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Organizational Influence

and Project Life Cycle

Organizational Influences on Project Pen
Management pro
• An organization’s culture, • Kultur, style dan
style, and structure structure organisasi
influence how its projects mempengaruhi
are performed. bagaimana proyek
• The organization’s level of dikerjakan
project management • Kematangan Level
maturity and its project Organisasi dari projeck
management systems can management dan project
also influence the project. management sistenya
• When a project involves juga mempengaruhi
external entities such as proyek
those that are part of a • Ketika sebuah project
joint venture or melibatkan external unit
partnering agreement, the seperti JO atau
project will be influenced consortium, maka proyek
Organizational Influences on Project
Functional Organization
Weak Matrix Organization
Balanced Matrix Organization
Strong Matrix Organization
Projectized Organization
Organizational Process Assets As
• Organizational process assets are the plans, processes, • Ase
policies, procedures, and knowledge bases specific to and pro
used by the performing organization. dig
• They include any artifact, practice, or knowledge from any •
or all of the organizations involved in the project that can sala
be used to perform or govern the project. pro
• These process assets include formal and informal plans, me
processes, policies, procedures, and knowledge bases, • Ase
specific to and used by the performing organization. pro
• The process assets also include the organization’s khu
knowledge bases such as lessons learned and historical me
information. • Ase
Organizational Process Assets (cont.)
• Organizational process assets may include completed • A
schedules, risk data, and earned value data. te
• Organizational process assets are inputs to most
planning processes. • A
• Throughout the project, the project team members
may update and add to the organizational process • Se
assets as necessary. m
• Organizational process assets may be grouped into
two categories: • A
(1) processes and procedures, and
(2) corporate knowledge base.
Enterprise Environmental Factors
• Fakto
• Enterprise environmental factors refer to conditions,
not under the control of the project team, that
influence, constrain, or direct the project.
• Enterprise environmental factors are considered
• Fakto
inputs to most planning processes, may enhance or
constrain project management options, and may have
a positive or negative influence on the outcome.
Project Stakeholder Pemangku K
• Stakeholders include all members of the project team • Pem
as well as all interested entities that are internal or proy
external to the organization. inter
• The project team identifies internal and external, • Tim
positive and negative, and performing and advising posi
stakeholders in order to determine the project sara
requirements and the expectations of all parties men
involved. piha
• The project manager should manage the influences of • Man
these various stakeholders in relation to the project pem
requirements to ensure a successful outcome. pers
The Relationship Between
Stakeholders and the Project
Project Governance Tat
• Tata
• Project governance is an oversight function that is aligned
with the organization’s governance model and that
encompasses the project life cycle.
• Keran
• Project governance framework provides the project
manager and team with structure, processes, decision-
making models and tools for managing the project, while
supporting and controlling the project for successful
• Tata
• Project governance is a critical element of any project,
especially on complex and risky projects.
• It provides a comprehensive, consistent method of
• Ini m
controlling the project and ensuring its success by defining
and documenting and communicating reliable, repeatable
project practices.
Project Governance (cont.)
• It includes a framework for making project decisions; •
defines roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities for the
success of the project; and determines the effectiveness of
the project manager.
• A project’s governance is defined by and fits within the •
larger context of the portfolio, program, or organization
sponsoring it but is separate from organizational
Project Success Keberhasilan Proyek
• Since projects are temporary in nature, the success of the project • Ka
should be measured in terms of completing the project within the di
constraints of scope, time, cost, quality, resources, and risk as lin
approved between the project managers and senior management. di
• To ensure realization of benefits for the undertaken project, a • Un
test period (such as soft launch in services) can be part of the total di
project time before handing it over to the permanent operations. lay
• Project success should be referred to the last baselines approved di
by the authorized stakeholders. • Ke
• The project manager is responsible and accountable for setting di
realistic and achievable boundaries for the project and to • M
accomplish the project within the approved baselines. un
Project Team
• The project team includes the project manager and the group of • Tim
individuals who act together in performing the work of the yan
project to achieve its objectives. pro
• The project team includes the project manager, project • Tim
management staff, and other team members who carry out the dan
work but who are not necessarily involved with management of har
the project.
• Tim
• This team is comprised of individuals from different groups with ber
specific subject matter knowledge or with a specific skill set to den
carry out the work of the project.
• Str
• The structure and characteristics of a project team can vary teta
widely, but one constant is the project manager’s role as the pem
leader of the team, regardless of what authority the project ma
manager may have over its members.
Komposisi Tim Proyek
Composition of Project Teams
• The composition of project teams varies based on factors such as • Kom
organizational culture, scope, and location. sepe
• The relationship between the project manager and the team • Hub
varies depending on the authority of the project manager. In pada
some cases, a project manager may be the team’s line manager, proy
with full authority over its members. penu
• In other cases, a project manager may have little or no direct • Dala
organizational authority over the team members and may have sedi
been brought in to lead the project on a part-time basis or under tim d
contract. paru
• The following are examples of basic project team compositions: • Beri
• Dedicated
• Part-time
Siklus Hidup Proyek
Project Life Cycle
• A project life cycle is the series of phases that a project • Sikl
passes through from its initiation to its closure. pro
• The phases are generally sequential, and their names and • Fas
numbers are determined by the management and control dite
needs of the organization or organizations involved in the org
project, the nature of the project itself, and its area of pro
• Fas
• The phases can be broken down by functional or partial fun
objectives, intermediate results or deliverables, specific pen
milestones within the overall scope of work, or financial atau
• Fas
• Phases are generally time bounded, with a start and ending atau
or control point.
Project Life Cycle (cont.)
• A life cycle can be documented within a methodology. • Sikl
• The project life cycle can be determined or shaped by the • Sikl
unique aspects of the organization, industry, or technology aspe
employed. digu
• While every project has a definite start and a definite end, • Sem
the specific deliverables and activities that take place in akh
between will vary widely with the project. anta
• The life cycle provides the basic framework for managing • Sikl
the project, regardless of the specific work involved. men
Typical Cost and Staffing Levels Across a
Generic Project Life cycle Structure
Impact of Variable Based on Project

