, or rejecting changes to the project, and for recording and men
communicating such decisions. untu
• Approved change requests can require new or revised cost • Perm
estimates, activity sequences, schedule dates, resource requirements, biay
and analysis of risk response alternatives. kebu
• These changes can require adjustments to the project management • Peru
plan and other project documents. man
• The applied level of change control is dependent upon the • Ting
application area, complexity of the specific project, contract aplik
requirements, and the context and environment in which the project kont
is performed.
• Pers
• Customer or sponsor approval may be required for certain change perm
requests after CCB approval, unless they are part of the CCB jika
Configuration Control

• Configuration control is focused on the specification of both • Kont

the deliverables and the processes; while change control is prose
focused on identifying, documenting, and approving or meng
rejecting changes to the project documents, deliverables, or meno
baselines. garis
• Some of the configuration management activities included in • Bebe
the Perform Integrated Change Control process are as dalam
follows: sebag
• Configuration identification, • I
• Configuration status accounting, • ,
• Configuration verification and audit. • V
Approved Change Requests [Output]

• Change requests are processed according to the change • Permi

control system by the project manager, CCB, or by an perub
assigned team member. yang d
• Approved change requests will be implemented through the • Permi
Direct and Manage Project Work process. diimp
• The disposition of all change requests, approved or not, will Work.
be updated in the change log as part of updates to the project • Dispo
documents. akan d
Change Log [Output]

• A change log is used to document changes that occur during

a project.
• These changes and their impact to the project in terms of
time, cost, and risk, are communicated to the appropriate
• Rejected change requests are also captured in the change log.
• Log perubahan digunakan untuk mendokumentasikan
perubahan yang terjadi selama proyek.
• Perubahan ini dan dampaknya terhadap proyek dalam hal
waktu, biaya, dan risiko, dikomunikasikan kepada
pemangku kepentingan yang sesuai.
• Permintaan perubahan yang ditolak juga dicatat dalam log
Project Management Plan [Input]

• Elements of the project management plan that may be used • Elemen

include, but are not limited to: diguna
 Scope management plan, which contains the procedures • Ren
for scope changes; car
 Scope baseline, which provides product definition; and • Sco
 Change management plan, which provides the direction • Ren
for managing the change control process and documents ara
the formal change control board (CCB). me
• Changes are documented and updated within the project
management plan as part of the change and configuration • Peruba
management processes. manaje
Change Request [Input]

• All of the Monitoring and Controlling processes and many of• Semua
the Executing processes produce change requests as an proses
output. sebagai
• Change requests may include corrective action, preventive • Permin
action, and defect repairs. However, corrective and tindaka
preventive actions do not normally affect the project baselines korekti
—only the performance against the baselines. baselin

Work Performance Reports [Input]

• Work performance reports of particular interest to the • Lapo
Perform Integrated Change Control process include resource prose
availability, schedule and cost data, and earned value keter
management (EVM) reports, burnup or burndown charts. lapor
Meetings [Tools]

• In this case, these meetings are usually referred to as change • Da

control meetings. seb
• When needed for the project, a change control board (CCB) is • Ke
responsible for meeting and reviewing the change requests bo
and approving, rejecting, or other disposition of those me
changes. ata
• The CCB may also review configuration management • CC
• Per
• The roles and responsibilities of these boards are clearly jela
defined and agreed upon by appropriate stakeholders and da
documented in the change management plan. per
• CCB decisions are documented and communicated to the • Ke
stakeholders for information and follow-up actions. kep
Change Control Tools [Tools]

• In order to facilitate configuration and change management, • Untuk

manual or automated tools may be used. alat ma
• Tool selection should be based on the needs of the project • Pemilih
stakeholders including organizational and environmental kepent
considerations and/or constraints. kendal
• Tools are used to manage the change requests and the • Alat di
resulting decisions. keputu
• Additional considerations should be made for • Pertim
communication to assist the CCB members in their duties as untuk
well as distribute the decisions to the appropriate mendis
stakeholders. yang se
4.6 Close Project or Phase
Process Key Benefits Key Outputs
Finalizing all It provides lessons Final product,
activities across all learned, the formal service, or result
of the Project ending of project transition
Management work, and the
Process Groups to release of
formally complete organization
the project or phase. resources to pursue
new endeavors.

Menyelesaikan Ini memberikan Produk akhir,

semua aktivitas di pelajaran, akhir layanan, atau
semua Grup Proses formal pekerjaan transisi hasil
Manajemen Proyek proyek, dan
untuk pelepasan sumber
menyelesaikan daya organisasi
proyek atau fase untuk mengejar
4.6 Close Project or Phase
4.6 Close Project or Phase
Close Project or Phase

• This includes all planned activities necessary for • Ini men

administrative closure of the project or phase, including step- diperlu
by-step methodologies that address: termas
• Actions and activities necessary to satisfy completion or memba
exit criteria for the phase or project; • Tin
• Actions and activities necessary to transfer the project’s me
products, services, or results to the next phase; or to ata
production and/or operations; and • Tin
• Activities needed to collect project or phase records, audit me
project success or failure, gather lessons learned and ber
archive project information for future use by the • Ke
organization. pro
Final Product, Service, or Result
Transition [Output]

• This output refers to the transition of the final product,

service, or result that the project was authorized to produce
(or in the case of phase closure, the intermediate product,
service, or result of that phase).
• Output ini mengacu pada transisi produk akhir, layanan,
atau hasil yang diizinkan untuk diproduksi oleh proyek (atau
dalam kasus penutupan fase, produk antara, layanan, atau
hasil dari fase itu).
Accepted Deliverables [Input]

• Accepted deliverables may include approved product

specifications, delivery receipts, and work performance
• Partial or interim deliverables may also be included for
phased or cancelled projects.

• Hasil yang diterima dapat mencakup spesifikasi produk yang

disetujui, tanda terima pengiriman, dan dokumen kinerja
• Kiriman sebagian atau sementara juga dapat disertakan
untuk proyek bertahap atau dibatalkan.
Thank You
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)

Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a top down, deductive failure analysis in which an undesired state of a system is
analyzed using Boolean logic to combine a series of lower-level events. This analysis method is mainly used in the
fields of safety engineering and reliability engineering to understand how systems can fail, to identify the best ways
to reduce risk or to determine (or get a feeling for) event rates of a safety accident or a particular system level
(functional) failure. FTA is used in the aerospace, nuclear power, chemical and process,[1][2][3] pharmaceutical,
petrochemical and other high-hazard industries; but is also used in fields as diverse as risk factor identification
relating to social service system failure.[4]

In aerospace, the more general term "system Failure Condition" is used for the "undesired state" / Top event of the
fault tree. These conditions are classified by the severity of their effects. The most severe conditions require the
most extensive fault tree analysis. These "system Failure Conditions" and their classification are often previously
determined in the functional Hazard analysis.

FTA can be used to:

understand the logic leading to the top event / undesired state.

show compliance with the (input) system safety / reliability requirements.
prioritize the contributors leading to the top event - Creating the Critical Equipment/Parts/Events lists for different
importance measures.
monitor and control the safety performance of the complex system (e.g., is a particular aircraft safe to fly when fuel
valve x malfunctions? For how long is it allowed to fly with the valve malfunction?).
minimize and optimize resources.
assist in designing a system. The FTA can be used as a design tool that helps to create (output / lower level)
function as a diagnostic tool to identify and correct causes of the top event. It can help with the creation of
diagnostic manuals / processes.
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

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