Critical Point
Project Phases Fase Proyek
• A project may be divided into any number of phases. • Sebu
• A project phase is a collection of logically related project activities • Fase
that culminates in the completion of one or more deliverables. logis
• Project phases are used when the nature of the work to be performed• Fase
is unique to a portion of the project, and are typically linked to the adal
development of a specific major deliverable. peng
• A phase may emphasize processes from a particular Project • Sebu
Management Process Group, but it is likely that most or all processes Man
will be executed in some form in each phase. atau
• Project phases typically are completed sequentially, but can overlap fase.
in some project situations. • Fase
• Different phases typically have a different duration or effort. tum
• The high-level nature of project phases makes them an element of • Fase
the project life cycle. berb
• Sifat
Project Phases (Single vs. Multiple)
Project Phases (Multiple Overlapping)
Siklus Hidup Predik
Predictive Life Cycles
• Predictive life cycles (also known as fully plan-driven) are• Siklus
ones in which the project scope, and the time and cost driven
required to deliver that scope, are determined as early in waktu
the project life cycle as practically possible. ruang
• These projects proceed through a series of sequential or hidup
overlapping phases, with each phase generally focusing on• Proye
a subset of project activities and project management berur
processes. umum
• The work performed in each phase is usually different in prose
nature to that in the preceding and subsequent phases, • Peker
therefore, the makeup and skills required of the project sifatn
team may vary from phase to phase. selanj
Example of Predictive Life Cycles
Siklus Hidup Iteratif dan Inkrem
Iterative and Incremental Life Cycles

• Iterative and incremental life cycles are ones in which project phases •
(also called iterations) intentionally repeat one or more project
activities as the project team’s understanding of the product
• Iterations develop the product through a series of repeated cycles, •
while increments successively add to the functionality of the
• These life cycles develop the product both iteratively and •
• Iterative and incremental life cycles are generally preferred when an •
organization needs to manage changing objectives and scope, to
reduce the complexity of a project, or when the partial delivery of a
product is beneficial and provides value for one or more stakeholder
groups without impact to the final deliverable or set of deliverables.
Siklus hidup adaptif
Adaptive Life cycles
• Adaptive life cycles (also known as change-driven or agile • Si
methods) are intended to respond to high levels of change di
and ongoing stakeholder involvement. un
• Adaptive methods are also iterative and incremental, but
differ in that iterations are very rapid (usually with a • M
duration of 2 to 4 weeks) and are fixed in time and cost. be
• Adaptive projects generally perform several processes in bi
each iteration, although early iterations may concentrate
more on planning activities. • Pr
• Adaptive methods are generally preferred when dealing be
with a rapidly changing environment, when requirements
and scope are difficult to define in advance, and when it is • M
possible to define small incremental improvements that de
will deliver value to stakeholders. pe
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